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Environmental & Waste Management Services Brookhaven National Lab

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1 Environmental & Waste Management Services Brookhaven National Lab
ISM Champions Workshop Brookhaven National Laboratory November 28-30, 2007 Engaging Senior Management with the Management Review Process of ISO and OHSAS 18001 George A. Goode, Manager Environmental & Waste Management Services Brookhaven National Lab

2 Presentation Overview
Overview of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) ISO and OHSAS Implementation Integrating with ISM Management Review Process Facility Level Institutional Level Results Conclusions

3 Brookhaven National Laboratory
Mission: Basic and applied research in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science Biology, Medicine, Energy, Environment, and forefront technology Facts: Operated by Brookhaven Sciences Associates (BSA) for DOE 2600 employees; 4,000 visiting scientists annually 5,000 acre site located on eastern Long Island, NY Founded 1947 on former US Army’s Camp Upton BSA: Partnership between Battelle Memorial Institute and SUNY Stony Brook

4 BNL Facilities, Programs, Operations
BNL MACHINES Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Accelerators Synchrotron Light Source SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Medical Research Operations Material Science Research Bench-top Experiments Terrestrial Research FACILITY OPERATIONS Physical Plant Operations Sewage Treatment Plant Central Steam Facility Major Petroleum Facility Waste Management Facility Environmental Restoration SUPPORT PROCESSES Radiation Source Material Storage Machining Operations Photography Fleet Operations Bulk Chemical Distribution Operations

5 Collider-Accelerators Synchrotron Light Source
BNL Facilities, Programs, Operations BNL MACHINES Research Reactor Collider-Accelerators Synchrotron Light Source

6 Physical Plant Operations Sewage Treatment Plant
The Positron Emission Tomography (PET) facility. Brookhaven is a world leader in brain research, including how drugs, mental illness, nicotine, alcohol and even normal aging affect the brain. A Brookhaven collaboration was the first to discover that a drug used to control epilepsy stops cocaine's addictive effects in animals. In subsequent studies, Brookhaven researchers found that the drug effectively blocked test animals' craving for nicotine, heroin, alcohol and methamphetamine. BNL Facilities, Programs, Operations FACILITY OPERATIONS Physical Plant Operations Sewage Treatment Plant Central Steam Facility Major Petroleum Facility Waste Management Facility Environmental Restoration SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Medical Research Operations Material Science Research Bench-top Experiments Terrestrial Research SUPPORT PROCESSES Radiation Source Material Storage Machining Operations Photography Fleet Operations Bulk Chemical Distribution Operations

7 Improving Environment Performance Systematic Approach of ISO 14001 EMS
BNL Registered to ISO in 2001 Initiative to improve environmental performance, integrated with ISM Key Elements Plan the work Identify environmental aspects Establish objectives & targets Implement operational controls Checking Monitor and assess Management Review Key process to drive improved performance

8 Improving Safety Performance Systematic Approach of OHSAS 18001
BNL registered to OHSAS December 2006 System is complimentary to ISO 14001 Integrated with ISM and Work Planning Key Elements Plan the work Identify job & facility risks Establish objectives & targets Implement operational controls Checking and corrective action Monitor and assess Management Review Key process to drive improved performance

9 Management Review Process Powerful Tool for Feedback and Improvement
What is Management Review? “Top management shall review the organization’s (EMS) and (OH&S) system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness”. Review includes… Results of audits and evaluations of compliance Communication(s) from external parties Performance Extent to which objectives and targets have been met Status of corrective and preventive actions Follow up from previous management reviews Recommendations for improvement Engages top management in ISM system performance

10 Purpose of Meeting “Top management shall” - Evaluate EMS/OSH Program Adequacy – does it meet requirements & implemented appropriately Suitability- does it “fit” BNL operations & systems Effectiveness- is it achieving the desired results Review performance of key system components including: Results of audits and assessments Extent to which objectives and targets (Critical Outcomes)have been met Concerns of relevant interested parties Expected Outcome Identify areas where focused improvement initiatives are needed Provide feedback and direction At the end of the meeting we will be seeking input on improvement areas and your assessment of the programs adequacy suitability & effectiveness. Please feel free to stop any of the speakers during the presentations to ask questions or add comments. We try to prepared the data for your evaluation , but may have overzealous… Interactions will liven up this meeting and certainly welcome. We will be taking minutes of the discussions during the presentation.

