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1 Timothy 1. 1.What is the goal of opposing false teachers or teachers who introduce teachings that have little connection with God’s Word? Love for them,

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1 1 Timothy 1

2 1.What is the goal of opposing false teachers or teachers who introduce teachings that have little connection with God’s Word? Love for them, so they aren’t doomed by false ideas Love for others so they are not misled 2.What purpose of the law does the apostle mention in verses 8-10? The law as a Curb – its purpose is to stop sin

3 3.A psychologist analyzing Paul’s words (“I am the worst of sinners”) might conclude that Paul suffered from poor self-esteem. Why would that be an inaccurate assessment? He is confessing his sinfulness. His total depravity He especially had his past in mind. 4.What struggles does Paul refer to in verses 18-20? Why can we speak of the church in this world as the “church militant”? It is a daily battle to fight against Satan and his lies Fighting for sound doctrine is not easy We have a sinful nature that we struggle with daily

4 5.Some say that a pastor should refrain from sermons that attack false teachers. How does this chapter address that subject? It is best to make the truth clear, expose false teachings. On occasion we point out false teachers 6.Paul says he handed Hymenaeus and Alexander over to Satan. What does he mean by that? What are the loving purposes of church discipline? Warn them against opposing God’s Word Self preservation We glorify God when we stand up for His word Romans 16:17

5 1 Timothy 2 1.The first petition of prayer is for those in government positions. What benefits does the church derive from good government? We can live peaceful, quiet and prosperous lives 2.How many people does God want to come to faith? (verses 5,6) God wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth

6 The Roman Catholic Catechism calls Mary "Mediatrix": "Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring up the gifts of eternal salvation...Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix." (969, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1994). A 'mediatrix,' for those whose Latin is rusty, is a female mediator: "mediatrix, n. A female mediator" (Webster's International, 1965). Pope Pius IX referred to her as such: " her who, with her only-begotten Son, is the most powerful Mediatrix and Conciliatrix in the whole world..." (Ineffabilis Deus, Pope Pius IX, 1854).

7 3.What are Paul’s special instructions to men? to women? Men = pray with no disputing Women – dress modestly and adorn themselves with good deeds 4.What important role do Christian men have in life? They are the servant leaders of the family Read: Ephesians 5:25

8 5.Under what circumstances is a woman required to be “silent” or not permitted to teach? When it involves authority over a man. It is his job to be the servant-leader If the men refuse to do their job, maybe the woman needs to do it, to the men’s disgrace 6. Agree or Disagree: Those who don’t understand God’s roles for men and women (Ephesians 5:22-25), do not understand the Gospel. Agree. The roles God has established reflect Christ like love – they are the Gospel put into action

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