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Christiane Egger O.Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45 A-4020 Linz, Austria T: +43-732-7720-14380 Creating a market place.

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Presentation on theme: "Christiane Egger O.Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45 A-4020 Linz, Austria T: +43-732-7720-14380 Creating a market place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christiane Egger O.Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45 A-4020 Linz, Austria T: +43-732-7720-14380 Creating a market place for energy efficiency ESV-Design051129en

2 ESV-Design 051129en Oberösterreich - Upper Austria Capital:Linz Population:1.38 mio Area:12.000 km² GNP:30.400 mio € Final energy cons.: 273 PJ; 33 % renewables (93 PJ) Unemployment:4.4 % economic activities:industry, service sector, tourism, 25% of the Austrian exports

3 Energy Action Plan of Upper Austria 1994 - 1999 30 % renewable energy (14 % hydro, 14 % biomass, 2 % solar) energy consumption in new housing reduced by 30 % 15,000 jobs 2000 - 2010 double biomass & solar increase energy efficiency by 10 % Energy Efficiency Programme implements the planned "Energy Service Directive" 1% energy saving/year 1.5% for the public sector ESV-Design051129en

4 O.Ö. Energiesparverband Objectives Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Sources New Technologies Information and public awareness Energy advice Events & publications European projects Energy certification for buildings Training Third party financing Research and pilot projects OEC - green energy network Services Organisation Regional Energy Agency set up in 1991 Services for private households, public bodies & businesses Member of the European networks (OPET, FEDARENE, EUFORES) ESV-Design051129en

5 Towards Sustainable Buildings in Upper Austria Energy performance indicatorEnergy certificate Subsidy programmes Legal measuresAdvice & information Training & education In Austria, the regions are responsible for the implementation of the Buildings Directive. ESV-Design051129en

6 Energy Performance Indicator fuel consumption: e.g. 3l/100km energy consumption: e.g. 45 kWh/m²,year ESV-Design051129en

7 The Upper Austrian Energy Performance Certificate Issued as part of funding programme since 1993 Legal obligation since 1999 40,000 certificates issued by O.Ö. Energiesparverband since 1993 Further development until 2006 ESV-Design051129en

8 Towards Sustainable Buildings in Upper Austria Energy performance indicatorEnergy certificate Subsidy programmes Legal measuresAdvice & information Training & education In Austria, the regions are responsible for the implementation of the Buildings Directive. ESV-Design051129en

9 Building Trends in Upper Austria "passive house" 2005 "low energy house" 1999 "energy efficient house" 1997 "energy efficient house" 1995 "energy efficient house" 1993 legal threshold 1999legal threshold 1994 existing building stock minimum performance requirements 2005 "lowest energy house" 2005 ESV-Design051129en

10 Results Sustainable housing programme 1993-2004 40,000 homes (new & renovation) calculation of the energy performance indicator ("Energiekennzahl") individual energy certificate individual energy advice session 7 million m² 285 mio. kWh energy savings/year average energy indicator: - 2001 (4,150 homes): 65 kWh/m² - 2004 (5,700 homes): 54 kWh/m² - 2005 (so far): 52 kWh/m² ESV-Design051129en

11 Third Party Financing ("Contracting") ESV-Design051129en time energy costs before investment energy cost reduction after investment contract endcontract start refinancing investment energy costs existing economic energy efficiency potential owner can not/does not want to invest ESCO makes energy efficiency investment investment is paid back over contract period

12 ESV-Design051129en How to create a regional/local TPF market? ESCOs: advice & training Support the decision making process Clients: advice for projects General promotion of the instrument

13 ESV-Design051129en The Upper Austrian TPF Programmes interesting principle, but no market development by itself promotion & advice to clients and ESCOs & (small) subsidy municipalities & one type of TPF only more than 100 projects realised more than 15 ESCOs active in the region

14 ESV-Design051129en Examples of TPF Projects Energy performance contracting in Freistadt 7 public buildings retrofitted 24 % reduction of energy costs savings of 66,205 €/a Energy efficient street lighting in Gunskirchen Total investment: 138,931 Euro Guaranteed savings of 20% Reduction of energy consumption: 24,615 kWh/a Energy performance contracting company Acamp Total investment: 380,200 Euro Guaranteed savings of 71,500 Euro/a Reduction of energy consumption: 809,000 kWh/a

15 1 - 3 March 2006 Wels/Austria Topics: ▌ Energy Efficiency Conference ▌ Green Electricity ▌ Renewable Heating & Cooling ▌ European Pellets Forum ▌ Green Energy Business

16 Creating an energy efficiency market… takes time! much faster if a mix of policy instruments is used ("stick & carrot & tambourine") information, information, information! address demand for & supply of energy efficiency products & services change is possible! ESV-Design051129en

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