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1 Lega cy. 2 “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.” Holy Discontent Lega cy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Lega cy. 2 “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.” Holy Discontent Lega cy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Lega cy

2 2 “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.” Holy Discontent Lega cy

3 3

4 4 “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.” Holy Discontent Lega cy

5 5 Holy Discontent 1. How church is done and perceived 2. How Bible is preached 3. How Christianity is presented Lega cy

6 6 Because people who would otherwise respond favorably to Jesus Christ are put off and kept out! Why? Lega cy

7 7 Matthew 15:1-9. Luke 15:1-32. Luke 10:25-37. Jesus’ Holy Discontent Lega cy

8 8 Holy Discontent 1. How church is done and perceived – Man made rules of organized religion – Traditions and rituals with no present meaning – Style and music from a century ago – Pretentious formal dress – Full of hypocrites – Rigid – Uses people

9 9 2. How Bible is preached – Unexplained Biblical and theological terms – Insider, churchy language – Theologically theoretical – Primarily ‘preachy’ rather than story – Should’s and guilt motivation – Dogmatic, ‘cram it down your throat’, ‘don’t ask questions just believe’ tone – Ignoring objections and hard questions Holy Discontent

10 10 3. How Christianity is presented – Hit and run – Dogmatic, overbearing – Leads with ‘you’re a sinner... – Fearful of hard questions about God and other religions Holy Discontent Lega cy

11 11 1. How church is done and perceived 2. How Bible is preached 3. How Christianity is presented Holy Discontent Lega cy

12 12 Redefine ‘church’ for a new generation Re-present Jesus and the Bible in a compelling way. A prodigal generation comes home! Mission/Vision Lega cy

13 13 Church at Carbondale is a fun place to get serious with God for people who have given up on church, but not on God. Lega cy

14 14 Lega cy

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