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Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing 9/27/2011.

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1 Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing 9/27/2011

2  Applicant – Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc.  Submitted concurrently with ZOS-07-11 Oak Hall Private School Special Use Permit Minor Amendment  Proposes to amend the existing Outdoor Lighting standards for Educational Facilities in Chapter 404, Article 7 9/27/2011

3  Any lighting installed for sports facilities or parking areas shall utilize flat glass lenses and house side shields. Illumination levels at any point on the property line adjacent to a residential area shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles. A photometric lighting plan, including specifications for fixtures, shall be required as part of any development plan. 9/27/2011

4 Any lighting installed for sports facilities or parking areas shall adhere to the following standards: i. To minimize sports facilities lighting adverse off-site impacts, mounting heights shall be established to achieve a minimum lighting fixture angle of twenty-five degrees down from horizontal. ii. Provide automatic and/or telephonic control system to enforce shut- off sports facilities lighting by 11:00 PM. On-site manual and/or telephonic control system shall also be provided to allow for the lights to be turned on or off at will (before curfew) to assure that only active and/or desired areas are lighted. iii. Where applicable, the installed sports facility lighting shall not be used for parking area tasks. Parking areas shall be lighted by separate luminaires not associated with field illuminance needs. All such parking area lighting fixtures shall be fully shielded and installed such that no direct light is emitted above the horizontal plane. Total parking area lighting lumens shall be reduced by at least 30% or extinguished by 11:00 PM. 9/27/2011

5 iv. Application Efficiency: The lighting system shall achieve a minimum Application Efficiency of 30 lumens per watt, calculated per the following formula: “Target Area” defined as the net area within the prescribed game boundary lines of the sports field and/or sports court. v. Specifications for fixtures, shall be required as part of any development plan. 9/27/2011

6  Existing ULDC does not allow separate standards for Educational Facilities allowed by Special Use Permit  Staff is currently evaluating outdoor lighting in all areas  Current ULDC does not recognize existing vs. new athletic facilities 9/27/2011

7 a. Outdoor Lighting for sports facilities shall not be used to light parking or pedestrian areas. b. Any lighting installed for sports facilities or shall utilize flat glass lenses and house side shields. c. Illumination levels at any point on the property line adjacent to a residential area shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles. d. A photometric lighting plan, including specifications for fixtures, shall be required as part of any development plan. e. An alternative lighting plan for existing sports facilities with existing lighting may be proposed as part of a Special Use Permit, if required above, or as part of a Special Exception for locations that do not require a Special Use Permit. An alternative lighting plan shall include the following: 9/27/2011

8 i.A demonstration that the facility cannot be adequately lit while meeting the standards above. ii.Illumination levels at the property line no greater than the existing illumination levels. Illumination levels shall be measured at ground level. iii.A reduction in glare compared to the existing installed fixtures by ensuring that perceived luminance at the property line measured at 5 feet above the ground does not exceed existing levels. iv.Fixtures that include house side shields v.A photometric plan demonstrating the existing conditions of lighting for outdoor recreational facilities, including the location, type and mounting height of existing fixtures, as a calculation of illumination levels at the property line spaced at 10 feet intervals, actual photometric readings that support the calculation of existing illumination levels. vi.A photometric plan that includes the location, type and mounting height of all proposed fixtures, as well as a calculation of illumination levels spaced at 10 ft. intervals and demonstration of perceived luminance at the property line. 9/27/2011

9  Convene as the Land Development Regulation Commission and find the proposed text amendment as proposed by Staff consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners to adopt the proposed text amendment, as proposed by Staff 9/27/2011

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