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Popular Music PowerPoint Your Name Genre Date. Background information History/Development of genre.  e.g. decade, geographical area, ethnic groups Add.

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Presentation on theme: "Popular Music PowerPoint Your Name Genre Date. Background information History/Development of genre.  e.g. decade, geographical area, ethnic groups Add."— Presentation transcript:

1 Popular Music PowerPoint Your Name Genre Date

2 Background information History/Development of genre.  e.g. decade, geographical area, ethnic groups Add pictures or hyperlink to a video of performances that highlights your research.

3 Famous Artists, Albums or Songs? List some of the best known music here. Add pictures or hyperlinks to show your understanding.

4 Key features of this genre? What musical concepts define this genre and make it different from others you have studied?

5 Significant Technology What technological developments have helped make this genre unique?  e.g. the synthesizer is extremely improtant to 80’s pop music  e.g. electric guitars and amplifiers/distortion are needed for rock music etc.  Add pictures/hyperlinks to make your PowerPoint eye catching and interesting.

6 Bibliography On this page add a hyperlink or mention any web page or other source that has contributed to your PowerPoint.

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