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Presentation on theme: "TITLE: 3 rd QUARTER PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INFORMATION PRESENTATION OF PART A TO: Portfolio Committee PRESENTATION BY: National Commissioner DATE: 01 March."— Presentation transcript:


2 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of expenditure; 74.22%65.58% Percentage of expenditure to HDI service providers 80.00%85.31% Number of audit qualifications and matters of emphasis Reduce level of deficiencies using the 2010/11 AGSA report Zero qualifications and two emphasis of matters 2

3 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of posts not filled vs financed posts 3 % vacancy rate14% (Determined based on the financed establishment of 46876 at the end of the 3rd quarter) 14% Number of person days lost due to leave against the total number of annual working days TIL: 1 employee to 8 days PIL: 1 employee to 8 days Sick: 1 employee to 8 days LWP: 1 employee to 8 days IOD: 1 employee to 8 days PIL- 15.52 TIL - 42.0 Sick - 2.67 LWP - 4.03 IOD -11.60 PIL: 32.28 TIL: 28.90 Sick: 2.82 LWP: 3.86 IOD: 11.01 3

4 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Number of grievances handled within 30 days vs the total number of grievances recorded; Reduce the number of grievances outstanding for more than 30 days by 10%. Total number of grievances at the end of the 3rd quarter: 425. 49 cases finalised. 11.52% handled within 30 days. Total number of grievances recorded from the first quarter 959. 290 grievances finalised. Percentage of compliance with Government Equity targets 4 female SMS members to be appointed 683 female production employees to be appointed No female SMS appointments 142 female middle management and production level appointments as follows: 123 African females 12 Coloured females 7 White females 0 Indian females Whites reduced by 37 and Coloureds by 27 through natural attrition 4

5 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of litigation cases won by DCS against the total number of cases finalised against it 70%Total number of cases finalised=28: In favour DCS =21. (75%) Against DCS=7 (25%) 76.08% Number of officials found guilty of fraud, corruption and serious maladministration against the total number of officials charged in such cases 90% guilty findingActual performance: Cases Captured: 56 (Cor 27; F 18; Theft 3; SM 8) Closed as unfounded 31 ( C 14, F 8, T 3, SM 6 ). Forwarded to CE: 6. Cases still under investigation: 214. Code Enforcement: 38 Officials charged, 36 guilty, 2 not guilty, Success rate of 94.73%. 0 cases were withdrawn before start of hearing (1 official deceased, I case the outcome from external chairperson took too long, one no transgression committed DIU: finalized 132 cases of which 113 were closed as unfounded and 19 were forwarded to CE.Cumulative achievements: DIU - 132 cases were finalized of which 113 were closed as unfounded and 19 were forwarded to Code Enforcement. 88 officials charged. 79 guilty, 9 not guilty. Success rate of 89.77%. 7 cases withdrawn before start of the hearing. 5

6 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of compliance in Compliance Improvement Plan inspection: E Cape 2009/10 78% versus 2010/11 82%; KZN 2009/10 77% versus 2010/11 75%; FS/NC 2009/10 87% versus 2010/11 80%; LMN 2009/10 80% versus 2010/11 78%; WCape 2009/10 92% versus 2010/11 91%; Gauteng 2009/10 84% versus 2010/11 82% 6

7 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Number of assaults in Correctional Centres and Remand Detention facilities (per 10 000 inmates); Less than 18.5 assaults per 10 000 inmates in DCS facilities National performance: 85 alleged assaults per 10 000 inmates. This exceeds the quarter target of 18.5 alleged assaults per 10 000 inmates. Regional performance: KZN : 119 per 10 000 GT : 76 per 10 000 WC :74.8 per 10 000 LMN 67 per 10 000 FS/NC : 96 per 10 000 EC : 83 per 10 000 National performance: 228 alleged assaults per 10 000 inmates. This exceeds the target of 55.5 alleged assaults per 10 000 inmates. Regional performance: KZN : 259 per 10 000 GT : 199 per 10 000 WC : 245 per 10 000 LMN 195 per 10 000 FS/NC : 249 per 10 000 EC : 220 per 10 00 Percentage of correctional centres and remand detention facilities with access security turnstiles installed and functioning vs the total number of correctional centres and remand detention facilities planned to have installed and functioning turnstyles; (a) 100% of installed electronic access control systems to be fully functional (b)Standard ito centres where electronic access control systems need to be installed still to be determined National performance: 48% (39 out of 80) electronic access control systems functional and currently electronic access control systems are installed in 33% (80 out of 240) Centres. Regional performance; KZN 23% GT 83% WC 18.7% LMN 100% FS/NC 100% EC 0% 7

