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Philosophy in the news...  Ann Coulter’s visit...  ann-coulter-gets-a-big-welcome-from-calgary/article1511247/

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy in the news...  Ann Coulter’s visit...  ann-coulter-gets-a-big-welcome-from-calgary/article1511247/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy in the news...  Ann Coulter’s visit...  ann-coulter-gets-a-big-welcome-from-calgary/article1511247/  The Harris Learning Library...

2 Kenn Brown art

3 Transhumanism: Carpe Diem or Playing God?

4  The Epic of Gilgamesh dates from the 3 rd millennium BCE and is one of the finest surviving epic poems in world literature.

5 Transhuman?

6 Julian Huxley 1957  "I believe in transhumanism:...once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Peking man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.“

7 Aims of Transhumanism….  Increase in human health span (more than merely life span)  Extension of intellectual and physical capacities  Control of our mental states and moods

8 Singularity “Singularity... the point at which technological advancement will become so rapid that the possibilities will become endless...”

9 Singularity The Singularity is the technological creation of smarter-than- human intelligence.

10 Bioconservatives…  Are opposed to the use of technology to modify human nature  Believe that human enhancement technologies will undermine human dignity (i.e. be dehumanizing)  Argue for public control of such technologies

11 Two fears…  Posthumans might harm themselves  Posthumans might harm ‘ordinary’ humans

12 Transhumanism and civil liberties...  Technological self-determination  Reproduction  Cognition  Gender re-assignment  End of life technology

13 Coming to a college near you... Rutger’s University (New Jersey)  The course requires no science or technology background and is recommended for students with an art, humanities or business focus as well as anyone who anticipates working in a high technology or science-based industry or profession.

14 The ‘singularity’ is coming… Based on 21 st C advances in  genetics  nanotechnology  robotics (including artificial intelligence) 

15 Chimera  In Mythology

16 Who’s afraid of a little chimera?  First Spidey…  Now a little spider-goat…

17 Parahuman... "human-animal hybrids"  The Young Family 2002-3  Artist: Patricia PiccininiPatricia Piccinini

18  At Stanford University in California, experiments aim to create mice with human brains.

19 Relationship between eugenics and transhumanism... Perfecting the human race…  Humanity as a work in progress  Enlightenment thinking  Evolution


21 The Battleground?

22  Clones  Designer babies  Spare parts babies  Deaf babies for deaf parents

23 Ethics and embryology – should deaf parents be allowed to choose a deaf child?  So, riddle me this: a deaf couple want a second child, and because of the woman’s age they’ll probably need to use in- vitro fertilisation techniques. No problem so far … until you find that the parents want to be able to select for a deaf child, and the UK government’s recent embryology bill will not allow them to do so.the parents want to be able to select for a deaf child, and the UK government’s recent embryology bill will not allow them to do so  This is a textbook ethical dilemma, but it’s the sort of thing that advances in reproductive technology and genetic engineering are going to make more commonplace.

24 Designer Babies... Designer Babies - Comments by Princeton professor Lee Silver  Designer babies CBS  60 minutes: Gender selection instead of disease eradication?  CSI New York: 

25 What do you think?  Should we aid in our own evolution?  Should we leave it up to nature?  Who should decide?  Who can decide?

26 Transhumanists vs. Bioconservatives Carpe Diem or Playing God?



29 Final Exam: 3 hours  70 Multiple Choice (70 marks)  Short Answer or True False (10 marks)  2 Short Paragraph Answers (20 marks)

30 Final Exam: what’s included… Everything we’ve done since Feb 3 rd  Lectures 17 to 24  The PowerPoints  The two movies  The readings and notes*

31 Multiple Choice…  Ionia, the birthplace of Western Philosophy, is in present-day  a) Greece  b) Italy  c) Turkey  d) Cyprus

32  Which group is comprised entirely of ancient materialists?  a) Thales, Democritus, Augustine  b) Thales, Socrates, Plato, St. Thomas  c) Thales, Heraclitus, Democritus  d) Thales, Heraclitus, Descartes

33  Which of the following suggested that the world consisted of tiny, indestructible elements called atoms?  a) Heraclitus  b) Democritus  c) Plato  d) Aristotle

34  “Existence precedes essence,” comes from the pen of  a) Albert Camus  b) Soren Kierkegaard  c) Jean-Paul Sartre  d) Friedrich Nietzsche

35  Which pairing makes the most sense?  a) John Locke and Tabula Rasa  b) J.S. Mill and Tabula Rasa  c) John Locke and the indubitable method  d) Rousseau and the indubitable method

36  Three ideas which challenge Locke’s theories about memory carrying the ‘self’ are  a) forgetting, false memory syndrome and drunkenness  b) reason, law and false memory  b) identity, knowledge and truth  c) amnesia, love and faith

37  Who was “awakened from [his] dogmatic slumber”?  a) Washington Irving  b) Rip Van Winkle  c) Immanuel Kant  d) No one; they’re all still sleeping

38 Short answers:  Why was Hobbes in trouble with the Catholic Church? True / False:  The tabula rasa is an ancient philosophical tablet from Ionia.

39 Paragraph Answer: Identify and discuss….  Allegory of the Cave  Blackfoot Origin Myth  Rawls’ Theory of Justice  Protagoras’ Moral Skepticism

40  Remember that philosophy hides in plain sight everywhere. But you have to pay attention…

41  Thanks for listening…

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