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Scaling-Up Within a Statewide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) SPDG National Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling-Up Within a Statewide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) SPDG National Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling-Up Within a Statewide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) SPDG National Meeting

2 Project Structure

3 What is MiBLSi? A statewide structure to create capacity for an integrated Behavior and Reading Multi- Tiered System of Support (MTSS) that can be implemented with fidelity, is sustainable over time and utilizes data-based decision making at all levels of implementation support

4 Emphasis of MiBLSi Work Over Time Focus on providing direct PD and TA to Implementers (Team Training, Focus Training) MiBLSi develop capacity for project implementation Focus on providing direct PD and TA to Implementers (Team Training, Focus Training) MiBLSi develop regional capacity for MiBLSi regional implementation Focus on providing direct PD and TA to Implementers and cascading levels of support MiBLSi develop local capacity for LEA/ISD implementation Focus on providing direct PD and TA to cascading levels of support LEA/ISD develop local capacity for LEA/ISD implementation 2003 2005 2007 2010 2017

5 Transformation Zone = “Zone of Discomfort”

6 Logic of MiBLSi Emphasis is on developing local implementation capacity Partnership between ISD and Local School District focuses on shared ownership and accountability around implementation of an integrated MTSS model Schools/Districts will be supported through stages of implementation rather than through a training sequence Goal: Schools/Districts implement MTSS practices with fidelity supported by infrastructure the promotes continuous improvement and sustainability

7 Two Categories of Work Access to Effective Practices –Ensuring that students (staff) have access to effective practices in an integrated behavior and reading Multi-Tiered System of Supports –Practices are selected based on: Need, Fit, Resource Availability, Evidence, Readiness for Replication, Capacity to Implement Support for the Practices –Ensuring that the interventions are implemented correctly with the “right people”, at the “right time”, in the “right amounts” (Implementation Fidelity)

8 Management/CoordinationManagement/Coordination Capital Resources PeopleMaterialsInformation Work Systems: Providing the MTSS practices and the supports for the these practices to take place successfully within schools and districts FinancialEvaluation Professional Learning Technical Assistance Political Regulatory/Legal Economy Geography Society/Culture Political Regulatory/Legal Economy Geography Society/Culture Environmental Factors Receivers Stakeholders /Funders Investments: Funding Visibility Political support Returns: Addressing critical issues (Discipline/Ethnicity) Addressing program directives (State Performance Plan) Consumers schools, districts, ISDs/RESAs Consumers schools, districts, ISDs/RESAs MiBLSi Value- Added Work System Valued MTSS Products/ Services Priority, Plan, Formative Assessment, Continuous Improvement, Risk Management Determine worth

9 Develop Organizational Structures Develop Staff Competencies Schools effectively implementation MTSS Practices Successful Student Outcomes Outcomes Inputs Feedback Loops

10 MiBLSi Organizational Structure

11 Your Turn What is your current organizational structure for your state project? How do you address the functions of… –Professional Learning –Technical Assistance –Evaluation –Finance

12 Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support for MiBLSiStudentsStudents Building Staff Building Leadership Team LEA District Cabinet and Implementation Team Across State Multiple ISD/LEA Teams All staff All students Multiple schools w/in local district Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support, and implementation supports Provides coaching and TA for LEA and/or ISD Teams Provides guidance and manages implementation Provides effective practices to support students Improved behavior and reading ISD Cabinet and Implementation Team Regional Technical Assistance Michigan Department of Education/MiBLSi Leadership Michigan Multiple LEAs w/in intermediate district Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support, and implementation supports MiBLSi Statewide Structure of Support Who is supported? How is support provided?

13 District Cabinet Team

14 District Cabinet District Implementation Team Vision Priority Policy Providing for implementation supports (coaching, training, evaluation) Barrier busting Create materials Collect and summarize data Identify barriers to implementation Coordination Liaison District MTSS Coordinator Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Schools District Model

15 Your Turn How is the leadership function being addressed in scaling up your project?

16 District Implementation Team

17 District Cabinet District Implementation Team Vision Priority Policy Providing for implementation supports (coaching, training, evaluation) Barrier busting Create materials Collect and summarize data Identify barriers to implementation Coordination Liaison District MTSS Coordinator Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Implementation Supports Direction Training Coaching Content Expertise Materials Evaluation Schools District Model

18 Stages of ImplementationFocusStageDescription Exploration/Ado ption Decision regarding commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation. InstallationSet up infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Establish team and data systems, conduct audit, develop plan. Initial Implementation Try out the practices, work out details, learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. ElaborationExpand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/R egeneration Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Work to do it right! Work to do it better! Should we do it!

19 Staff competency to support students/families with the selected practices Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Successful Student Outcomes Program/Initiative (set of practices that are implemented with Fidelity) Organizational capacity to support staff in implementing practices with fidelity Ability to provide direction/vision of process Implementation Drivers 19

20 Your Turn How is the implementation support function being addressed in scaling up your project?

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