8 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Number of escapes from Correctional Centres and Remand Detention Facilities (per 1 000 inmates) per year: Less than 1 inmate per 10 000 inmates who escape National performance-: 1 escape per 10 000 inmates which is equal to the quarter target of less than1 escape per 10 000 inmates. Regional performance:- KZN : 0 per 10 000 GT : 0.93 per 10 000 WC : 0.3 per 10 000 LMN : 0.45 per 10 000 FC/NC : 2.2 per 10 000 EC : 2.1 per 10 000 National performance-: 5.1 escapes per 10 000 inmates which is exceeding the target of less than 3 escapes per 10 000 inmates. Regional performance:- KZN : 0 per 10 000 GT : 2 per 10 000 WC : 1.3 per 10 000 LMN : 3.2 per 10 000 FC/NC : 22.2 per 10 000 EC : 5.9 per 10 000 Percentage of vetted personnel vs the total personnel requiring vetting; Number of unnatural deaths measured per 10 000 inmates: Less than 0.8 unnatural deaths per 10 000 inmates in DCS facilities National performance: - 0.62 unnatural deaths per 10 000 inmates This is less than the first quarter target of 0.8 per 10 000 Regional performance:- KZN : 1.8 per 10 000 GT : 0.23 per 10 000 WC : 1.37 per 10 000 LMN : 0.9 per 10 000 FS/NC 0.9 per 10 000 EC : 0 per 10 000 National performance: - 2.3 unnatural deaths per 10 000 inmates This is less than the target of 2.4 per 10 000 Regional performance:- KZN : 3.2 per 10 000 GT : 2 per 10 000 WC : 3.8 per 10 000 LMN : 1.37 per 10 000 FS/NC 1.3 per 10 000 EC : 1.1 per 10 000 8

9 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of overcrowding in Correctional Centres and Remand Detention facilities; Maintain level of overcrowding at 38% Level of Overcrowding successfully down managed by 0.65% to 35.05% from the 2nd to the 3rd Qtr 2010/11according to certified MIS information up to 31 Oct 2010 - this figure is therefore subject to change. 36.01% Percentage of incarcerated offenders with sentences longer than 24 months with correctional sentence plans calculated against the projected average of 41 828) offenders with sentences longer than 24 months without correctional sentence plans 20.1% (8400)Summary: LMN: 914 GP: 2930 WC: 1002 EC: 2030 KZN: 1051 FS: 7133 Total: 15060 (36% calculated against the projected average of 41828) Figures above recalculated to show achievements. Regions were supposed to add what they have achieved from the OPS and report under this indicator. Summary: The provided information does not allow to complete this column 9

10 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of comprehensive profiles compiled within 21 days versus the total number of offenders that should have been profiled within 21 days; 100%Summary: LMN: 76.9% 1137/1478 GP: 49.5% 1177/2378 WC: 100% - 1001/1001 EC: 98% - 1059/1077 KZN: 94% - 1452/1516 FS: 100% - 1936/1936 Summary: LMN: not able to calculate as statistics of first and second quarters are not correct. GP: 51.9% 4509/8675 WC: 100% - 5277/5277 EC: 85.4% - 3450/4038 KZN: 89.9% - 3329/3704 FS: 65.88% - 2368/3594 Percentage of offenders participating in a corrections programme calculated against those who are eligible for corrections programmes in terms of their sentence plans: No target providedRegions achieved as follows (statistics obtained from the Unit Management tool and includes statistics by external service providers): Western Cape: 6964; GP:6707; LMN: 3158; EC: 4875; KZN: 3250; FS/NC:3203. Total: 28 157 = 27,48% of eligible population. Statistical information based on the Unit Management Tool: Western Cape 23 513; Gauteng 13 586; LMN 4 930; Eastern Cape 19 231; Free State / Northern Cape 6 361; KwaZulu Natal 11 096 - Total 78 717 = 76,84% 10

