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Chapter 2, Section2 Impact of the Enlightenment p. 44-48 American political values are heavily influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2, Section2 Impact of the Enlightenment p. 44-48 American political values are heavily influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2, Section2 Impact of the Enlightenment p. 44-48 American political values are heavily influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment.

2 C2S2 Focus Question How did the Enlightenment affect people’s ideas about government?

3 Roots of the Enlightenment Enlightened - free from the superstitions and ignorance of the Middle Ages The Renaissance is the foundation of the Enlightenment. – Renaissance person - someone with a broad knowledge of many subjects. The Scientific Revolution: use reason, observation & experimentation to explain the physical world. – Sir Isaac Newton uses math to analyze and explain gravity & motion. – Newton proposes that everything in the physical world follows unchanging natural laws. (see p. 45) Main Idea: Enlightenment thinkers believed that scientists should use reason, observation, and experiments in their studies. Leonardo DaVinci – the ultimate“Renaissance Man”

4 Applying Reason to Politics Main Idea: John Locke concludes that people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Applying natural laws to government Locke believed that any government that violates the natural rights of its citizens should be overthrown. Montesquieu proposed separation of powers into different branches. – Protects the rights of the people by keeping any individual or group from gaining too much power John Locke “Natural Rights” Baron de Montesquieu “Separation of Powers”

5 Divine Right of Kings Main Idea: Ideas of the Enlightenment attack the power of monarchy p. 46

6 Enlightenment Ideas Spread Main Idea: By the 1770s, most educated colonists believe that they are born with natural rights. Enlightenment spreads through education, science, politics, & the arts. – Government & church attempt to suppress the ideas of the Enlightenment. Benjamin Franklin personifies the Enlightenment! – SUCCESSFUL: printer, inventor, businessman, author, statesmen… – Studies literature, mathematics, science & philosophy in his spare time Ben Franklin one enlightened American

7 More on Ben Franklin He did a lot during “retirement” Best-selling author (Poor Richard’s Almanac, Pennslyvania Gazzette, etc.) Inventor & scientist: – the lightning rod – bifocal eyeglasses – Franklin stove – Odometer – Glass “armonica” – Experimented with electricity Established libraries & hospitals – and police & fire departments – and the post office Founding father & statesman: – Helps U.S. win the Revolution – Helps write Declaration of Independence & Constitution

8 C2S2 Focus Question Q: How did the Enlightenment affect people’s ideas about government? A: Many American colonists accepted the Enlightenment idea that people have natural rights. This led colonists to seek democratic self-rule, rather than rule by the British.

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