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Hometown Church. Church as a Child First - You Must be Baptized Baptism in the Baptist Church requires the individual to be fully immersed in the water.

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Presentation on theme: "Hometown Church. Church as a Child First - You Must be Baptized Baptism in the Baptist Church requires the individual to be fully immersed in the water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hometown Church

2 Church as a Child

3 First - You Must be Baptized Baptism in the Baptist Church requires the individual to be fully immersed in the water. You must be baptized under the Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Once you are baptized, fully immersed in the water, you dress and take your place on the bench reserved for the newly baptized with the rest of the congregation who are already in service.

4 You take your first communion as a baptized member of the Baptist Church. Take your place on the bench reserved for the newly baptized with the rest of the congregation, communion will begin once everyone and everything is in place. Specific hymns and songs are sang during the service through to completion.

5 Church Activities as a Child The Choir

6 Church Activities as a Child The Usher


8 The Children’s Choir Performance

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