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 2007 by David A. Prentice HOW DO YOU K NOW WHAT YOU K NOW? Or at least what you think you know? HOW DO YOU K NOW WHAT YOU K NOW? Or at least what you.

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Presentation on theme: " 2007 by David A. Prentice HOW DO YOU K NOW WHAT YOU K NOW? Or at least what you think you know? HOW DO YOU K NOW WHAT YOU K NOW? Or at least what you."— Presentation transcript:

1  2007 by David A. Prentice HOW DO YOU K NOW WHAT YOU K NOW? Or at least what you think you know? HOW DO YOU K NOW WHAT YOU K NOW? Or at least what you think you know? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 

2  2007 by David A. Prentice Review of DVD n Questions n The 6 days of creation are really 6,000 years, right? n Did God use evolution to create anything? n It’s okay to say something happened millions of years ago, right? n Answers n WRONG! They are just Normal Days!!! n NO!!! n WRONG! And we should tell our kids that it’s not okay every chance we get

3  2007 by David A. Prentice Review of Last Class Questions n Is Evolution science or religion? n Creation believes the world started perfect and is getting __________ n Evolution believes the world started disorganized and is getting _________ Answers n Religion n Worse - “Initial Complexity” n Better - “Initial Disorganization”

4  2007 by David A. Prentice WHEN WILL THIS QUIZ BE OVER? Smile because we’re almost done

5  2007 by David A. Prentice n The Bible says that one kind of animal can evolve into another kind, right? n Does evolution say that any animal can evolve into any other animal given enough “millions of years”? n Most evolutionists are atheists (don’t believe in God), right? – think hard... n The “god” of atheists is called _____________ n WRONG!!! n Yep. n Nope! all believe in some “god” n Natural Processes or random chance

6  2007 by David A. Prentice n Punctuated Equilibrium says evolutions happens in sp_rts (like in x-men) n Neo-Darwinism says evolution happens sl__ly n Genesis 1-3 happened about how many years ago? n Day Age Theory & Progressive Creation are the same as Th__st_c Evolution n Spurts n Slowly n Around 4,000 years ago n Theistic

7  2007 by David A. Prentice n There is more than one “GAP theory” and they’re not all true, right? n Yep. - Angelic Conflict Study The Angelic Conflict study helps us understand why Satan is trying so hard to get evolution accepted as fact. The Study of False Gifts helps us understand the thoughts behind “Christians” who compromise with the world Prophecy helps us understand why the Bible is true and what will happen to this world in the future The James study helps us understand how to stand firm in the angelic conflict that we are always involved in.

8  2007 by David A. Prentice Present + Repeatable + Observable = SCIENCE

9  2007 by David A. Prentice THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD 1. Define the problem. What do you want to know? (E.g. “Does music affect how plants grow?”) 2. Gather information about the subject. (AUTHORITY) 3. Formulate a hypothesis. 4. Devise a way to test the hypothesis. 5. Observe the results of the test. (EXPERIENCE) 6. Draw a conclusion (INDUCTIVE LOGIC) and report your results so others can repeat the test. 

10  2007 by David A. Prentice TRUE SCIENCE We’re on page 4

11  2007 by David A. Prentice = Science which is Testable n Are we currently conducting an experiment about a pen? PRESENT n Can someone else repeat our complicated experiment? + Repeatable n Are there people here doing and watching the experiment? + Eyewitnesses

12  2007 by David A. Prentice Past + Non-Repeatable + Eyewitness Account = HISTORY Who was the first President?

13  2007 by David A. Prentice = HISTORY which is NOT testable n Is G.W. currently the president? PAST n Will the same G.W. ever be president again? Can we ever re-live the revolution? + Non-Repeatable n Were there reliable people who saw and wrote about what G.W. did in the past? + Eyewitnesses

14  2007 by David A. Prentice Past + Non-Repeatable + No Eyewitnesses = BELIEF

15  2007 by David A. Prentice

16 = Belief which is NOT testable n Are the pieces currently being put inside? PAST n Will this projector ever be made for the 1 st time again? How can we be sure how this projector was put together? + Non-Repeatable n Are there any eyewitness accounts of when it was made? + No Eyewitnesses

17  2007 by David A. Prentice History or Belief?

18  2007 by David A. Prentice = Belief which is NOT testable n Are the pieces currently being put inside? PAST n Will this fossil ever be made for the 1 st time again? How can we be sure how this fossil was put together? + Non-Repeatable n Are there any eyewitness accounts of when it was made? + No Eyewitnesses

19  2007 by David A. Prentice Evolution Is: n Not Science n Not History n Only a Belief n What are the differences between the 3?

20  2007 by David A. Prentice Present + Repeatable + Observable = SCIENCE Past + Non-Repeatable + Eyewitness Account = HISTORY Past + Non-Repeatable + No Eyewitnesses = BELIEF 

21  2007 by David A. Prentice WHAT TV AND TEXTBOOKS SHOW US... WHAT TV AND TEXTBOOKS SHOW US... 

22  2007 by David A. Prentice WHAT WE ACTUALLY FIND: WHAT WE ACTUALLY FIND: a bunch of jumbled up bone fragments a bunch of jumbled up bone fragments That we put together and make up stories about! That we put together and make up stories about! IF YOU CAN’T OBSERVE, IT’S NOT SCIENCE -- IT’S STORYTELLING! IF YOU CAN’T OBSERVE, IT’S NOT SCIENCE -- IT’S STORYTELLING! 

23  2007 by David A. Prentice Truth or Story Telling Bones n Found together n Guess of what it looked like n Had Nasty Disposition n Had Bad Breath You and Mr. Columbus n Found Together n Guess of what you both looked like n You both had smart phones n Mr. Columbus used GPS- ap

24  2007 by David A. Prentice THINGS WE CAN TEST SCIENTIFICALLY: 1. Overall trends and tend- encies in nature. 2. Observable processes. 3. Processes and events that left direct evidence. THINGS WE CAN’T: THINGS WE CAN’T: 1. Who or what started the universe, and was there a motive? 2. Morality and meaning. 3. Specific details: the names of the first humans, what they wore, what they liked to eat, etc.  We’re on page 6

25  2007 by David A. Prentice THE ORIGINS CONTROVERSY: Not Science vs. Religion, but Religion vs. Religion. THE ORIGINS CONTROVERSY: Not Science vs. Religion, but Religion vs. Religion. CREATION CREATION EVOLUTION EVOLUTION is a religion based on REVELATION. is a religion based on SPECULATION. 

26  2007 by David A. Prentice Why is it important to have an eyewitness? This class is a piece of cake, right?

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