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Better Homes, Places, Opportunities – the Council’s Housing Strategy to 2015 A presentation to the Better Homes Partnership Board – 16 th September 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Homes, Places, Opportunities – the Council’s Housing Strategy to 2015 A presentation to the Better Homes Partnership Board – 16 th September 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Homes, Places, Opportunities – the Council’s Housing Strategy to 2015 A presentation to the Better Homes Partnership Board – 16 th September 2009 Steve Douglas, Corporate Director Neighbourhoods and Regeneration

2 Better Homes, Places, Opportunities Our ambitions: where we would like to be by 2015 Context & challenges Our key proposals Our key asks

3 Where we want to be by 2015 Measurable progress on the housing aspects of the Sustainable Communities Strategy, notably: Well-planned growth that supports sustainable communities estate renewal delivery More locally affordable homes Reduced worklessness and better, locally co-ordinated services Underpinned by: Quality, innovation, resident engagement, and the best use of partnership resources

4 Some key achievements so far 2 star ALMO 1,700 new NAHP-funded homes 2008/9 and 2009/10 50%+ of social rented three bedrooms or more Estate renewal: cleared sites for 800 new homes City Strategy Pathfinder: 800+ helped into work

5 Contextual changes - 1 Large rise in private renting since 2003 No rise in mortgaged owner-occupation Drop in relets from social rented stock Credit crunch/ economic downturn

6 Contextual changes - 2 HCA – Single Conversation on housing and regeneration Draft London Housing Strategy Olympic MAA

7 Housing growth in Hackney – planned and potential

8 Key challenges Popularity of the borough and land use pressures Best fit between needs/ aspirations and resources Getting design right Challenging GLA targets

9 Our Housing Strategy 1.Mixed and sustainable communities: Quality, affordable homes for all income groups 2.Attractive neighbourhoods: Places where people want to live 3.Prosperous Communities: The chance for everyone to thrive and earn a good living

10 Core Objective One: Mixed & sustainable communities Key priority areas include: Tackling homelessness and overcrowding, especially through best use of existing resources Increasing housing supply where feasible Getting the family-sized “offer” right

11 Core Objective One: Key priority areas (2) Improved housing advice and information Ensuring intermediate housing becomes a real tenure of choice, for those on middle incomes, especially some social housing tenants Tapping into a thriving private rented sector without compromising other strategic objectives (eg reduced worklessness)

12 Core Objective Two: Attractive neighbourhoods Key priority areas: Delivering estate renewal programmes Maintain and improve other social housing stock Decent homes in the private sector

13 Core Objective Two: Key priority areas (2) High quality standards of design Climate change and fuel poverty High management standards across all rented housing

14 Core Objective Three: Prosperous communities Key priority areas: Worklessness: build on the City Strategy Pathfinder Improved service co-ordination/integration and strengthened neighbourhood role

15 The Single Conversation in Hackney The process by which HCA will engage with LAs on all aspects of housing and regeneration Connects our local ambitions and priorities with national targets Strategy, investment, capacity and delivery Early output - a Local Investment Plan, articulating shared priorities Important for us to speak with a single voice on housing & regeneration …. and for the MAA boroughs !

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