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2011 Flotilla / Division Leadership Course Honor Respect Devotion to Duty FLOTILLA STAFFING Garrison Bromwell – DSO-MT, PDCDR.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Flotilla / Division Leadership Course Honor Respect Devotion to Duty FLOTILLA STAFFING Garrison Bromwell – DSO-MT, PDCDR."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Flotilla / Division Leadership Course Honor Respect Devotion to Duty FLOTILLA STAFFING Garrison Bromwell – DSO-MT, PDCDR

2 WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Appointment of Flotilla Staff Officers (FSOs) The recruiting process Difference between internal and external functions Mentoring and training How the staff works together 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 2

3 APPOINTING THE STAFF FC appoints the Flotilla Staff VFC runs the staff Brief staff on their duties and responsibilities. Your delegation of authority to a staff officer does not relieve you from any responsibility. 3 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

4 APPOINTMENT CONSIDERATIONS Staff officers serve at the elected officer’s pleasure. Should be a member for 1 year. Can hold elected and appointed positions simultaneously 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 4

5 STAFF APPOINTMENTS The Flotilla Commander (FC) is to appoint an FSO in each of the internal functions. Additionally, an FSO is to be appointed in at least one external program. No staff officer need be appointed to a program not supported by the flotilla. 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 5

6 STAFF APPOINTMENTS FCs must appoint internal staff in: o FN..Finance o IS..Information Services o MA..Materials o HR..Human Resources o IS..Information Services o PA..Public Affairs o PB..Publications o SR..Secretary of Records o CS..Computer Services 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 6

7 STAFF APPOINTMENTS Operations and Marine Safety Functions: o NS..Navigation Systems o MS..Marine Safety o OP..Operations o CM..Communications 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 7

8 STAFF APPOINTMENTS Recreational Boating Safety Functions: o PE..Public Education o VE..Vessel Exams o PV..Program Visitors 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 8

9 STAFF APPOINTMENTS Holding multiple offices? Combining offices and/or functions? Vice Flotilla Commander – “read the mail” Committees – Ad Hoc Groups Aviation and Legal NOT FLOTILLA LEVEL 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 9

10 RECRUITING STAFF The positions that your flotilla NEEDS to accomplish your goals Internal Functions (Member to Member) External Functions (Member to Public) Mentor Selective recruiting 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing 10

11 SELECTING THE STAFF What position do you need to fill? What qualifications are you looking for? Who do you know with those quals? What organizations are formed around these interests? How complicated is the position? Could an assistant help? 11 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

12 INTERVIEWING FOR THE STAFF What is the level of interest? What is the prospective member looking for... Social or Service? What has the member done so far o In the Auxiliary? o In other organizations or work? Be sure to outline 'The next step’! 12 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

13 APPOINTING THE STAFF Do a formal appointment – letter – job description Source of job descriptions Notify the SO of the new staff member Update AUXDATA via ANSC 7006 Annual officer reports ANSC 7007 Conduct a swearing in ceremony 13 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

14 DEVELOPING THE STAFF Do not hand FSOs their job descriptions and expect them to take off! Explain the job Discuss the expectations Explain the paperwork Explain the goals 14 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

15 DEVELOPING THE STAFF Help them get the training they need Use available resources such as o Division officers o Other flotillas o C Schools (Mandatory for IS) o Past officers o Web resources 15 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

16 DEVELOPING THE STAFF REVIEW the effectiveness of the staff FC and VFC should do routinely Work with less than effective staff Replace if necessary Praise jobs well done 16 2011 FDLC - Flotilla Staffing

17 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty The WEB of the staff GAME TIME!

18 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty End of Staffing Session

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