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© Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 1 S052/§I.1(b): Applied Data Analysis Roadmap of the Course.

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2 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 1 S052/§I.1(b): Applied Data Analysis Roadmap of the Course – What Is Today’s Topic? More details can be found in the “Course Objectives and Content” handout on the course webpage. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) Do your residuals meet the required assumptions? Test for residual normality Use influence statistics to detect atypical datapoints If your residuals are not independent, replace OLS by GLS regression analysis Use Individual growth modeling Specify a Multi-level Model If your sole predictor is continuous, MRA is identical to correlational analysis If your sole predictor is dichotomous, MRA is identical to a t-test If your several predictors are categorical, MRA is identical to ANOVA If time is a predictor, you need discrete- time survival analysis… If your outcome is categorical, you need to use… Binomial logistic regression analysis (dichotomous outcome) Multinomial logistic regression analysis (polytomous outcome) If you have more predictors than you can deal with, Create taxonomies of fitted models and compare them. Form composites of the indicators of any common construct. Conduct a Principal Components Analysis Use Cluster Analysis Use non-linear regression analysis. Transform the outcome or predictor If your outcome vs. predictor relationship is non-linear, How do you deal with missing data? Today’s Topic Area

3 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 2 S052/§I.1(b): Applied Data Analysis Where Does Today’s Topic Appear in the Printed Syllabus? Don’t forget to check the inter- connections among the Roadmap, the Daily Topic Area, the Printed Syllabus, and the content of the day’s class when you download and pre-read the day’s materials. Syllabus Section I.1(b), on Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters, includes Syllabus Section I.1(b), on Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters, includes: Sometimes you may need to test more complex hypotheses ( Slide 3). Framing a joint hypothesis on several regression parameters simultaneously ( Slide 4). Using the GLH strategy to test a joint hypothesis ( Slides 5-7). Using the GLH test at critical decision points in taxonomy-building ( Slide 8). The statistical underpinning of the GLH test ( Slide 9). Conducting a GLH test by hand ( Slide 10). Fascinating addition to the ILLCAUSE taxonomy of fitted models ( Slides 11-13). Appendix 1: Why is SSModel a reasonable summary of model goodness-of-fit? Syllabus Section I.1(b), on Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters, includes Syllabus Section I.1(b), on Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters, includes: Sometimes you may need to test more complex hypotheses ( Slide 3). Framing a joint hypothesis on several regression parameters simultaneously ( Slide 4). Using the GLH strategy to test a joint hypothesis ( Slides 5-7). Using the GLH test at critical decision points in taxonomy-building ( Slide 8). The statistical underpinning of the GLH test ( Slide 9). Conducting a GLH test by hand ( Slide 10). Fascinating addition to the ILLCAUSE taxonomy of fitted models ( Slides 11-13). Appendix 1: Why is SSModel a reasonable summary of model goodness-of-fit?

4 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 3 In creating the taxonomy of fitted regression models featured at the end of the last class, I made some decisions that were complex, particularly when I retained, deleted or modified predictors later in the taxonomy … for instance: S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Sometimes You Need Tests That Are A Little More Complicated!!! As an example, in M5, there were several two- way and three-way interactions, none having a separately statistically significant impact on outcome ILLCAUSE (at  =.05). I eliminated them as a group and “fell back” on Model M4 before continuing my journey! As an example, in M5, there were several two- way and three-way interactions, none having a separately statistically significant impact on outcome ILLCAUSE (at  =.05). I eliminated them as a group and “fell back” on Model M4 before continuing my journey! These terms represent all possible interactions among subsidiary control predictor SES and all earlier predictors included in the model. They were therefore less important to me, substantively, as a group. So, for efficiency, I dropped them as a group. But, before I did this, I also checked that they did not make a difference as a group. How? I used a GENERAL LINEAR HYPOTHESIS (GLH) TEST to assess whether their joint impact on the outcome was simultaneously statistically significant. This is a useful strategy because it helps me “preserve” my Type I Error. So, for efficiency, I dropped them as a group. But, before I did this, I also checked that they did not make a difference as a group. How? I used a GENERAL LINEAR HYPOTHESIS (GLH) TEST to assess whether their joint impact on the outcome was simultaneously statistically significant. This is a useful strategy because it helps me “preserve” my Type I Error.

