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Writing Journal Objectives: I will produce clear and coherent writing. I will become a better writer through routine practice and activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Journal Objectives: I will produce clear and coherent writing. I will become a better writer through routine practice and activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Journal Objectives: I will produce clear and coherent writing. I will become a better writer through routine practice and activities.

2 Standards Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

3 Journal: Thursday, August 27, 2015

4 Writing Journal – Friday, September 4, 2015

5 Examples:

6 Continuing Journal – Thursday, September 10,2015 Review your Pre-WritingPrewriting: Thinking about a topic, brainstorming, and planning. Think about a topic by Brainstorming. You list words and ideas or draw a visual. Gather information and organize your ideas. Create a writing plan Choose a purpose. Determine the audience. Select a writing format.

7 Prewriting – Create a Plan RAFTS Papers are simply a way to think about the four main things that all writers have to consider: Role of the Writer – Helps the writer decide on point of view and voice Who are you as the writer? Are you Abraham Lincoln? A warrior? A homeless person? An auto mechanic? The endangered snail darter? A movie star? A plant? Audience – Helps the writer determine content and style To whom are you writing? Is your audience the American people? A friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? A local bank? A senator? Format – Helps the writer organize ideas and select the format of writing What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A poem? A diary entry? Topic – Helps the writer focus on main idea What's the subject or the point of this composition? Is it to persuade a goddess to spare your life? To plead for a re-test? To call for stricter regulations on logging? Strong Verb – Directs the writer to the writing purpose

8 Now….DRAFTIN G Review your Pre-Writing Drafting is the step in the Writing Process where you begin to write. At this point, do not worry about spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation. Helpful Hints: Write a clear, simple, working title to help focus your thoughts Develop your main idea Plan your topic sentence (reword the prompt) Begin to organize thoughts into a paragraph Establish a strong conclusion (ending sentence)

9 Writing Journal for Sept. 17, 2015 We are focusing on creating a plan using the RAFTS model and completing a first draft.

10 Prewriting – Create a Plan RAFTS Papers are simply a way to think about the four main things that all writers have to consider: Role of the Writer – Helps the writer decide on point of view and voice Who are you as the writer? Are you Abraham Lincoln? A warrior? A homeless person? An auto mechanic? The endangered snail darter? A movie star? A plant? Audience – Helps the writer determine content and style To whom are you writing? Is your audience the American people? A friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? A local bank? A senator? Format – Helps the writer organize ideas and select the format of writing What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A poem? A diary entry? Topic – Helps the writer focus on main idea What's the subject or the point of this composition? Is it to persuade a goddess to spare your life? To plead for a re-test? To call for stricter regulations on logging? Strong Verb – Directs the writer to the writing purpose

11 Writing Journal – September 17, 2015

12 Writing Journal – Thursday, September 24, 2015

13 Writing Journal – Thursday, October 1, 2015 (complete pre-writing and first draft)

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