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MR110 W EEK T HREE S EMINAR Raquel S. Cummings, Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "MR110 W EEK T HREE S EMINAR Raquel S. Cummings, Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 MR110 W EEK T HREE S EMINAR Raquel S. Cummings, Instructor

2 A GENDA Week Two Grading Week Three Outcomes Active Exercise Review Agendas Meeting Minutes Virtual Field trip Language Arts: Hyphens Agreement Abbreviations Week Four Introduction Questions

3 W EEK T HREE O UTCOMES Format agendas, minutes of meetings, and procedures manuals. Use bullets and numbering. Apply commonly used grammar and punctuation rules for business. After the completion of all the exercises in Unit 14, you should able to type at least 44 wpm (words per minute) in a 5 minute timed typing with a maximum of 5 errors. Text: Exercise 72 &73..

4 W EEK T WO G RADING Great grades on the Progress Check Focus was on creating the document with no errors Good exercise for proofreading and creating a document from hand written text Timed Typing grades were great as well Be sure to practice often to ensure your speed increases and errors decrease!

5 B EFORE WE BEGIN … Please have the following handy: Textbook Reference Manual Front of book

6 W HAT IS AN A GENDA ? Agenda comes from the Latin word agendum, meaning “that which is for doing” or “that which is to be done.”

7 P OINTS TO REMEMBER ABOUT AGENDAS … Two-inch top margin Heading format Numbering feature for agenda items Line spacing Please see Reference Manual page R-11A

8 Q UESTION …. Why would someone have a meeting without an agenda? Does an agenda take the place of meeting minutes? Why? Why not? Please type 4 complete sentences.

9 A GENDA PLANNING TIPS … Determine the type of meeting:  Decision Making  Problem Solving  Resolving a Conflict

10 A GENDA PLANNING TIPS … Regardless of the meeting type:  List each item to be discussed  Name the person introducing the item

11 O THER T ASKS TO REMEMBER.. Set an estimated time limit for each item Send the agenda to all expected attendees one or two days before hand

12 C REATING M INUTES FROM A MEETING … If someone is responsible for preparing as well as typing meeting minutes, they need to take accurate notes of the meetings events, including the following details: Please see Reference Manual R-11B

13  Date  Time  Place If someone misses a meeting, he or she can use this information as a way to trace progress.

14 Q UICK REMINDER ABOUT R EPORT 72-47 Please do not forget the minutes are single- spaced. The inserted proofreaders’ marks make the text copy appeared to be double-spaced.

15 A FEW QUESTIONS … Has anyone had to take meeting minutes? Did you volunteer, or did someone nominate you to complete it? Did you find the experience easy or more difficult than you imagined? Please type 4 complete sentences! :o)

16 P ROCEDURES M ANUAL In Lesson 73, you begin the process of creating and formatting a Procedures Manual. Have you ever had to create one? OR Have you ever read and had to follow a poorly created one? Please explain in 4 complete sentences!

17 P ROCEDURES M ANUAL Single spacing On numbered and bulleted list, single space if all items in the list consist of 1 line Report format Header on every page Footer on every page Question: How do you place text in a header and footer in Microsoft Word? Please type four complete Sentences!

18 A LITTLE INFORMATION ABOUT H EADER AND F OOTER In Word 2007: On the Insert Ribbon, click on Header and or Footer. On the Built In window that displays: Click to select the type of header/footer formatting that you want.

19 L ANGUAGE A RTS You will notice that almost every chapter has a Language Arts section. These sections are important to read and study, this will help you prepare for the Language Arts mid-term and final. Let’s look on page 287 in the textbook, and we will begin with proofreading.

20 L ET ’ S COMPLETE 73 C ON PAGE 287 Please edit the paragraph to correct any errors. You will complete Lines 16-21 You only need to write the answers: Ex: 16. users, having

21 V IRTUAL F IELD T RIP … Business Management Tips : Skills for Taking Minutes for Meetings How to Take Quick Meeting Minutes You may need to copy and paste the links to the URL Once you view the videos, what are your thoughts? Did you learn something new about taking minutes? Why? Why not?

22 L ET ’ S TALK ABOUT H YPHENS Hyphenate compound adjectives that come before a noun A compound adjective is two or more words that function as a unit to describe a noun Ex: We reviewed an up-to-date report on Wednesday. Your turn. Create one sentence.

23 H YPHENS C ON ’ T However, if the first word is an adverb ending in ly, no hyphenation is needed We reviewed a highly rated report. The hyphenation zone in GDP is the space between the end of the last word in a line and the right margin.

24 A GREEMENT Use singular verbs and pronouns with singular subjects; use plural verbs and pronouns with plural subjects. Jan was happy with her writing. Allan and Mary were upset about the newspaper article. Among the items discussed were our raises and benefits. This rule can be easily broken in written communication…always read what you have written before sending it to a client/supervisor.

25 W HAT IS DUE WEEK 3? Seminar Discussion – Agendas Timed Writing - Supplementary Timed Writing 3 SB28.

26 W EEK F OUR You will be creating business letters, such as multipage letters. We will also be discussing several special letter features, such as: On-arrival notations Subject lines Blind copy notation Delivery notation Postscript

27 Q UESTIONS ? Any questions? Thank you, and have a great evening!

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