5 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 4 Here’s a “formal” specification of the null hypothesis that I tested by GLH in M5 … you start with the model itself: S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Framing a Joint Hypothesis About the Simultaneous Impact of Several Predictors In other words, in Model M5, I must test (and, hopefully, here, fail to reject) the following joint or simultaneous null hypothesis: This is the same as testing, in words: H 0 : In the population, ILLCAUSE is not related to the two-way interaction of HEALTH and SES, the two-way interaction of AGE and SES, and the three-way interaction of HEALTH by AGE by SES, controlling for... This is the same as testing, in words: H 0 : In the population, ILLCAUSE is not related to the two-way interaction of HEALTH and SES, the two-way interaction of AGE and SES, and the three-way interaction of HEALTH by AGE by SES, controlling for... To simultaneously eliminate all these interactions involving SES from the model, I must confirm that all their slope parameters – that’s β 7, β 8, β 9, β 10, β 11 – are zero concurrently, in the population.

6 PROC REG DATA=ILLCAUSE; VAR ILLCAUSE D A H AGE SES; * Estimating the total main effect of health status; M1: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A; T1: TEST D=0, A=0; * Accounting for important issues of research design; * Controlling for the presence of multiple age-cohorts of children; * Checking the main effect of AGE; M2: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE; * Checking the two-way interaction of health status and AGE; M3: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE; T3: TEST DxAGE=0, AxAGE=0; * Controlling for additional substantive effects; * Checking the main effect of socioeconomic status; M4: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE SES; * Checking that all interactions with SES are not needed; M5: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE SES DxSES AxSES AGExSES DxAGExSES AxAGExSES; T5: TEST DxSES=0, AxSES=0, AGExSES=0, DxAGExSES=0, AxAGExSES=0; © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 5 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters It’s Easy o Test a Joint Hypothesis About the Impact of Several Predictors Doing the test is easy... look at Data-Analytic Handout I.1(b).1: I just added a “TEST” command to Model M5 CAUTION! Phrasing of the TEST command in SAS is misleading:  It says “Test that the predictors are zero”!!!!  This, of course, is wacko – we actually want to test that the regression parameters associated with those predictors are zero.  The predictors are certainly NOT “zero”, after all each person has her own value on each, and none of them are zero!!! CAUTION! Phrasing of the TEST command in SAS is misleading:  It says “Test that the predictors are zero”!!!!  This, of course, is wacko – we actually want to test that the regression parameters associated with those predictors are zero.  The predictors are certainly NOT “zero”, after all each person has her own value on each, and none of them are zero!!! This is just a poor choice of programming language. Do not be misled! Regression Parameters Associated Predictor

7 Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 11 139.43769 12.67615 37.15 <.0001 Error 182 62.10945 0.34126 Corrected Total 193 201.54714 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 1.48021 0.49622 2.98 0.0032 D 1 -2.09934 1.39143 -1.51 0.1331 A 1 -0.76832 1.06673 -0.72 0.4723 AGE 1 0.02492 0.00361 6.90 <.0001 DxAGE 1 0.00728 0.00942 0.77 0.4404 AxAGE 1 0.00025202 0.00766 0.03 0.9738 SES 1 0.26339 0.25308 1.04 0.2994 DxSES 1 0.72592 0.53338 1.36 0.1752 AxSES 1 0.11595 0.40164 0.29 0.7731 AGExSES 1 -0.00255 0.00179 -1.42 0.1573 DxAGExSES 1 -0.00460 0.00353 -1.30 0.1938 AxAGExSES 1 -0.00121 0.00286 -0.42 0.6722 Test T5 Results for Dependent Variable ILLCAUSE Mean Source DF Square F Value Pr > F Numerator 5 0.72216 2.12 0.0654 Denominator 182 0.34126 Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 11 139.43769 12.67615 37.15 <.0001 Error 182 62.10945 0.34126 Corrected Total 193 201.54714 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 1.48021 0.49622 2.98 0.0032 D 1 -2.09934 1.39143 -1.51 0.1331 A 1 -0.76832 1.06673 -0.72 0.4723 AGE 1 0.02492 0.00361 6.90 <.0001 DxAGE 1 0.00728 0.00942 0.77 0.4404 AxAGE 1 0.00025202 0.00766 0.03 0.9738 SES 1 0.26339 0.25308 1.04 0.2994 DxSES 1 0.72592 0.53338 1.36 0.1752 AxSES 1 0.11595 0.40164 0.29 0.7731 AGExSES 1 -0.00255 0.00179 -1.42 0.1573 DxAGExSES 1 -0.00460 0.00353 -1.30 0.1938 AxAGExSES 1 -0.00121 0.00286 -0.42 0.6722 Test T5 Results for Dependent Variable ILLCAUSE Mean Source DF Square F Value Pr > F Numerator 5 0.72216 2.12 0.0654 Denominator 182 0.34126 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 6 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Standard PC-SAS Regression Output from the “TEST” Command Here’s the results of the regression analysis for Model M5, and the accompanying GLH test … Here are the usual regression parameter estimates, standard errors, t-statistics, and p-values, etc. General Linear Hypothesis Test Here is the General Linear Hypothesis Test. We’ll decode its pieces in a moment, but notice the interesting connections with the regression ANOVA table! General Linear Hypothesis Test Here is the General Linear Hypothesis Test. We’ll decode its pieces in a moment, but notice the interesting connections with the regression ANOVA table! Here’s the usual regression “ANOVA” table, which summarizes variability in the ILLCAUSE outcome: Some of it was predicted successfully (“Model”). Some became residual variability (“Error”).

