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Implementing Energise for Excellence and responding to the Call To Action on the ward Lesley Marsh Assistant Director of Nursing.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Energise for Excellence and responding to the Call To Action on the ward Lesley Marsh Assistant Director of Nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Energise for Excellence and responding to the Call To Action on the ward Lesley Marsh Assistant Director of Nursing

2 Aims energise for excellence: the ward managers ‘Call To Action’ supporting safe and effective care, and delivering positive patient and staff experiences enabling ward managers to tell their quality story and commit to the ‘call to action’ the tools and toolkits which measure improvement, change practice and spread success


4 Education both pre & post registration Values based recruitment Personal Development Evidence based staffing levels Evidence based, using innovation & best practice Improving outcomes Productive & efficient Delivered in the right place Clarity of measures & impact Safety thermometer Continuous improvement Transparent & open reporting Real time monitoring & improvement Friends and Family Test Informed & involved in decisions Personal responsibility for health & well being Rewarding & worthwhile jobs Professionally accountable Proud to be a nurse /midwife Treated fairly Engaged in decisions Get Staffing Right Get Staffing Right Deliver Care Measure Impact Patient Experience Staff Experience Leadership at every level

5 We call you to commit to take FIVE actions. 1. Commit to take a specific action to make a specific change within a specific timescale 2. Use the most relevant tools 3. Measure it 4. Celebrate success 5. Tell your story to others

6 Values based recruitment Education and training Fallsafe train the trainer Leadership programmes Values based recruitment Education and training Fallsafe train the trainer Leadership programmes Fallsafe project Harm free care / safety thermometer Observations of care / peer review Safe and productive care of older people Harm free care / safety thermometer Observations of care / peer review Safe and productive care of older people Complaints Patient feedback Friends and family test Complaints Patient feedback Friends and family test Reporting falls Learning Feedback from study days Reporting falls Learning Feedback from study days Get Staffing Right Get Staffing Right Deliver Care Measure Impact Patient Experience Staff Experience Falls Internal & External concern

7 Changes to care Patient risk factors Cardiovascular Balance Confusion Bone health Medication Vision Toileting Environmental risk factors Patient environment Equipment Special observation

8 THINK FALLS F = Fatal A = Assessment L = List risk factors & act L = Leave essentials within reach S = Stop medication if you can

9 Falls – what did we achieve? Fallsafe champion in every clinical area Falls assessment for every patient over 65 Falls pathway for every patient identified at risk Post falls protocol Falls group Resource folder THINK falls

10 Falls – the numbers


12 National Outcomes The number of patients without a call bell in reach was reduced by 78%. Twice as many requests for medication reviews were made. The number of patients who did not have safe footwear was reduced by 67%. Twice as many patients had their lying and standing blood pressure checked manually. There was a 56% increase in patients being assessed for signs of confusion. More than twice as many patients were asked if they were worried that they might fall. There was a 41% decrease in the number of patients given night sedation.

13 Trust outcomes The number of patients without a call bell in reach was reduced by 80%. 55% increase in request for medication reviews The number of patients who did not have safe footwear was reduced by 47%. There was a 64% increase in patients being assessed for signs of confusion. 50% patients over 65 were asked if they were worried that they might fall. There was a 30% decrease in the number of patients given night sedation. Reduced length of stay for older people by 3 days

14 Next steps Environmental audits Review pathway Night time medication Chair review Toileting Continue audit

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