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Wellness An Overview Health Related Physical Fitness.

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2 Wellness An Overview

3 Health Related Physical Fitness

4 Body Composition  What your body is made up of  Weight=muscles, fat, bones  Lean body mass= muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones  How is it measured?  Hydrostatic weight (in water)

5 Health Hazards from Excessive Fat  Breathing difficulties  Diabetes  Cancer  High BP  Heart Disease  Stroke  Pregnancy risks  Less resistance to infections  Shortened life expectancy  Kidney disorders

6 Somatotyping  Ectomorph- Thin-low muscle mass  Endomorph-Large-excessive fat  Mesomorph-medium with more muscle mass

7 Weight Gain & Loss  1 pound = 3,500 calories  To gain weight increase caloric intake and exercise less  To lose weight reduce caloric intake and exercise more

8 Metabolism  The rate at which food is converted into energy in body cells  Differs from person to person

9 Cardio-respiratory Endurance  Cardio = heart  Respiratory = lungs  Definition: the ability of the heart and lungs to work efficiently for a long period of time

10 Muscle Strength  The power to push, pull or lift  Heavy weights  Just a few times

11 Muscle Endurance  The ability of the muscles to work over a long period of time

12 Flexibility  The ability of the joints to move through the full range of motion


14 Principle of Specificity  You must do specific activities to build specific parts of physical fitness

15 Principle of Progression  The best benefits of exercise are gained when starting slowly and gradually increasing the amount over a period of time.

16 Principle of Overload  The principle says that in order to get fit, you must increase what you are doing over the every day level of activity.

17 Principles of Fitness

18 Frequency  How often you should work out  For example: Do you jazzercise 2, 3 or 4 times per week?

19 Intensity  How hard you should work  In the weight room, intensity is measured by the amount of weight you are lifting.  In an aerobic activity, intensity is measured by your heart rate.

20 Time  How long (or duration) you should work out

21 Apply the Principles of Fitness to see your fitness level improve!!

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