8 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 7 critical value  Like any test, you reject H 0 if the observed value of the test statistic is larger than the corresponding critical value.  Here,  F observed = 2.12,  F critical = F 5,182 (  =.05) =2.26F 5,182 (  =.05)  Because F observed < F critical we cannot reject:  In practice, you can compare the p-value to an  -level.  Here,  Observed p-value = 0.0654,  Chosen  -level =.05, say.  Because p >.05, you cannot reject H 0. S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Interpreting the Statistics Provided by the GLH Test Test T5 Results for Dependent Variable ILLCAUSE Mean Source DF Square F Value Pr > F Numerator 5 0.72216 2.12 0.0654 Denominator 182 0.34126 group of regression parameters associated with all interactions between subsidiary control predictor SESin Model M5jointly zero in the population Either way, we conclude that the group of regression parameters associated with all interactions between subsidiary control predictor SES and other predictors in Model M5 are jointly zero in the population. them simultaneously Thus, we can remove them simultaneously, returning to the more parsimonious Model M4 before continuing. group of regression parameters associated with all interactions between subsidiary control predictor SESin Model M5jointly zero in the population Either way, we conclude that the group of regression parameters associated with all interactions between subsidiary control predictor SES and other predictors in Model M5 are jointly zero in the population. them simultaneously Thus, we can remove them simultaneously, returning to the more parsimonious Model M4 before continuing. Working with the results of a GLH test is typical …

9 PROC REG DATA=ILLCAUSE; VAR ILLCAUSE D A H AGE SES; * Estimating the total main effect of health status; M1: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A; T1: TEST D=0, A=0; * Accounting for important issues of research design; * Controlling for the presence of multiple age-cohorts of children; * Checking the main effect of AGE; M2: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE; * Checking the two-way interaction of health status and AGE; M3: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE; T3: TEST DxAGE=0, AxAGE=0; * Controlling for additional substantive effects; * Checking the main effect of socioeconomic status; M4: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE SES; * Checking that all interactions with SES are not needed; M5: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE SES DxSES AxSES AGExSES DxAGExSES AxAGExSES; T5: TEST DxSES=0, AxSES=0, AGExSES=0, DxAGExSES=0, AxAGExSES=0; © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 8 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters You Can Also Use the GLH Test To Support Other Kinds of Conclusions & Decisions Back to Data-Analytic Handout I.1(b).1: I added a GLH test to Model M1 to check whether the overall main effect of “HEALTH” made a difference? I conclude that the joint main effect of health status is a statistically significant predictor of the understanding of illness causality (F 2,191 =23.45;p<.0001). I added a GLH test to Model M1 to check whether the overall main effect of “HEALTH” made a difference? I conclude that the joint main effect of health status is a statistically significant predictor of the understanding of illness causality (F 2,191 =23.45;p<.0001). Test T1 Results for Dependent Variable ILLCAUSE Mean Source DF Square F Value Pr > F Numerator 2 19.86866 23.45 <.0001 Denominator 191 0.84717 I added a GLH test to Model M3 to check whether the overall two-way interaction of “HEALTH” and AGE made a difference? I conclude that the joint main effect of health status is a statistically significant predictor of the understanding of illness causality (F 2,188 =4.70;p=.0102). I added a GLH test to Model M3 to check whether the overall two-way interaction of “HEALTH” and AGE made a difference? I conclude that the joint main effect of health status is a statistically significant predictor of the understanding of illness causality (F 2,188 =4.70;p=.0102). Test T3 Results for Dependent Variable ILLCAUSE Mean Source DF Square F Value Pr > F Numerator 2 1.67644 4.70 0.0102 Denominator 188 0.35646 There are other options I could have exercised, but I wanted to be analytically and substantively efficient, and to conserve my Type I error.

