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International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome

2 Creating a student led network Our journey and guide to yours Facilitators John Gaughan, Vice President Education, GCU Students’ Association Lesley McAleavy, Development Officer, Engage Nicky Andrew, Academic Lead, Engage Twitter: @GCUsdtudents_VPE #ETConf15

3 Agenda 1.What is SAGE? 2.Who is SAGE? 3.Where is SAGE? 4.What led to SAGE? 5.Tangible outcomes 6.Challenges faced 7.The future of SAGE 8.What success looks like Tasks intertwined throughout!

4 Student Action Group for Engagement (SAGE)

5 What is SAGE? Formally the Education Committee Created September 2014 Recognised network Chaired by the Students’ Association Supported by Engage Empowers students to work on University wide projects in partnership with staff

6 Who is SAGE? Sabbatical Vice President(s) Supported by Engage and Student Association staff School Officers Postgraduate representatives Highly engaged students Members of staff led networks

7 Task Who would be in your student network?

8 Where is SAGE? LTQEN SAGE SEF Learning and Teaching Sub- Committee (LTSC) Academic Policy Committee (APC) Senate

9 Task Where would your student network fit in your structures?

10 What led to SAGE? Agreed and embraced partnership approach Will for tangible staff, student partnership Existing engaged students

11 Task What would be the drivers for staff, student partnership at your institution?

12 Tangible outcomes Enhancement Theme funding for joint staff/student projects Working towards guidelines for online assessment, feedback and submission Co-facilitated a Student Experience Summit Co-developing social media guidelines Refreshing the Student Experience Framework Led a student consultation for the GCU Behaviours Framework Joint student/staff conference presentation

13 Task What do you think are areas students would want to do projects on? What do you think are the areas staff would want to do projects on?

14 Challenges SAGE faces Attracting students outside of current membership Communicating impact to wider student body Completing projects within desired timeframes

15 Task How would you over come these challenges? What challenges do you foresee at your institution?

16 The future of SAGE Consider training for members in project management Formal recognition via HEAR Encourage more students to lead projects Ensure a efficient turnaround time for projects Encourage under represented groups to submit projects

17 What success looks like Active membership mainly consisting of students outwith highly engaged students SAGE proactively inputting into and shaping policy Most students aware of SAGE and its impact Breaking down barriers between staff and students

18 Task What would success look like to you?

19 Summary 1.What is SAGE? 2.Who is SAGE? 3.Where is SAGE? 4.What led to SAGE? 5.Tangible outcomes 6.The future of SAGE 7.Challenges faced 8.What success looks like Now you can create your own student led network

20 Any Questions? Twitter: @GCUsdtudents_VPE Email: Website:

21 Thank You

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