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ETMS European Territorial Monitoring System EFRAIN LARREA, MCRIT 4-5 December 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "ETMS European Territorial Monitoring System EFRAIN LARREA, MCRIT 4-5 December 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETMS European Territorial Monitoring System EFRAIN LARREA, MCRIT 4-5 December 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and Territorial Agenda 2020”

2 Partners developing the ETMS MCRIT, Barcelona UAB. Autonomous University of Barcelona UNIGE. University of Geneva Nordregio, Stockholm GISAT, Prague

3 To provide “a continuous monitoring of territorial trends and structures able to provide policy relevant information to target groups on key trends occurring for European regions, specific type of territories, metropolitan regions, cities and towns in relation to the policy aims and priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategy, EU Cohesion Policy and the TA 2020”. The European Territorial Monitoring System in 5 steps

4 Starting from key Policy Questions e.g. population ageing, growing disparities, migrations & depopulation, accessibility to services and jobs, land occupation / artificial land…. and considering existing Policy Targets… e.g. EU2020 headline targets EC White Papers and Roadmaps Future Territorial Targets by ESPON Scenarios… EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets

5 28 Compass Indicators ETMS proposes a set of 28 Compass Indicators - What do indicators need to fulfil? - reproducible along time - data has to be available - indicators are in line with previous ESPON research (Interco, Siesta, …) - Where data comes from? ESPON DB, Eurostat, EEA… - How indicators will be analysed? - Regional patterns: by NUTS2 and NUTS3 - Territorial patterns: by urban & rural typology by ERDF targets by EU Macro-regions, by cities, mountains sparsely populated areas, …) - Europe in the World: NUTS0 EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets

6 Analysis by NUTS0Analysis by mountain ranges Two examples of different territorial resolution in ETMS

7 28 Compass Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal The periodic releases of the Facts and Figures are to provide the Vital Signs of the European territory, and progress towards existing policy targets 5 to 10 pages booklet EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets

8 28 Compass Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal The State of the Territory monitoring report will be published every 2 years to perform in-depth analysis of most relevant territorial developments 50 pages analysis report EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets

9 28 Compass Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal The Data Analysis Tool allows consulting and retrieving data, and performing regional benchmarking for key indicators EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets 2 variable scatters Selection of regions in the map

10 28 Compass Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets All tools are integrated in a web portal which also includes other ESPON and non-ESPON resources relevant for monitoring

11 Compass Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal Virtual Library Territorial News Expert Opinions Existing relevant ESPON resources (e.g. policy briefs, reports…) EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets Existing relevant ESPON Tools (e.g. Rimap, MapFinder, BSR-TEMO, CityBench…) ESPON resources Non-ESPON resources

12 Virtual Library of Monitoring Resources

13 ESPON Evidence Briefs, EC Policy Briefs…

14 Territorial News on the press…

15 Thank you for your attention Please Visit

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