10 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 9 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters It’s a Good Idea To Collect It All Together in Your APA-Style Exhibit! Note that I have had to eliminate the table caption, in order to fit the exhibit onto this slide, and leave it intelligble – see the handout for a complete table. The real question, of course, is: On What Statistical Principles Are These GLH Tests Based???? Here are the results of the three GLH tests that we have conducted and discussed, so far. Notice that I have included the key statistics: Null hypothesis. F-statistic. “Numerator” and “denominator” degrees of freedom. p-value. Testing decision.

11 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 10 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters What Is the Statistical Rationale That Underpins the GLH Test? It’s all about comparing the fit of competing models … think about Test T3 in Model M3 … In M3, I used the GLH strategy to test:  This means that comparing the fit of “full model” M3 to the fit of “reduced model” M2 provides the following logic:  If predictors D  AGE and A  AGE were really needed in M3, then removing them would undermine the “success” of the prediction.  And, then, in M2, ILLCAUSE would be predicted markedly less well than in M3.  So, clearly, we can test our joint H 0 by checking whether “reduced model” M2 fits “less well” than “full model” M3.  This is the GLH testing strategy, and it uses the “SSModel” statistic as a summary of model fit.  This means that comparing the fit of “full model” M3 to the fit of “reduced model” M2 provides the following logic:  If predictors D  AGE and A  AGE were really needed in M3, then removing them would undermine the “success” of the prediction.  And, then, in M2, ILLCAUSE would be predicted markedly less well than in M3.  So, clearly, we can test our joint H 0 by checking whether “reduced model” M2 fits “less well” than “full model” M3.  This is the GLH testing strategy, and it uses the “SSModel” statistic as a summary of model fit. If I were to NOT reject H 0, then I would prefer a model in which:  β D  AGE & β A  AGE were jointly zero.  Such a model would not contain the D  AGE and A  AGE interactions (i.e. it would have no two-way HEALTH  AGE interaction).  This latter model is, of course, Model M2. If I were to NOT reject H 0, then I would prefer a model in which:  β D  AGE & β A  AGE were jointly zero.  Such a model would not contain the D  AGE and A  AGE interactions (i.e. it would have no two-way HEALTH  AGE interaction).  This latter model is, of course, Model M2.

12 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 11 We can check whether the difference is “statistically significant” by converting these differences in SSModel and dfModel into an F-statistic: And because F observed is larger than critical value, F critical = F 2,188 (  =.05) = 3.044, we can reject H 0 : β D  AGE = 0; β A  AGE = 0F 2,188 (  =.05) We can check whether the difference is “statistically significant” by converting these differences in SSModel and dfModel into an F-statistic: And because F observed is larger than critical value, F critical = F 2,188 (  =.05) = 3.044, we can reject H 0 : β D  AGE = 0; β A  AGE = 0F 2,188 (  =.05) S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Conducting a GLH Test By Hand The GLH testing strategy compares the fits of selected full and a reduced models, as follows … Model Role Of Model Predictors In Model Constraint Imposed To Force Full Model To Become Reduced Model SSModel Change in SSModel dfModel Change In dfModel M3Full D, A, AGE, D  AGE, A  AGE, 134.5325 M2ReducedD, A, AGE,131.1803 This is the observed F-statistic provided by the GLH test. Key Question: Is losing 3.352 units of fit from SSModel worth gaining 2 extra degrees of freedom? The constraint that was imposed to make the full model become the reduced model is actually a statement of the null hypothesis being tested. 3.352 2 This is the critical F- statistic implicit in the GLH test. The “denominator” df are those of the residual variance in the full model.

