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8GHz, lV, High Linearity, Low Power CMOS Active Mixer Farsheed Mahrnoudi and C. Andre T. Salama The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "8GHz, lV, High Linearity, Low Power CMOS Active Mixer Farsheed Mahrnoudi and C. Andre T. Salama The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 8GHz, lV, High Linearity, Low Power CMOS Active Mixer Farsheed Mahrnoudi and C. Andre T. Salama The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Toronto 指導教授 : 林志明 級別 : 體積所碩一 學生 : 呂致遠 民國 95 年 3 月 28 日

2 Outline Abstract Introduction Propose Schematic Microphotograph Experimental result Characteristics Conclusion References

3 Abstract 8-GHz high linearity current commutating CMOS RF mixer Novel RF transcondoctor stage Bias-offset technique. 0.18um CMOS technology and operating at 1V power supply Simplicity of design and satisfying potential requirements for 4G mobile communication systems

4 Introduction 4G targets a data rate of 100 Mbps High RF front-end linearity Integrated active mixers Improve the linearity of RF transcondnctors based on harmonic tuned multiple gate transistors Bias-offset technique demonstrated good linearity while maintaining design simplicity. 1V power supply, High linearity in 4G

5 Propose An appropriate value of gate voltage biasing offset of the input transconductor transistors (Voffset=750 rnV in this case) results in a constant transconductance over a relatively wide range of input differential voltages which in turn translates into excellent linearity performance for the mixer.

6 Schematic Low-pass load to eliminate any undesirable high frequency content in The output signal Resonators instead of the conventiona l current sources to enable low- voltage operation C1 provides a feed-forward Ac-coupled Gilbert circuit improve the NF MI and M2, or M3and M4 using Voffset compensate non- linearity M5, M6, M7 and M8. adjustment of the bias offset

7 Microphotograph

8 Experimental result(IIP3)

9 Experimental result(P-1dB)

10 Experimental result(NF)

11 Characteristics

12 Conclusion Bias-offset technique Low operating supply voltage High linearity Good isolation IIP3 and NF are better 4G mobile communication systems

13 References [1] Y. Mochida, T. Takano, H. Gambe, ‘*Future Directions and Technology Requirements of Wireless Communications:’ IEEE lnrernarional Elecrron Devices Meerine (IEDMJ. Technical I. Digest,pp. 1.3.1 - 1.3.8, 2001. [2] R. C. Sagers, “Intercept Point and Undesired Responses:’ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 32, pp. 121 - 12% t 0 P f a.,., 1,”_1. [3] Q. Li, 1. Zhang, W. Li and J. S. Yuan, “CMOS RF Mixer Non-Linearity Design:’ IEEE 43d Midwest symposium on Circuits and Sysrems, Proceedings, pp. 808 - 81 I, 2001. [4] Youngwook Kim, Youngsik Kim and S. Lee, “Linearized Mixer Using Predistortion Technique:’ IEEE Microwave and Wireless Componenrs Lerrers, Vol. 12, pp. 204 - 205,200’2. [5] T. W. Kim, B. Kim and K. Lee, “Highly Linear RF CMOS Amplifier and Mixer Adopting MOSFET Transconductance Linearization by Multiple Gated Transistors:’ IEEE Radio Frequency lnregrared Circuits Symposium, Proceedings, pp. 107-1 10,2003.

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