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U.S. ATLAS Grid Testbed Status and Plans Kaushik De University of Texas at Arlington DoE/NSF Mid-term Review NSF Headquarters, June 2002.

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1 U.S. ATLAS Grid Testbed Status and Plans Kaushik De University of Texas at Arlington DoE/NSF Mid-term Review NSF Headquarters, June 2002

2 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 2 Outline  Testbed Phase 2 launched: UTA Workshop  Testbed Phase 2 launched: UTA Workshop  New focus on rapid software deployment and grid based data production leading to demonstrations at Supercomputing 2002  Kaushik De coordinating U.S. Testbed and SC2002 planning since mid-April 2002  This talk based on new & evolving plans  Testbed status  Software distribution  Application toolkit  MC production plans  Monitoring  Grid tools  Integration  SC2002 demos

3 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 3 Testbed Goals  Demonstrate success of grid computing model for High Energy Physics  in data production  in data access  in data analysis  Develop, deploy and test grid middleware and applications  integrate middleware with applications  simplify deployment - robust, rapid & scalable  inter-operate with other testbeds & grid organizations (iVDGL, DataTag…)  provide single point-of-service for grid users  Evolve into fully functioning scalable distributed tiered grid

4 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 4 Testbed Website  

5 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 5 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Brookhaven National Laboratory Indiana University Boston University Argonne National Laboratory U Michigan University of Texas at Arlington Oklahoma University US -ATLAS testbed launched February 2001 Grid Testbed Sites

6 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 6 Testbed Fabric  8 production gatekeepers - ANL, BNL, LBNL, BU, IU, UM, OU, UTA   Large clusters at BNL, LBNL, IU, UTA, BU  BNL: RCF, LBNL: PDSF, IU/BU: prototype Tier 2  UTA awarded NSF MRI for acquisition of D0 & ATLAS grid facility ($950k+$400k) - Thanks!  + Multiple R&D gatekeepers  gremlin@bnl - iVDGL GIIS  heppc5@uta - ATLAS hierarchical GIIS  atlas10/14@anl - EDG testing  heppc6@uta+gremlin@bnl - glue schema  heppc17/19@uta - GRAT development  few sites - Grappa portal  bnl - VO server  few sites - iVDGL testbed

7 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 7 Software Distribution  Jason Smith, Kaushik De, Saul Youssef, Wensheng Deng, Shava Smallen  Goals:  Easy installation by System Administrators  Uniform software versions  Pacman perfect for this task  First stage deployment  Done - May, 2002   Pacman, Globus 2.0b, cernlib   GRAT application/production package   Second stage deployment  Magda, Grappa - June, 2002  Tools for distributed production  Third stage  VDT 1.1.1, Chimera, … - July/August, 2002

8 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 8 Available Packages

9 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 9 Applications Team  Horst Severini, Kaushik De, Dan Engh, Wensheng Deng, Ed May  Goal:  Goal: enable physicist to use testbed without worrying about underlying middleware or ATLAS software  Athena-Atlfast for grid testbed  Tool 1: runs on any globus enabled node (requires transfer of ~17MB executable package)  Tool 2: runs on grid site where executable package has been preinstalled  Tool 3: runs on afs enabled sites (the latest version of software is built and used)  GRid Applications Toolkit: GRAT  Above plus grid tools - ver 0.1 released 4/12/02   tested successfully on 17 U.S. ATLAS gatekeepers, CMS gatekeeper, D0 gatekeeper, EDG CE node (RH 6.x and RH 7.x),...  Version 0.3 of GRAT released May 8, 2002  Next, add Magda+ & merge with Grappa

10 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 10 GRAT v 0.3   Script based toolkit. Merging now with Grappa visual GUI tool (see Gardner talk)

11 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 11 Testbed Production  Goals:  Demonstrate distributed ATLAS data production, access and analysis using grid middleware and tools developed by the testbed group  Plans:  Atlfast production to test middleware and tools, and produce physics data for summer students, based on athena-atlfast, using VDT+Magda +Chimera and both GRAT and Grappa  2 weeks to regenerate data, once a month  deploy new tools and middleware each cycle  move away from farm paradigm to grid model  very aggressive schedule - people limited!  DC1 production to test fabric capabilities and produce and access data, using old Fortran code atlsim, atrig and atrecon (see previous talks)  not repeatable - hard to actively test grid software  increase U.S. participation - involve grid testbed

12 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 12 Atlfast Production  Application:  Application: Athena-atlfast  Current version 3.0.1. Next release will be 3.2.0 (official DC1 release)  Middleware:  Middleware: VDT+Magda+Chimera  Interface:  Interface: GRAT, Grappa  Sites:  Sites: 8 ATLAS testbed sites, 2 CMS testbed sites, 2 D0 MC farms, EDG sites? TeraGrid sites?  June, 2002: Phase Alpha  Demonstrate software deployment and simple production system  done

13 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 13 Summer Schedule  July 1-15: Phase 0, 10^7 events  Globus 2.0 beta, Athena 3.0.1, Grappa, common disk model, Magda, 5 physics processes, BNL VO manager, minimal job scheduler, GridView monitoring  August 5-19: Phase 1, 10^8 events  VDT 1.1.1, Hierarchical GIIS server, Athena-atlfast 3.2.0, Grappa, Magda - data & replica management with metadata catalogue, 10 physics processes, static MDS based job scheduler, new visualization  September 2-16: Phase 2, 10^9 events, 1 TB storage, 40k files  Athena-atlfast 3.2.0 instrumented, 20 physics processes, upgraded BNL VO manager, dynamic job scheduler, fancy monitoring  Need some planning of analysis tools

