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6/7 November 2012 Transcendentalism  Ralph Waldo Emerson’s motto, “Trust thyself,” distills the essence of his ideals. Create your own motto. Consider.

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Presentation on theme: "6/7 November 2012 Transcendentalism  Ralph Waldo Emerson’s motto, “Trust thyself,” distills the essence of his ideals. Create your own motto. Consider."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/7 November 2012 Transcendentalism  Ralph Waldo Emerson’s motto, “Trust thyself,” distills the essence of his ideals. Create your own motto. Consider traits or resources that helped you solve a problem, or the best advice you’ve ever given a friend.

2 One I like is…….  “Fall down  seven times, Stand up eight.  --Japanese Proverb

3 Are You a Transcendentalist?  *Answer yes or no to each question in your journal*  1.Are you afraid of nature?  2.Do you view man as naturally bad (yes) or naturally good (no)?  3.Would you live alone in the woods?  4.Do you feel more connected with yourself in nature (yes) or in church (no)?  5.Would you burn someone you thought was a witch?  6.Would you ever live in a commune?  7.Do you dress in a way that makes you comfortable (yes) or like your friends (no)?  8.Would you encourage others to think for themselves with no concern for the consequences (yes) or to conform to keep the peace (no)?  9.If faced with adversity, would you stay and fight (yes) or run away to a new country (no)?

4 Transcendentalist Quiz cont.  10. Who do you think was more savage: American Indians (yes) or early settlers (no)?  11.Which do you prefer: poetry (yes) or prose (no)?  12.Do you think that war is ever good?  13.Would you be happy living in a box?

5 Results…..  4 or less “T’s” you are definitely NOT a transcendentalist. You HATE nature!  6-10 “T’s” you have SOME transcendental tendencies.  11-13 “T’s you are a transcendentalist for certain! You share the same philosophies as Emerson and Thoreau, and will probably enjoy the literature we will be reading the rest of the quarter

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