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Staffing in academic libraries: key issues Debby Shorley Librarian University of Sussex.

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Presentation on theme: "Staffing in academic libraries: key issues Debby Shorley Librarian University of Sussex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staffing in academic libraries: key issues Debby Shorley Librarian University of Sussex

2 The right people for the right jobs  a clear strategy for the library is essential  the staff structure must be fit for purpose

3 What is changing in the UK?  need for multi-skilled staff  more flexible labour market  impact of ICT  fast growing cost of wages

4 In the past  clear division between professionally qualified staff and the more junior workers  lack of clear management  hands off approach to staff

5 What has improved?  clear line management structures  tighter performance management  improved staff development

6 What is more difficult?  very restrictive laws  need to respect employees’ personal circumstances e.g. part-time working to accommodate family responsibilities  fast rise in salary costs

7 The good structure is  able to respond to changing needs  does not depend on specific individuals  has clear line management  is reviewed regularly to see that it is still what is needed

8 Each post must have  clear key responsibilities  accountability  a line manager  a full and up-to-date job description  an opportunity for personal career development

9 Performance management  clear tasks and targets  line management  regular appraisal  training and development

10  address all problems promptly and clearly otherwise they will be much more difficult to deal with  be fair and consistent in the way you manage staff

11 University Library Debby Shorley Librarian University of Sussex

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