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Slide 1 Project Management Chapter 4. Slide 2 Objectives ■ Become familiar with estimation. ■ Be able to create a project workplan. ■ Become familiar.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Project Management Chapter 4. Slide 2 Objectives ■ Become familiar with estimation. ■ Be able to create a project workplan. ■ Become familiar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Project Management Chapter 4

2 Slide 2 Objectives ■ Become familiar with estimation. ■ Be able to create a project workplan. ■ Become familiar with how to staff a project. ■ Understand how computer-aided software engineering, improve the efficiency of a project. ■ Understand how to reduce risk on a project.

3 Slide 3 Key Definitions Project management – planning and controlling the development of a system specified timeframe minimum cost right functionality. Project Manager – managing the many tasks and roles that need to be carefully coordinated.

4 Four key steps Identify project size Create and manage workplan Staff project Coordinate project activities Slide 4

5 Estimation Estimation involves assigning projected values for time and effort Performed manually or using software package Numbers come from experience with industry standards and past projects Slide 5

6 Slide 6 Estimating a Project Based on Industry Information Planning Analysis Design Implementation Industry Standard For Web15% 20% 35% 30% Applications Time Required 4 5.33 9.33 8 in Person Months

7 Slide 7 Estimation Trade-offs Size Function points Lines of code Cost Person-months People available Time Months

8 Slide 8 Getting the Right Numbers for Estimation Prior projects Past experience Industry standards Detailed analysis

9 Slide 9 Function Point Approach Estimate System Size A function point is a measure of program size that is based on the system’s number and complexity of inputs, outputs, queries, files, and program interfaces Estimate effort required Person Months Estimate time required Months to complete

10 Slide 10 Time Estimation Using a More Complex Approach


12 Slide 12 Developing a WorkPlan Identify tasks in the project Estimate task length Determine task dependencies Specify to whom task will be assigned List deliverables

13 Slide 13 A Workplan Example Work Plan InformationExample Name of taskPerform economic feasibility Start date`Jan 05, 2001 Completion dateJan 19, 2001 Person assignedMary Smith, sponsor Deliverable(s)Cost-benefit analysis Completion statusOpen PriorityHigh Resources neededSpreadsheet Estimated time16 hours Actual time14.5 hours

14 Slide 14 Identifying Tasks Top-down approach Identify highest level tasks as phases in the project Break them into increasingly smaller units Methodology Using standard list of tasks Similar to previous projects

15 Slide 15 Top Down Task Identification Phases Phases with high level steps Work PlanDeliverablesEstimated Assigned hours To *

16 Slide 16 Work Breakdown Structure Specify high level tasks Break down each step into smaller tasks and number them in a hierarchical fashion

17 Slide 17 WBS: Implement new IT training class


19 Slide 19 Key Definitions The staffing plan describes the kinds of people working on the project The project charter describes the project’s objectives and rules A functional lead manages a group of analysts A technical lead oversees progress of programmers and technical staff members

20 Key staffing activities How many people needed? Match people’s skills with project needs Motivate people to meet objectives Minimize conflict Slide 20

21 Slide 21 Staffing Attributes Staffing levels will change over a project’s lifetime Adding staff may add more overhead than additional labor Using teams of 8-10 reporting in a hierarchical structure can reduce complexity

22 Slide 22 Increasing Complexity with Larger Teams

23 Slide 23 Possible Reporting Structure

24 Slide 24 Motivation Use monetary rewards cautiously Use intrinsic rewards Recognition Achievement The work itself Responsibility Advancement Chance to learn new skills

25 Slide 25 Conflict Avoidance Strategies Clearly define roles and project plans Hold individuals accountable Project charter listing norms and groundrules Develop schedule commitments ahead of time Forecast other priorities and their possible impact on the project


27 Workplan Two visual ways of managing the workplan Gantt Chart PERT Chart Use tools like VISIO or Microsoft Project Slide 27

28 Slide 28 Gantt Chart

29 Slide 29 PERT Charts Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) PERT uses three time estimates: Optimistic, O Most likely, M Pessimistic, P Time Estimate = (O + 4 * M + P) / 6

30 Slide 30 Pert Chart

31 CASE Tools Slide 31 Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools Upper CASE Used during analysis phase Create system diagrams Store system component info Lower CASE Diagrams and code for database tables and system functionality

32 Slide 32 Standards Examples Formal rules for naming files Forms indicating goals reached Programming guidelines  Can you think of more examples?

33 Slide 33 Documentation Project binder Table of contents Continual updating

34 Slide 34 Managing Scope Scope creep -- a major cause of development problems Prototyping Formal change approval Charging for changes

35 Slide 35 Managing Risk Risk assessment Actions to reduce risk Revised assessment

36 Slide 36 Classic Mistakes Overly optimistic schedule Failing to monitor schedule Failing to update schedule Adding people to a late project

37 Slide 37 Summary Project management is critical to successful development of new systems Project management involves planning, controlling and reporting on time, labor, and costs.

38 Slide 38 Expanding the Domain For more detail on project management, visit the project management institute and its special interest group on information systems:

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