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Stochastic Seismic Emission from Acoustic Glories in New Active Regions of cycle 24 Alina Donea Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics Monash University.

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Presentation on theme: "Stochastic Seismic Emission from Acoustic Glories in New Active Regions of cycle 24 Alina Donea Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics Monash University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stochastic Seismic Emission from Acoustic Glories in New Active Regions of cycle 24 Alina Donea Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics Monash University 10/23/20151GONG2010/SOHO24

2 10/23/2015GONG2010/SOHO242 Holographic images of seismic emissions in AR10486 acoustic glory = enhanced seismic emission 5mHz, halo (Braun, Lindsey 1992) Local helioseismic technique: helioseismic holography (Lindsey, Braun 1997)

3 Holographic images of seismic emission in AR 2.5-4.5 mHz - seismic deficit up to 30 Mm outside of surface mgn regions >4.5 mHz - seismic deficit in AR only + - acoustic glory (halo of sharply enhanced seismic emission, small, discrete emitters; thin bead strings) - only around large-multipolar AR (15% excess of mean QS) 10/23/20153GONG2010/SOHO24

4 10/23/20154GONG2010/SOHO24 (Donea, Lindsey,Braun 2000) Emitters cluster in strings 1 emitter size=3Mm, acoustic diffraction limit@5mHz 1 emitter : Seismic EG power =1.5%QS Non-magnetic regions or border weak magnetic region

5 Temporal character of seismic emission from acoustic glories / Quiet Sun (QS) 10/23/20155GONG2010/SOHO24

6 Control tests: -points from QS 2 pixel x 2 pixel (2.8 Mm x 2.8 Mm), square region -ingression from QS disturbances that happen to be converging coherently towards the focus rather than emanating from it Power distribution of 5mHz EG POW emission from acoustic glories / Quiet Sun (QS) 10/23/20156GONG2010/SOHO24 H O 2 =1.51 H quiet 2

7 10/23/20157GONG2010/SOHO24 Acoustic glories from NOAA 11045 07/02/2010

8 10/23/2015GONG2010/SOHO248 H O 2 =1.5 H quiet 2 Saturation develops above H 2 =H quiet 2 Warning: 5 h observations !

9 More properties of 5mHz seismic glories: Contamination Directionality Beading 10/23/2015GONG2010/SOHO249

10 10/23/2015GONG2010/SOHO2410 Distribution of EG POW QS in the right region of QS Appear to show slight/significant enhancements. Contamination from the neighborhood by: Glory-like emission from main AR 6mHz seismic activity from surrounding plages More properties: Contamination

11 10/23/201511GONG2010/SOHO24 Acoustic glories from 06 June 2000 Directionality More seismic emitters along the arrow.

12 10/23/2015GONG2010/SOHO2412 NOAA 8179 15/03/1998 00:43 UT22:24 UT Beading

13 10/23/201513GONG2010/SOHO24 Acoustic glories from NOAA 11046 14/02/2010

14 10/23/2015GONG2010/SOHO2414 Conclusions -seismic emitters are localized seismic sources with episodic temporal behaviour -only a few of these are enough to contaminate the region and produce glories at 5mHz how many? One emitters gives 1.5-5 QS POW) -extended glories 20-30 Mm -they prefer non/low-magnetic areas “well positioned” -acoustic glories surround only large, multi polar ARs -50% of the EG POW in emitters is incoherent noise -50% of the EG POW is coherent emission -wave generation -”mini” source waves are refracted and interfere with coming waves from the source: Khomenko, Collados 2009 -bead-like structure? Emission/generation mechanism

15 10/23/201515GONG2010/SOHO24

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