11 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of offenders with work opportunities calculated against the total offender population who qualify for work opportunities: MIS information currently not available. Regions reported that the following number of offenders performed work: Gauteng: 7791,LMN: 5312, E Cape: 9305, W Cape: 5764, F State/ N Cape: 5035 and KZN: 4816 (total 38 023) MIS information currently not available.Regions reported that the following cumulative number of offenders performed work: Gauteng: 32626,LMN: 15537, E Cape: 28619, W Cape: 18640, F State/ N Cape: 23326 and KZN: 13540 (total 132 288) Percentage of offenders completing pre-release programmes calculated against the total number of offenders with approved parole dates; No target for 2010/11 was set for this indicator - a target for 2011/12 has been set at 60% 62.59% - 3606 offenders placed out who have completed the pre-release programmes versus 5761 paroles approved by CSPBs (excluding medical parole) 60.47% - 10705 offenders placed out who have completed the pre-release programmes versus 17703 paroles approved by CSPBs (excluding medical parole) Percentage of quality assured corrections programmes provided by external service providers calculated against the total number of quality assured corrections programmes per year No target setNot achieved - due to inconsistent and unreliable information, a management decision was taken to report in the new financial year on correctional programmes presented by external service providers versus correctional programmes provided by DCS 11

12 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Number of offenders on antiretroviral treatment versus the number of offenders with the CD4 count below 200: 776 1 041 was achieved - 511 less than the target. Gauteng and KZN showed a decrease in the number of offenders on ART. Still investigating the exact reasons 776 Number of offenders who have tested HIV positive vs. the total number of offenders who have been tested; 1200020 545 offenders have been tested for HIV antibodies 2864 offenders have tested positive for HIV antibodies. (14%) 7423 Percentage of offenders treated with mental illnesses vs. the total offender population with mental illnesses; 100%97.37% 12

13 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of care programmes provided by external service providers vs. the total number of quality assured care programmes per year; Spiritual Care: 61.53% [8 of 13) HIV and AIDS 100% Spiritual Care: 53.84% Social Work Services Social Work Services 195 Programmes rendered by external service providers: October 2010: 92 November 2010: 74 December 2010: 29 12830 offenders participated in Social Work Programmes rendered by External Service Provider: October 2010: 3668 November 2010: 2889 December 2010: 6273 HIV and AIDS 100% excluding GAU,FS/NC and KZN. Spiritual Care: 53.84% of annual target of 69.2% Social Work Services 532 Programmes rendered by External Service Provider 24718 offenders participated in Programmes rendered by External Service Provider 100%53% of programmes provided are quality assured Number of HIV and AIDS programmes provided: 102 Number of HIV programmes quality assured: 102 Therefore 100% of programme are quality assured. 13

14 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of offenders participating in care programmes vs. the total offender population who are eligible for care programmes in terms of their sentence plans; No target set Accessing the number of offenders eligible in terms of their sentence plans remains a challenge since sentence plans are not available Percentage of offenders participating in care programmes vs. the total offender population; Spiritual Care: 51% [83822 offenders) Spiritual Care: 58.8% [96171 offenders vs 163 427 offender population] 12.3% of offenders participated in Social Work Programmes vs the total offender population of 172040 (including those in community corrections). The figure excludes December stats. HIV and AIDS 21% 32874 offenders participating in care programmes vs total offender population 159133 Spiritual Care: 56.9% (96171 /163427) Social Work Services 42.25% offenders participated in Social Work Programmes 3879629,8% (47324/158418)129 432 81% of offenders accessed HIV and AIDS programmes 14

15 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of offenders on medical treatment for communicable diseases (excluding HIV and AIDS), hypertension and diabetes vs. the total offender population; 8%9.42%8% Number of offenders participating in literacy programmes against those identified to participate as per their Sentence Plans; 251427754534 Percentage of offenders who have registered for ABET programmes versus the total offenders eligible for ABET; 107211082711 205 15

16 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of offenders in FET Programmes calculated against the total offender population eligible for FET; 3583 (Formal Education) 2817 (Skills Development 4643 (Formal Education) 1396 ( Skills Development FET Programmes) 4643 offenders participated in FET (NCS) Formal Education programmes. A total average of 1 396 offenders participated in Skills Development FET Programmes Percentage of offenders participating in skills development programmes vs. the total offender population who are eligible for skills development programmes in terms of their sentence plans; Skills Development programmes = 3 987 A total average of 2 982 offenders participated in various Skills Development Programmes 16

