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BMET 4350 Lecture 1 Notations & Conventions. Electrical Units Electrical engineers and technologists have their cryptic signs and symbols, just as the.

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Presentation on theme: "BMET 4350 Lecture 1 Notations & Conventions. Electrical Units Electrical engineers and technologists have their cryptic signs and symbols, just as the."— Presentation transcript:

1 BMET 4350 Lecture 1 Notations & Conventions

2 Electrical Units Electrical engineers and technologists have their cryptic signs and symbols, just as the medical profession does. Letters are used in electronics to represent quantities and units. The units and symbols are defined by the SI system.

3 Magnetic Units Letters are also used to represent magnetic quantities and units in the SI system.

4 Metric Prefixes Metric prefixes are symbols that represent the powers of ten used in Engineering notation.

5 BMET 4350 Math Refresher

6 Algebra Review Algebra is a system for representing numbers by letters and then performing operations with them. That is, juggling letters according to certain rules.

7 Properties of Equality We define three basic properties as follows: a = a(reflexive property) If a = b then b = a(symmetric property) If a = b and b = c, then a = c. (transitive)

8 Commutative Rules Addition: A + B = B + A The order of addition is unimportant! 10 + 20 = 30 = 20 + 10 Multiplication: A  B = B  A The order of multiplication is unimportant! 10  20 = 200 = 20  10

9 Associative Rule Addition: (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) Typically, we add two numbers at a time! Again, the order of adding is unimportant! (5 + 10) + 20 = 35 = 5 + (10 + 20) Multiplication: (A  B)  C = A  (B  C) Typically, we multiply two numbers at a time! Again, the order of multiplication is unimportant! (5  10)  20 = 1000 = 5  (10  20)

10 Distributive Rule Multiplication: A  (B + C) = A  B + A  C Multiplication distributes over addition. 5  (10 + 20) = 5  10 + 5  20 = 150

11 Identities Additivie Identity: The additive identity is the number that when added to an initial number does not change the value of the initial number. The additive identity is 0. Note 0 can take on many values: (3-3) = 0 Multiplicitive Identity The multiplicitive identity is the number that when multiplied to an initial number does not change the value of the initial number. The additive identity is 1. Note 1 can take on many values: 3/3 = 1

12 Addition & Subtraction of Fractions The lowest common denominator method is employed.

13 Division To represent the division operation of algebra, we can write: B = C/A 8 = 32/4

14 Division becomes a little more complicated when dealing with fractions, because we have to distinguish between and

15 When a fraction appears in the denominator, invert the fraction multiply the inverted fraction by the numerator.

16 When a fraction appears in the numerator, the fraction in the numerator is multiplied by the reciprocal of the denominator. The reciprocal of a number is simply one divided by the number The reciprocal of T is 1/T.

17 Exponential Numbers In science, we often encounter numbers with an awkward surplus of zeros: a megohm is 1,000,000 ohms a microampere is 0.000001 amps.

18 To prevent writing so many zeros, mathematical tricks are used. Very large or very small numbers are written as exponents or powers of 10. 100 is 10 2 (10  10) 1000 is 10 3 (10  10  10) 10000 is 10 4 (10  10  10  10) So 10 2 can be used instead of 100, 10 3 can be used instead of 1000, 10 4 can be used instead of 10000. 200 = 2  10 2 5,000,000 = 5  10 6

19 Similarly 0.1 = 10 -1 0.01 = 10 -2 0.001 = 10 -3 5.5  10 -6 = 0.0000055

20 Multiplication & Exponents A convenience of writing numbers is exponential form: Allows multiplication of numbers by adding their exponents 2  10 2  3  10 3 = 2  3  10 2+3 = 6  10 5 Allows division of numbers by subtracting the exponents

21 Scientific Notation Scientific notation is a method of expressing numbers. A quantity is expressed as a number between 1 and 10, and a power of ten. Example: 5000 would be expressed as 5 x 10 3 in Scientific notation.

22 Powers of Ten The power of ten is expressed as an exponent of the base 10. Exponent indicates the number of places that the decimal point is moved to the right (positive exponent) or left (negative exponent).

23 Engineering Notation Engineering notation is similar to Scientific notation, except that engineering notation can have from 1 to 3 digits to the left of the decimal place, and the powers of 10 are multiples of 3.

24 Scientific notation vs Engineering notation Consider the number: 23,000 In Scientific notation it would be expressed as: 2.3 x 10 4 In Engineering notation it would be expressed as: 23 x 10 3

25 Example of Metric Prefix Consider the quantity 0.025 amperes, it could be expressed as 25 x 10-3 A in Engineering notation, or using the metric prefix as 25 mA.

26 Logarithms There are two types of logarithms generally used in science: The common logarithm log = log 10 The natural logarithm ln = log e e = 2.718 e appears often in nature radioactive decay time charge and discharge statistical analysis

27 The logarithm of a number is simply the exponent placed on 10 or e to get that number. The logarithm, or log, of 100 is 2. 10 2 = 100 Mathematically, log 10 100 = 2 The subscript 10 is the base The number that the exponent is placed. Base 10 is so common that the previous expression can be written as: log 100 = 2

28 Operations with Logarithms log (x  y) = log x + log y log (x/y) = log x – log y log x n = n  log x

29 Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols  approximately equals (10.0001  10) >greater than (10 > 2) >>much greater than (1000 >>2) <less than (2 < 10) <<much less than (2 << 1000)  change in (A 2 – A 1 where A 2 > A 1 )  infinity, or very, very large

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