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10.2 The Louisiana Purchase and Exploration 1803-1806.

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1 10.2 The Louisiana Purchase and Exploration 1803-1806

2 Federalists Continue to Lose Power  Hamilton attacks Adams, splitting Federalist Party  Adams/Federalists lose election of 1804  Hamilton seeks to prevent Burr from becoming Gov. of New York in 1804  7/11/1804 Hamilton fights Aaron Burr in a duel, and is killed.  Burr kills Federalist leadership, and his own career  Federalists fade away

3 Jefferson and Louisiana 1800-1810: Population in the Ohio Valley grows. Daniel Boone clears the Wilderness Road. 1800: Spain cedes trans-Mississippi/LA to France 1802: US loses right to deposit in New Orleans 1803: Jefferson sends envoys to Napoleon 4/30/1803: Frances sells LA for $15 million Why did Napoleon sell?


5 Louisiana Purchase of 1803  Avoided war with France and Spain  Vast area of land open for farming for growing population  Western expansion favors Jefferson & Democratic republican Party, gains loyalty of Western US  Federalists decline further  Establishes power of the President to make treaties

6 Meriwether Lewis & William Clark  Sought (but did not find) a Northwest Passage  Want to establish boundaries of the new LA territory  1804-1806: 2½ year journey of 50 men(Corps of Discovery)  Navigated the Missouri, crossed the Rockies, went down the Columbia River to the Pacific and back  Received help from many Native Americans during their journey, esp. Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide  First Americans to cross the North American continent.  Demonstrated the viability of an overland passage to Pacific  Opened the West to settlement

7 {{  Clark

8 Meriwether Lewis & William Clark  Seeking a Northwest Passage and boundaries of new LA territory  1804-1806: 2 and ½ year journey, 50 men in Corps of Discovery  Navigated the Missouri, crossed the Rockies, went down the Columbia River to the Pacific and back  Received help from many Native Americans during their journey, esp. Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide  First Americans to cross the North American continent.  Demonstrated the viability of an overland passage to Pacific  Opened the West to settlement

9 Meriwether Lewis & William Clark  Sought (but did not find) a Northwest Passage  Want to establish boundaries of the new LA territory  1804-1806: 2½ year journey of 50 men(Corps of Discovery)  Navigated the Missouri, crossed the Rockies, went down the Columbia River to the Pacific and back  Received help from many Native Americans during their journey, esp. Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman who served as interpreter and guide  First Americans to cross the North American continent.  Demonstrated the viability of an overland passage to Pacific  Opened the West to settlement

10 The Missouri Breaks

11 Decision Point


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