14 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 14 Atlfast Production Architecture Boxed Athena-Atlfast JobOptions: Higgs SUSY QCD Top W/Z Compute Sites Grappa Portal or GRAT script User Resource Broker MagdaVDC MDS Globus Storage Elements

15 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 15 Monitoring Team  Dantong Yu, Patrick McGuigan, Craig Tull, Kaushik De, Shawn McKee, Dan Engh, Jason Smith  Monitoring is critically important in distributed Grid computing  check system health, debug problems  discover resources using static data  job scheduling and resource allocation decisions using dynamic data from MDS and other monitors  Testbed monitoring priorities  Discover site configuration  Discover software installation  Application monitoring  Grid status/operations monitoring  Also need  Well defined data for job scheduling  Visualization

16 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 16 Monitoring - Back End  Publishing MDS information  Glue schema - BNL & UTA  Pippy - Pacman information service provider  BNL ACAS schema  Hierarchical GIIS server  Non-MDS back ends  iPerf, Netlogger, Prophesy, Ganglia  Archiving  MySQL  GridView, BNL ACAS  RRD  Network  Work needed  What to store?  Replication of archived information  Good progress on back end!

17 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 17 Monitoring - Front End  MDS based  GridView, Gridsearcher  Converting TeraGrid and other toolkits  Non-MDS  Cricket, Ganglia  Work needed  Urgent for SC2002! Graphs, maps, drill-down…  New visualization team: Dantong Yu (evaluation of existing tools), Patrick McGuigan (Java CoG, Python), Jason Smith (PHP)

18 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 18 GridView 2.2   Simple visualization tool using Globus Toolkit  First native Globus application for ATLAS grid (March 2001)  Collects information using Globus tools. Archival information is stored in MySQL server on a different machine. Data published through web server on a third machine.  

19 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 19 Testbed Tools  Many tools developed by the U.S. ATLAS testbed group during past year   GridView - simple tool to monitor status of testbed Kaushik De, Patrick McGuigan   Gripe - unified user accounts Rob Gardner   Magda - MAnager for Grid DAta Torre Wenaus, Wensheng Deng (see Gardner & Wenaus talks)   Pacman - package management and distribution tool Saul Youssef  Being widely used or adopted by iVDGL VDT, Ganga, and others (see Gardner talk)   Grappa - web portal using active notebook technology Shava Smallen (see Gardner talk)   GRAT - GRid Application Toolkit   Gridsearcher - MDS browser Jennifer Schopf   GridExpert - Knowledge Database Mark Sosebee   VO Toolkit - Site AA Rich Baker (see Baker talk) ...

20 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 20 Integration!!  Coordination with other grid efforts and software developers - very difficult task!  Project centric:  GriPhyN/iVDGL - Rob Gardner  PPDG - Torre Wenaus  EDG - Ed May, Jerry Gieraltowski  ATLAS/LHCb - Rich Baker  ATLAS/CMS - Kaushik De  ATLAS/D0 - Jae Yu  Fabric/Middleware centric:  Afs Software installations - Alex Undrus, Shane Canon, Iwona Sakrejda  Networking - Shawn McKee, Rob Gardner  Virtual and Real Data Management - Wendsheng Deng, Sasha Vaniachin, Pavel Nevski, David Malon, Rob Gardner, Dan Engh, Mike Wilde, Yong Zhao, Shava Smallen  Security/Site AA/VO - Rich Baker, Dantong Yu

21 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 21 SC2002 Plans   SC2002 in Maryland, mid-November   Testbed Production demo (BNL) Kaushik De  Monitor/interact with grid production   ATLAS/CMS demo (FNAL/SLAC) Kaushik De  preliminary discussions with CMS  may become iVDGL demo (see Gardner talk)  ATLAS GRAT already running at CMS sites  GridView is monitoring two CMS sites   Application monitoring (LBNL) Craig Tull  Athena + Netlogger + Prophesy   Virtual data demo (ANL/UC/IU) Rob Gardner   Common areas  Brochure - Rob Gardner  Posters - Craig Tull  Common script - Jennifer Schopf

22 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 22 Testbed Production Demo. (in BNL booth)  ATLAS physics story  ATLAS computing story  Visualize production:  Monitor site status  static - glue, pippy  dynamic - jobs, cpu usage  Monitor data status  magda - visual?  VDC (same as IU booth)  Monitor applications  Athena instrumented (same as LBNL booth)  Event display?  First version at LBNL US Computing meeting July 29-31

23 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 23 SC2002 Demo ATLAS-CMS Demo. Architecture ATLAS-CMS User Job Scheduling Policy ATLAS-CMS Testbed Visualization (status, physics) Production Jobs MOP, GRAT, Grappa Condor, Python? Globus, Condor-G? MDS, Ganglia, Paw/Root ??

24 June 20, 2002 Kaushik De DoE/NSF Review 24 Summary  Testbed -> SC2002  Recently refocused testbed activities and plans  Important grid-based production milestone this summer to test middleware using light-weight layered approach to software deployment  Testbed production should naturally lead to Supercomputing 2002 demos  Exploring various integration and cooperation issues - no need to reinvent the wheel  The testbed can provide a lot of resources, hardware and people, when fully grid-enabled  In summary - hardware not limiting problem yet! Middleware coming along. Need serious work on integration and deployment and testing. Shortage of people critical here - lab and university base funding shortages are the limiting factors!!

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