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10/23/2015 Human Resources A Comprehensive Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "10/23/2015 Human Resources A Comprehensive Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/23/2015 Human Resources A Comprehensive Approach

2 10/23/2015 Human Resources Value Added HR Strategy Spectrum Reactive Strategic Industry NB Power high low

3 10/23/2015 This is how we did it.

4 10/23/2015 Vision People at Their Best Mission Create a Work Environment that gives both Teams and Individuals an opportunity… to Perform at their Best.

5 10/23/2015 Employee Growth & Evolution Four Principles Team Work Customer Focus Corporate Excellence

6 10/23/2015 The Work Environment Awareness Trust Challenging Enthusiastic Opportunity

7 10/23/2015 Team Based Resourcing Dual Track Compensation Relationship Management Leadership Partnership with Labour Safety Well-Being Diversity Philosophies

8 10/23/2015 Team Based Resourcing Dual Track Compensation Relationship Management Partnership with Labour Safety Well-Being Diversity Philosophies

9 10/23/2015 Team Based Resourcing Dual Track Compensation Relationship Management Partnership with Labour Safety Diversity Philosophies

10 10/23/2015 Savings Noteworthy Accomplishments Well-Being Sick Days per Employee 2006 1 < sick day/ 2500 employee = $700,000 in direct costs / yr 1 < sick day/ 2500 employee = $ 2.8m in indirect costs / yr Province of NB – 8.5 days (Statistics Canada) Utilities – 9.1 days (Statistics Canada) National Average – 7.8 days (Statistics Canada) NB Power – 6.3 days (5 Year Average)

11 10/23/2015 Long Term Disability Increases Noteworthy Accomplishments NB Power – decrease of 15% - 2006-2007 National Average – 7% (Morneau Sobeco Consulting) Well-Being continued… Savings $360k / yr

12 10/23/2015 1978-1993 2001-2007 9 Lost Time Accidents 175 Lost Days 110 + Lost Time Accidents 1500 – 2000 Lost Days Noteworthy Accomplishments Safety Savings $7.5m (approximately) in directs costs in 10 yrs

13 10/23/2015 Flex Benefits Costs Four Long Term Agreements Noteworthy Accomplishments Labour Pre-flex Benefits 1999 – $9.2M Flex Benefits 2010 Projected Costs - $12.6M Pre-flex Benefits 2010 Projected Costs - $24.1M Savings $62.4M – est. cumulative cost by 2010

14 10/23/2015 Lowest Rate Group Noteworthy Accomplishments Workers Compensation Savings 38 groups Grouped with banking & advertising industries 1992 - $1.01 (peak costs) Lowest rate – $0.40 2005 - $0.48 (same as flower shops!) Highest rate – $10.25 $400k / yr

15 10/23/2015 Percentage of women Diversity Noteworthy Accomplishments 22%

16 10/23/2015 Noteworthy Accomplishments

17 10/23/2015 Who has a question, comment or concern?

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