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Destruction of Tabaco Stills from footage taken by Colombian journalists in August 2001. Edited and distributed by PressurePoint. The small Afro-Colombian.

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1 Destruction of Tabaco Stills from footage taken by Colombian journalists in August 2001. Edited and distributed by PressurePoint. The small Afro-Colombian village of Tabaco was located on the periphery of El Cerrejon coal mine. To make room for mine expansion, the company (then half-owned by Exxon) tried to pressure residents to sell their homes. Most joined together in the Committee for the Relocation of Tabaco and asked to be compensated collectively with land that they could be moved to as a community. The company refused. In August 2001, they sent in bulldozers, dragged residents from their homes, and razed the village.






7 New Brunswick Power purchases 1 million tonnes of coal from El Cerrejon every year.

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