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DRVS: UDS Colorectal Cancer Screening Quality Improvement Initiative September 17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "DRVS: UDS Colorectal Cancer Screening Quality Improvement Initiative September 17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRVS: UDS Colorectal Cancer Screening Quality Improvement Initiative September 17, 2015

2 Quality Initiative Framework Pilot  Six Federally Qualified Health Centers  Four urban, two rural FQHCs  UDS measure Selection Process  Applicants  Criteria  Interest  Capability Four EMRs: NextGen, Epic, Athena, Centricity

3 Project Structure Learning community  Monthly virtual learning sessions: 90 minutes  Agreement to share un-blinded aggregated data  Peer-peer sharing  DRVS and non-DRVS centers QI coach in-person and virtual meetings  Monthly reports looking at trailing year and recent months UDS data o Site and provider level  Encourage use of registries in QI setting  Utilize patient visit planning reports

4 Project Milestones Six month modular format:  Kick off  Process mapping  Sett the aim and select targets  Develop an improvement strategy and start tests of change  Pilot reliable standard process of care  Implement new standard process  Spread new standard process

5 Resource Commitments Executive Sponsor 2 hours Leadership level sponsor of project Sign off upon project completion Project Team Lead 20 hours Champion of QI Project CHC resource coordinator Escalation point for issues/risks Network Admin/IT 2 hours Provide access to CHC Network/ EHR DRVS connectivity and performance support EHR Expert 16 hours Review current state and identify missing data Workflow mapping Participate in PDSA cycle Participate in learning community QI Specialist 16 hours Identify process measure Complete workflow mapping Execute PDSA cycles Document results Participate in learning community Provider Rep/Clinical Support 8 hours Identify data capture workflow Design and execute PDSA cycles Participate in learning community

6 Colorectal Cancer Screening Crosswalk

7 DRVS Comparison Report

8 Clinical Registry

9 Data Management & Daily Practice

10 Tools, Templates, and Resources Examples of recommended tools, templates and resources: » Developing an AIM Statement » Quality Improvement Project – Implementation Guidance » PDSA Model for Improvement & PDSA Example » Improvement Project Planning Form » A3 Instructions & A3 Blank Template » Cause & Effect Diagram » PDSA Planning Worksheet » PDSA Testing For Change » Project Charter Instructions & Blank Worksheet » Prioritization/Ranking Variation » Elevator Speech » Stakeholder Analysis & Resistance Tool » Action Plan (WWW) » Communication Plan » Developing a Storyboard

11 Change is hard Importance of senior leadership and other stakeholder support What do you do with the registries? Work flow mapping QI structure AIM statement tool PDSA cycles Who has responsibility for new processes? Project versus work sustainable change mentality

12 Recommended Resources Institute for Healthcare Improvement DRVS Learning Series: Maximize use of Visit Planning Report DRVS Training: Setting Measure Targets Baltimore Medical System/Azara DRVS presentation at NACHC CHI 2014 Azara YouTube Channel Integrated Work Solutions QI Forum

13 Questions & Next Steps? Diana Erani Director of HCCN Jennifer Kincaid Project Coordinator

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