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David Connor, JNCC, UK HELCOM Red List habitat workshop, 25-26 March 2010, Stockholm.

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Presentation on theme: "David Connor, JNCC, UK HELCOM Red List habitat workshop, 25-26 March 2010, Stockholm."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Connor, JNCC, UK HELCOM Red List habitat workshop, 25-26 March 2010, Stockholm

2 Introduction Policy context – MSFD, MPAs, MSP EUNIS context: past considerations EMODNet & EUSeaMap objectives Habitat modelling and data layers Potential to validate and update EUNIS Summary

3 Why map the seabed? Effective management of the marine environment requires information on the spatial distribution and the quality of seabed habitats

4 Broad-scale seabed maps can… Contribute to quality assessments Regional conventions e.g. HELCOM Status Reporting EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Support Marine Protected Area designation EC Habitats, Birds & Marine Strategy Framework Directives Regional conventions e.g. HELCOM MPAs National programmes Contribute to Marine Spatial Planning EU Integrated Maritime Policy National initiatives BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

5 Spatial habitat data for MSFD Article 8 – initial assessment 2012 “Member States shall make an initial assessment of their marine waters, taking account of existing data where available and comprising … an analysis of the essential features and characteristics … covering the physical and chemical features, the habitat types, the biological features and the hydro-morphology” Annex III – habitat elements of assessments “the predominant seabed and water column habitat type(s) with a description of the characteristic physical and chemical features, such as depth, water temperature regime, currents and other water movements, salinity, structure and substrata composition of the seabed” “identification and mapping of special habitat types, especially those recognised or identified under Community legislation (the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive) or international conventions as being of special scientific or biodiversity interest” BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary EUSeaMap HELCOM Red List, Habitats Directive

6 EUNIS in the Baltic Current EUNIS classification reflects last HELCOM red list (1998) Not comprehensive, limited biology, structure not fully compatible with rest of EUNIS Marine Progress in recent years to update and improve: Workshop in March 2008 Proposed restructuring of upper levels in EUNIS Complimentary work at community level in number of projects and countries Aimed to further develop with HELCOM support

7 March 2008 – Parameters/classes Substrate Hard – Rock (inc. clay, till), Biogenic Soft – Gravel/coarse sand, Sand, Mud, Mixed, Vegetated sediments Salinity Variable (30-18ppt – Kattegat) Reduced (18-7.5, 7.5-4, 4-0.5) Zone/depth Littoral (hydrolittoral), Infralittoral, Circalittoral, Deep circalittoral Other factors: Ice, Deoxygenated habitats

8 EMODNet EC DG-MARE initiative Supports EU Integrated Maritime Policy Preparatory phase – 2009-2011: Hydrography Geology Chemistry Biology Seabed habitat maps - EUSeaMap Deliver harmonised datasets for selected regional seas Web-portal dissemination – interoperable data

9 EUSeaMap aim To provide broad-scale maps of seabed habitats, using common functional mapping methods, for the Baltic Sea Greater North Sea Celtic Seas and Western Mediterranean and to determine what further steps are required to improve their usefulness and coverage BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

10 BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary Preparatory Action for development and assessment of a European broad-scale seabed habitat map

11 EUSeaMap objectives BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary 1. Review existing broad-scale marine habitat mapping efforts 2. Prepare a broad-scale seabed habitat map – EUNIS classes 3. Make data available online 4. Assess benefits 5. INSPIRE implementation 6. Assess next steps 7. Maintenance

12 EUSeaMap partners BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

13 Previous broadscale mapping MESH INTERREG IIIB-funded Covered north-west Europe Produced EUNIS map BALANCE INTERREG IIIB-funded Covered Baltic sea region Produced marine landscape map BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary MESH broadscale EUNIS map

14 Combination A Combination B Biologically relevant? Represented in EUNIS? e.g. Depth e.g. Seabed salinity e.g. Sediment type Modelling approach BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsResultsSummary

15 Primary data sets: Sediments Example: Baltic Sea marine habitat modelling

16 Primary data sets: Sediments Benthic salinity Example: Baltic Sea marine habitat modelling

17 Primary data sets: Sediments Benthic salinity Photic zone Example: Baltic Sea marine habitat modelling

18 Sweden Germany Poland Denmark Non-photic sand, 11-18psu Non-photic mud, >30psu Balance broad- scale habitat map

19 Physical input data layers BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary Data typeBalticNorthCelticW Med Sediment Bathymetry Light Wave energy at seabed Tidal energy at seabed Salinity at seabed Temperature at seabed O2/POC/Chl Ice cover Stratification

20 Ecologically relevant thresholds BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary Data typeBalticNorthCelticW Med Sediment Bathymetry Light Wave energy at seabed Tidal energy at seabed Salinity at seabed Temperature at seabed O2/POC/Chl Ice cover Stratification

21 EUNIS classification EUNIS classification is a ‘common language’ for seabed habitats EUSeaMap will propose modifications to EUNIS where appropriate, likely in Baltic & W Mediterranean BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

22 Data preparation progress BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary Sediment: EMODNET

23 Data preparation progress BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary Sediment: EMODNET, data collation in W Med Bathymetry: EMODNET, improvements to BALANCE outputs Light: 1km MERIS data, improvements to BALANCE Secchi disc data, thresholds

24 Light BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

25 EUNIS & EUSeaMap- Potential links EUSeaMap Provide broad-scale coverage for Baltic Build upon BALANCE – similar scale of output Improved data layers and modelling Biological validation of thresholds in physical data Leads to EUNIS-compatible habitat classes and map EUNIS level 2-4 – new structure/classes Biological analyses within HELCOM frame Consistent biotopes/community types for Baltic EUNIS levels 4-6 Further validate EUSeaMap EUSeaMap + HELCOM = Baltic proposal for EUNIS

26 Summary Common seabed data for Europe are emerging These data will contribute to initial assessments for MSFD EUSeaMap and HELCOM biotope work can lead to proposals for EUNIS classification

27 Find out more… BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary EC website preparatory/home.html JNCC website Get in touch

28 EUNIS classification EUNIS classification is a ‘common language’ for seabed habitats BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

29 EUNIS classification BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

30 Assess benefits 7 case studies to be carried out Application for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Initial Assessment Networks of Marine Protected Areas Assessment of multiple uses in spatial planning Potential sites for sand and gravel extraction Potential sites for wind-farms Essential fish habitat Application for tourist facilities BackgroundEUSeaMap ObjectivesProject DetailsMethodsProgressSummary

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