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Use a describing map. Write government in the middle. Describe “government.”

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1 Use a describing map. Write government in the middle. Describe “government.”


3 Objective:  To design a mind mirror which illustrates the philosophy of John Locke EQ: What is the philosophy of John Locke?

4 ISN Page 10  With your partner read John Locke’s, Two Treatises of Government  Answer the following questions: 1. Who was John Locke? 2. According to Locke what do all people possess? 3. What is the purpose of government according to Locke?

5  Open your ISN to page 10  Prepare it for Cornell Notes

6 Philosophy of John Locke  State of Nature: no government  “men enter into society” (form governments) to protect “natural rights”  “social contract”  Life  Liberty  Property These are unalienable rights, they cannot be taken away and granted by the “creator”

7  Governments  Protect natural rights  By the consent of the people (vote)  Can be removed if they don’t do their job

8 Create a Mind Mirror of John Locke: Draw an outline of a head depicting how Locke was feeling when he wrote Two Treatises on Government  2 relevant quotes  2 phrases summarizing his thoughts  2 symbols and 2 drawings explaining his perspective

9 Exit Task- index card  Using academic language and full sentences write a paragraph which answers the essential question.

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