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This is a presentation of colleagues from the Masaryk University Brno - Institute of Physics of the Earth presented by Peter Melichar.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a presentation of colleagues from the Masaryk University Brno - Institute of Physics of the Earth presented by Peter Melichar."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a presentation of colleagues from the Masaryk University Brno - Institute of Physics of the Earth presented by Peter Melichar

2 Institute of Physics of the Earth at Masaryk University Brno 14 people - seismologists, geologists, engineers developing since 1981, joined with university in 1992 seismological monitoring, basic + applied research and teaching Jana Romana Jan Petr some of us to be involved: J. Pazdirkova, R. Hanzlova, P. Spacek & J. Svancara – the boss



5 3 networks of SP stations (green) for monitoring of local seismicity and nuclear power plants 4 broadband stations (red) - data for National Service and ZAMG, GEOFON, CTBTO, EMSC, ORFEUS, NEIC,... Our infrastructure

6 Seismicity extends from the Alpine-Carpathian/Panonian region (ALCAPA) to its foreland. The Bohemian Massif acts as a buffer zone of „stable“ Europe. Only weak tectonic activity with locally increased seismicity Max. instrumental M=4.6 Max. historical I~7.5-8 instrumentally recorded events for period 2000-2009 (the black/grey dots are Cenozoic anorogenic volcanics)

7 Some general ideas for the Bohemian Massif the stress/strain transfer from the active parts of ALCAPA to the adjacent low-seismicity regions should be studied we have 2 nuclear power plants and growing community of seismic hazard sceptics around – we need to re-evaluate catalogues should be revised and completed for earthquakes with long recurrence periods geological record must be used for that – paleoseismology (see the first striking results of Czech and Austrian colleagues) information on fault slip rate needed - conventional geodesy indicates an active fault slip

8 Our activities and problems to be addressed: instrumental seismic data, incl. strong motion data – recording, processing, exchange (Romana, Jana) catalogue of instrumental events since 2000 incl. fakes (Jana) seismotectonic studies at ALCAPA/Bohemian Massif junction (all of us) ? improvement of seismic station coverage (coop. with ZAMG?) completion of historical catalogues, joint catalogue for Central Europe? (Jana – coop. w. Christa and others) paleoseismology and geological input into seismic hazard issues (Petr) ? satellite geodesy – PSInSAR (Petr would welcome help here – no experience, cooperation needed)

9 Trenching the faults in the Boh. Massif – an example (P. Spacek, 2013) 1x1m grid layered loess/red-brown silt loam – resedimented upper loess? (Holocene) relic of paleosol 11.94±0.17 ky ( 14 C) loess + colluvia OSL datings not available yet, assumed age of top loess: last glacial 160+ cm slip on this young normal fault! (Primary tectonic origin + creep-like response of the slope.)

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