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Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers Honors Math – Grade 5.

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1 Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers Honors Math – Grade 5

2 Mrs. Kelly divided a half loaf of raisin bread equally among her 6 grandchildren. What fractional part of the loaf of bread did each grandchild receive? Problem of the Day What are the important facts? What operation does this word problem suggest? Division! Let’s take a closer look…

3 To divide a fraction by a whole number… 1.Rename the whole number as a fraction with denominator of 1. 2.Multiply by the reciprocal of the whole-number divisor. 3.Cancel; Multiply numerators, denominators; Simplify. 1.Rename the whole number as a fraction with denominator of 1. 2.Multiply by the reciprocal of the whole-number divisor. 3.Cancel; Multiply numerators, denominators; Simplify.

4 To divide a fraction by a fraction… 1.Rename the whole number as a fraction with denominator of 1. 2.Multiply by the reciprocal of the whole-number divisor. 3.Cancel; Multiply numerators, denominators; Simplify. 1.Rename the whole number as a fraction with denominator of 1. 2.Multiply by the reciprocal of the whole-number divisor. 3.Cancel; Multiply numerators, denominators; Simplify.

5 Divide.



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