11 Management Review Process Engaging all Levels of Management
Facility Level Management Review Each Directorate conducts their own Management Review Presided over by Associate Lab Director and Department Chairs Presented by line and support staff Allows detailed focus and specific recommendations Attended by ESHQ managers to roll-up labwide issues Institutional Level Management Review Single review for the entire Laboratory Presided over by Lab Director and ALD’s Presented by ESHQ Management An opportunity to consider labwide issues and develops consensus on path forward with recommendations for improvement

12 EMS and OSH Management Review Feedback flows up and across
Institutional Level reviews rolls up labwide performance and issues Directors Office Nuclear & Particle Physics Basic Energy Science Light Sources Energy Env. & National Security Life Sciences Facilities & Operation Community Education Government & Public Affairs Finance ESH&Q EM Organizations included: Environmental and Waste Management Services Division (WM Integrated) Safety and Health Services Division Radiological Controls Division Quality Management Community, Education, Government & Public Affairs (CEGPA) Office of Educational. Programs (OEP) Photography and Graphic Arts (NEW) Finance Directorate (NEW) Director’s Office Information Technology Division (ITD) Occupational Medicine Clinic (OMC) Facility Level reviews focus on details and specifics most meaningful to Line Organizations

13 Results: Preventing Spills
Management Review Driving Improved Performance Results: Preventing Spills FY04 Management Review noted increasing trend of spills Performance information is always presented in trend format when possible Management directed staff to establish preventive actions to reduce spills Reducing spills was established as an objective for the coming year Line organizations reported performance on spill prevention in Facility-level management reviews Spills were reduced… 57% in 2005 90% in 2006 fuel oil 3 BLIP Target Cooling Water 2 compressor oil 2 diesel fuel 4 engine oil 7 ethylene glycol 14 gasoline 2 hydraulic fluid 16 vegetable oil 2 lubricating (gear) oil 2 Unknown 1 Multiple/Unknown Petroleum Products 2 transformer oil 3 transmission fluid 7

14 Results: ESSH Policy Management Review Driving Improved Performance
FY05 Management Review noted lack of awareness of ESSH Policy Feedback from internal assessments revealed staff felt policy was too complicated, hard to relate too Management directed policy revision Policy was simplified Staff input was incorporated Roll out of the new policy is planned Policy wording and format is more staff friendly and meaningful fuel oil 3 BLIP Target Cooling Water 2 compressor oil 2 diesel fuel 4 engine oil 7 ethylene glycol 14 gasoline 2 hydraulic fluid 16 vegetable oil 2 lubricating (gear) oil 2 Unknown 1 Multiple/Unknown Petroleum Products 2 transformer oil 3 transmission fluid 7 Environment: We protect the environment, conserve resources, and prevent pollution. Safety: We maintain a safe workplace and we plan our work and perform it safely. We take responsibility for the safety of ourselves, coworkers, and guests.

15 Results: Mercury Pollution Prevention
Management Review Driving Improved Performance Results: Mercury Pollution Prevention Recent Management Reviews noted impacts from historical releases of mercury EM clean up program required expensive clean up of historical sewage treatment plant releases Management directed mercury pollution prevention to be a priority P2 Program targeted mercury Objectives and targets were established in line organizations BNL joined EPA Performance Track program and set mercury reduction goal Mercury inventory reduced 60% and Hg waste reduced by 80% Replaced over 450 thermometers and removed over 87 lbs of elemental mercury fuel oil 3 BLIP Target Cooling Water 2 compressor oil 2 diesel fuel 4 engine oil 7 ethylene glycol 14 gasoline 2 hydraulic fluid 16 vegetable oil 2 lubricating (gear) oil 2 Unknown 1 Multiple/Unknown Petroleum Products 2 transformer oil 3 transmission fluid 7

16 Examples Feedback from Recent Mgmt Review
Management Review Driving Improved Performance Examples Feedback from Recent Mgmt Review Consider ESH impacts of nanomaterials and develop action plans to address Improve the control of ESH documents Develop a plan to improve RCRA compliance at the point of waste generation Work to minimize radioactive emissions from the Isotope Production facility Work with the EPA and NYSDEC to correct the record of compliance maintained in the ECHO database Continue to disposition un-needed materials and chemicals and reduce the nuclear materials inventory Ensure that engineering controls (caps) prevent contamination from impacting groundwater quality Action plans were developed for each of these and progress is reported during the year and at the annual Management Review fuel oil 3 BLIP Target Cooling Water 2 compressor oil 2 diesel fuel 4 engine oil 7 ethylene glycol 14 gasoline 2 hydraulic fluid 16 vegetable oil 2 lubricating (gear) oil 2 Unknown 1 Multiple/Unknown Petroleum Products 2 transformer oil 3 transmission fluid 7

17 Summary Management Review element of ISO & OHSAS can be very effective feedback and improvement tools to drive improved performance Requires engagement of Top Management Requires a broad-based presentation of performance data Trended data supports decision making Management Review at the Facility-Level allows line management to focus on specific issues and fosters ownership Lab-level issues are rolled up the Institutional-Level Management direction becomes the objectives and targets for the following year, driving continual improvement

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