17 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of offenders involved in sports, recreation, arts and culture programmes calculated against the total offender population per year; 80%72.40%37 459 Offenders praticipated in sport programmes and services. 49 956 Offenders participated in recreation programmes and services. 4 685 Offenders participated in arts programmes and services. 10 166 Offenders participated in cultural programmes and services 17 249 Offenders participated in library programmes and services A total number of 119 515 offenders participated in Offender SRAC programmes and services. 72,4% of the offender populations therefore participated in Offender SRAC programmes and services compared to the 88,6% of the previous term. Percentage of offenders participating in production workshop and agriculture programmes vs. the total offender population who are eligible for such programmes in terms of their sentence plans. 25 % increase on the May 2005 Baseline of 2 741 offenders for production workshops and 2 471 offenders for agriculture. Production workshops=1 711 offenders worked on average / day.(This is the result of eight months - Dec 2010 still outstanding) Agriculture= 2 945 offenders worked on average / day.(This is the result of eight months -Dec 2010 still outstanding) 17

18 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of parole violations per 10 000 parolees Number of violations reduced by 2 % (2 808) from the annual target of 10 564 violations versus the active caseload of 37 609 parolees. Number of violations reduced by 2 % (2 808) from the annual target of 10 564 violations versus the active caseload of 37 609 parolees. Target: 746 violations per 10 000 parolees (Total violations 3 687 / 43 949 average caseload during the quarter) A number of 838 violations per 10 000 parolees were registered against a target of 746 violations per 10 000 parolees. Percentage of cases considered by the parole board versus the number of cases eligible for consideration 90%A total of 10632 cases were considered by CSPB versus number of cases eligible for consideration 11648 which translates into 91.28% A total of 33879 cases were considered by CSPB versus number of cases eligible for consideration 34895 which translates into 97.09% Percentage of cases referred to the parole review board per 100 cases considered by the Parole Board 0.08%0.03% - 4 cases were referred to the parole review board. 0.15%. 40 cases have been referred to the Review Board. 34 decisions have been received. 4 decisions were confirmed and 30 were set aside 18

19 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Percentage of Remand Detainees under Community Supervision versus the total remand detainee population with bail To increase the number of Remand Detainees under Community Supervision by 2 % versus the total number of remand detainee population with bail. Average baseline of for 2009/10: 2 116 Remand Detainees under Community Supervision versus 10 097 remand detainee population with bail. During this quarter there were an average of 1 703 Remand Detainees under Community Supervision versus an average number of 8 784 remand detainee population with bail. 19.3% Target was not met. The Department is dependent on Courts to place Remand Detainees under the system of Community Corrections. This implies that DCS has no control over this indicator and can only report the status. The number of remand detainees under community supervision decreased from 2 116 at the beginning of the financial year to the current 1 703. 19

20 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Number of probationers versus the total number of incarcerated offenders with sentences less than 24 months To increase the number of Remand Detainees under Community Supervision by 2 % versus the total number of remand detainee population with bail. Average baseline for 2009/10: 2 116 Remand Detainees under Community Supervision versus 10 097 remand detainee population with bail. During this quarter there were an average of 1 703 Remand Detainees under Community Supervision versus an average number of 8 784 remand detainee population with bail. 19.3% Target was not met. The Department is dependent on Courts to place Remand Detainees under the system of Community Corrections. This implies that DCS has no control over this indicator and can only report the status. The number of remand detainees under Community Supervision decreased from 2 116 at the beginning of the financial year to the current 1 703. 20

21 NATIONAL CONSOLIDATED 3rd Quarter TargetAchievementYear to date Number of Parole cases in which victims of crime make representation vs. the total number of Parole Cases 100.5 113 victims made representations against 5905 parole approvals 171 victims made representations against 17941 parole approvals Number of new bed spaces created 956 63% complete - Construction of upgrading existing correctional centre at Ceres Warmbokkeveld (282 additional beds) 63% complete - Ceres Warmbokkeveld 98% complete - Construction of replacement correctional centre at Brandvlei (346 additional beds) 98% complete - Brandvlei 67% complete - Construction of upgrading existing correctional centre at Vanrhynsdorp (328 additional beds) 67% complete - Vanrhynsdorp 21

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