13 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 12 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Afterthoughts: Simplifying the “Last” Model in the Taxonomy Further? When only main effects of chronic illness are present in the models, the estimated impact of each of the predictors D and A – which jointly represent the child’s HEALTH status -- are very similar in magnitude:  Perhaps the main effect on ILLCAUSE of being diabetic is really no different from the effect of being asthmatic?  In terms of the main effects, perhaps the real difference is simply that it matters whether the child is chronically ill or not? When only main effects of chronic illness are present in the models, the estimated impact of each of the predictors D and A – which jointly represent the child’s HEALTH status -- are very similar in magnitude:  Perhaps the main effect on ILLCAUSE of being diabetic is really no different from the effect of being asthmatic?  In terms of the main effects, perhaps the real difference is simply that it matters whether the child is chronically ill or not? You reach a similar conclusion when you examine the corresponding two-way interactions with AGE Notice, again, that the estimated impact of predictors D x AGE and A x AGE – which jointly represent the two-way interaction of the child’s HEALTH status and their AGE – are also very similar in magnitude:  Perhaps the effect on ILLCAUSE of the interaction between diabetic and AGE is really no different from the effect of the interaction of asthmatic and AGE?  Perhaps the real difference here is simply that it matters whether we include the interaction of AGE with whether the child is chronically ill or not? You reach a similar conclusion when you examine the corresponding two-way interactions with AGE Notice, again, that the estimated impact of predictors D x AGE and A x AGE – which jointly represent the two-way interaction of the child’s HEALTH status and their AGE – are also very similar in magnitude:  Perhaps the effect on ILLCAUSE of the interaction between diabetic and AGE is really no different from the effect of the interaction of asthmatic and AGE?  Perhaps the real difference here is simply that it matters whether we include the interaction of AGE with whether the child is chronically ill or not? You can use the GLH strategy to test this hunch, and I have done this, in my preliminary “final model” M4.

14 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 13 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters And What Do We Find? PROC REG DATA=ILLCAUSE; VAR ILLCAUSE D A H AGE SES; * Checking whether we can collapse the separate health effects; M4: MODEL ILLCAUSE = D A AGE DxAGE AxAGE SES; T4: TEST D=A, DxAGE=AxAGE; First, I added the extra GLH test to a refit of Model M4, at the end of the I.1(b).1 handout, as follows … Notice the interesting, and different, nature of the null hypothesis: (It turns out that the GLH strategy can be used to test any hypothesis that can be framed as a linear weighted combination of parameters, or linear contrast. I will return to this, and explain how, in a week or so!) Test T4 Results for Dependent Variable ILLCAUSE Mean Source DF Square F Value Pr > F Numerator 2 0.02868 0.08 0.9217 Denominator 187 0.35145 This means that we can simplify Model M4 still further! Notice that F observed is very small and p>.05 so we do not reject H0. So, it doesn’t matter whether the child is diabetic or asthmatic, all that matters is whether he or she is chronically ill or not!!

15 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 14 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters This Leads to Model M6 – The Model We Will Eventually Interpret! Replace predictors D and A in M4, with predictor ILL as both a main effect and an interaction with AGE, to provide Model M6… DATA ILLCAUSE; SET ILLCAUSE; * Creating a new question predictor to identify ill children; IF D=1 OR A=1 THEN ILL=1; ELSE ILL=0; * Creating a new two-way interaction of ILL and AGE; ILLxAGE = ILL*AGE; PROC REG DATA=ILLCAUSE; VAR ILLCAUSE D A H AGE SES; M6: MODEL ILLCAUSE = ILL AGE ILLxAGE SES; This is the “final model” we will interpret later!

16 © Willett, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 10/23/2015S052/I.1(b) – Slide 15 S052/§I.1(b): Testing Complex Hypotheses About Regression Parameters Appendix 1: Why Is SSModel A Decent Summary of Model Goodness of Fit? YY XX + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + “Model” = = “Total” You can square and add these deviations across everyone in the sample to summarize the state of the model’s prediction:  When the model fits the data well, SSModel is big compared to SSError.  When the model fits the data poorly, SSModel is small compared to SSError.  When the model fits the data well, SSModel is big compared to SSError.  When the model fits the data poorly, SSModel is small compared to SSError. R 2 statistic summarizes all this, because: “Error” Re-centering the vertical axis on the average value of Y …

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