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Sharing experience : shaping practice Welcome and Introduction Edward Harkins Networking Initiatives Manager, SURF.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing experience : shaping practice Welcome and Introduction Edward Harkins Networking Initiatives Manager, SURF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing experience : shaping practice Welcome and Introduction Edward Harkins Networking Initiatives Manager, SURF

2 Definitions (1) Sustainable communities, as in Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative (Scottish Government 2009), The Egan Review (2004) Mixed communities, as in Delivering Mixed Communities: Learning the lessons )Communities and Local Government findings and recommendations 2009) Sharing experience : shaping practice

3 Definitions (2) Sustainable mixed communities, as with How to develop sustainable mixed communities, experience from outside Scotland (A Communities Scotland seminar in 2007) Mixed income communities, as in Creating and Sustaining mixed income communities in Scotland (JRF/CIH Good Practice Guide 2007) Sharing experience : shaping practice

4 Definitions (3) Mixed tenure developments, as in Developing and sustaining mixed tenure developments (JRF Round-up September 2006) Vibrant and mixed communities, as with Creating Vibrant and Mixed Communities (A term that seems now to be little used) Sharing experience : shaping practice

5 “A shift in the agenda away from housing and towards a broad-based, design-led regeneration programme, with placemaking at its centre” English Heritage and the Sustainable Development Commission CABE (July 2008) Sharing experience : shaping practice

6 “Masterplanning arouses strong emotions. I've always found it slightly reminiscent of Albert Speer's work as chief architect of the Third Reich. It sounds grandiose, authoritarian, and contemptuous of the lives of the people who get masterplanned.” Julian Dobson, Editor, New Start blog Sharing experience : shaping practice

7 “Key to any successful regeneration is the masterplan, which must combine the aspirations of all involved…” The Masterplan – an overview of urban planning New Civil Engineer (June 2008) “True sustainability has to start with the masterplan…” Masterplanning Sustainable Communities Building Sustainable Design (May 2009) Sharing experience : shaping practice

8 What is a masterplan? “Although the term ‘masterplan’ is used frequently, there is no generally agreed definition.” Creating Successful Masterplans: A Guide for Clients CABE (2008) Sharing experience : shaping practice

9 “Regeneration can only be effective if it successfully engages with the communities it affects. This is a lesson learnt and applied in the nine Housing Market Renewal Pathfinders in the North and the Midlands.” Community Engagement in Housing Led Regeneration: a good practice guide Chartered Institute of Housing (2007) Sharing experience : shaping practice

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