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Daljit Nagra Singh Song!.

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Presentation on theme: "Daljit Nagra Singh Song!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daljit Nagra Singh Song!

2 I run just one ov my daddy’s shops from 9 o’clock to 9 o’clock
and he vunt me not to hav a break But ven nobody in, I do di lock Suggests long, mundane working day Childish language suggests his father still has control over his life Rebels against his father’s rules – takes control of his own life.

3 cos up di stairs is my newly bride vee share in chapatti
vee share in di chutney after vee hav made luv like vee rowing through Putney - Poor grammar – shows he’s still getting used to the English language Repetition emphasises the couples unity Unusual image of love-making creates humour

4 Ven I return vid my pinnie untied di shoppers always point to cry:
Disregards the rules of the shop – distracted by love. A comical image of rebellion Ven I return vid my pinnie untied di shoppers always point to cry: Hey singh, ver yoo bin? Yor lemons are limes yor bananas are plantain, dis dirty little floor need a little bit of mop in di worst Indian shop on di whole Indian road - Sounds like a chorus of voices, emphasised by phonetic speech. Exaggeration creates humour and highlights the contrast between the unreliable narrator and his careful father

5 Above my head high heel tap di ground
as my vife on di web is playing with di mouse ven she netting two cat on her Sikh lover site she book dem for di meat at di cheese ov her price- His new bride is glamorous, linked to a new generation that’s embracing Western culture. Suggests that his wife runs a dating agency – modern approach to relationships

6 in all di colours of Punjabi den stumble like a drunk
my bride she effing at my mum in all di colours of Punjabi den stumble like a drunk making fun at my daddy Repetition suggests he’s proud of his new wife and can’t stop thinking about her Lively language suggests he finds his wife’s swearing funny Shows his wife has a sense of humour – he doesn’t mind her poking fun at his parents

7 my bride tiny eyes ov a gun and di tummy ov a teddy
she hav a red crew cut and she wear a Tartan sari a donkey jacket and some pumps on di squek ov di girls dat are pinching my sweeties- Repetition shows he’s proud of his new wife and can’t stop thinking about her Wife described as both dangerous and cute- she’s a combination of lots of different things Her clothes are a mixture of British and Indian culture – she embodies both

8 Ven I return from di tickle ov my bride
di shoppers always point and cry: Hey singh, ver yoo bin? Di milk is out ov daye and di bread is alvays stale, di tings yoo hav on offer yoo hav never got in stock in di worst Indian shop on di whole Indian road - Suggests relationship is affectionate and carefree He’s a terrible shopkeeper but the complaints sound quite playful because they’re written phonetically.

9 Late in di midnight hour ven yoo shoppers are wrap up quiet
ven di precinct is concrete-cool vee cum down whispering stairs and sit on my silver stool, from behind di chocolate bars vee stare past di half-price window signs at di beaches ov di uk in di brightey moon- Sudden moment of calm shows the couple are alone. Contrasts with all the voices of the chorus. Money imagery contrasts with romantic descriptions of beaches in the moonlight. Makes Britain sound exotic and exciting.

10 from di stool each night she say
how much do yoo charge for dat moon baby from di stool each night I say is half di cost ov you baby Thinks in terms of money again – poem isn’t overly sentimental about love

11 From di stool each night she say, How much does dat come to baby
Repetition makes the couple’s conversation sound rhythmic and song-like. From di stool each night she say, How much does dat come to baby from di stool each night I say, Is priceless baby- Poem left hanging after final word – looks to the possibility of the future

12 Questions What is the poem about?
What can you tell me about the form of the poem? What can you identify as the structure? List any humorous description / phonetic Indian English? What feelings and attitudes can you identify?

13 Questions You need to come up with your own ideas about the poem, to help you answer the following; 1) Do you think the title of the poem is effective? Why? 2) What does the poem suggest about modern marriage? 3) What is the narrator’s attitude towards balancing his marriage and work? 4) Do you think the narrator seems happy in the poem ? Why?

14 Form Definition – The type of poem e.g. sonnet, ballad, and its features e.g. rhyme scheme, rhythm

15 Form The poet uses some rhymes to give the poem a light hearted tone.
As well as the narrator’s voice, it features the voices of his wife and the customers he ignores, showing how he fits into the community. It’s like a song with verses and a chorus which makes it sound lively and rhythmic.

16 Structure The order of ideas and events, e.g. how the poem begins, develops and ends.

17 Structure The poem alternates between descriptions or the narrator’s marriage and his customers’ complaints. The repeated choruses emphasise how often he neglects his work.

18 Phonetic Indian English
Voices in the poem combine Indian and English words and accents, sometimes creating new words. This shows the influence of both cultures on the people in the poem.

19 Best Comparisons ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’ ‘Medusa’

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