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The Art and Science of Decision-Making April 7, 2014 Robert S. Duboff 617-576-4701.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art and Science of Decision-Making April 7, 2014 Robert S. Duboff 617-576-4701."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art and Science of Decision-Making April 7, 2014 Robert S. Duboff 617-576-4701

2 2 Debrief on Influencing What worked on you? What didn’t work on you? What role did pre-existing biases play? How easy was it to change your mind? Other comments/observations/questions?

3 3 Debrief on Influencing Routes to persuasion o (Re) framing -A final question o New information o Organization/story Note Aristotle’s Big 3: Credibility Rational Emotional

4 4 Debrief on Influencing Implications of 3-5 minutes time limit o Focus o Filet (weakest link) o Flow

5 5 Good Communication Relevant Interesting Empathetic Logical Concise Clear Interactive, if at all possible Honest, if not transparent

6 6 Improving [Jury] Decisions Provide more best practice information to jurors o What process leads to best decisions (e.g., straw poll first or wait)? o Good decisions require good full deliberation (e.g., means X hours, process) Provide a professional jury facilitator and/or Judge “customer justice” Don’t let jury see defendant State/share predispositions at the onset of the trial Allow jury to ask questions

7 7 Final – Due by May 12 via email to The final assignment is a 3-5 page paper analyzing a future decision relating to business, politics/government or personal. The paper needs to include: What the decision is about and the alternatives The process to be followed What will influence the decision o Rational factors o Emotional factors Specifically, how has this course changed or influenced your thinking about this decision? The grade will be based on the insights into the process and the upcoming decision, with special attention paid to specific improvements in the process you will make and can connect to this course. The more impactful points made about the decision the better. Clarity of communication will also count.

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