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Published byCory Ellis Modified over 9 years ago
Class 4 ANOVA; Writing, Regression Class 4 ANOVA; Writing, Regression Corkin et al. (2008), P&B 6, Linear Regression Handout
Factorial Designs Independent Variables: Categorical Experimental Design: Manipulated IVs --e.g. treatment groups Expo Facto Design Status IVs: gender; ethnicity; depression diagnosis Dependent Variables ◦ Continuous 2
Corkin et al. Article 1. Research Questions 2. Literature Review 3. Analyses 3
Corkin et al. Research Questions a. Explore the factor structure of a Spanish version of the CDS b. Examine the relation of trait anxiety to the (four) identified dimensions of career indecision. c. Explore differences in anxiety and career indecision dimensions among (a) gender groups and (b) three career decision groups 4
Variables Variables 1.Gender Male Female 2.Career Decision Satisfaction Gps. Satisfied Satisfied/Doubts Undecided 3.Career Indecision Dimensions 1.Lack of Structure 2.Lack of Support 3.Approach-Approach 4.Barriers 4.Trait Anxiety 5
Corkin et al. Research Questions a. Explore the factor structure of a Spanish version of the CDS ◦ Type of Question: ◦ IVs ◦ DVs ◦ Research Design: ◦ Analysis: 6
Corkin et al. Research Questions a. Explore the factor structure of a Spanish version of the CDS ◦ Type of Question: Descriptive ◦ IVs ◦ DVs ◦ Research Design: Data Reduction ◦ Analysis: Factor analysis 7
Corkin et al. Research Questions b. Examine the relation of trait anxiety to the (four) identified dimensions of career indecision. ◦ Type of Question: ◦ IVs: ◦ DVs: ◦ Research Design: ◦ Analysis 8
Corkin et al. Research Questions b. Examine the relation of trait anxiety to the (four) identified dimensions of career indecision. ◦ Type of Question: association ◦ IVs: career indecision; continuous ◦ DVs: trait anxiety; continuous ◦ Research Design: correlational ◦ Analyses: correlation coeff. 9
Corkin et al. Research Questions c. Explore differences in anxiety and career indecision dimensions among (a) gender groups and (b) three career decision satisfaction groups ◦ Type of Question: ◦ IVs: ◦ DVs: ◦ Research Design: ◦ Analysis 10
Corkin et al. Research Questions c. Explore differences in anxiety and career indecision dimensions(CID) among (a) gender groups and (b) three career decision satisfaction groups ◦ Type of Question: Difference/ Association ◦ IVs: Categorical Gender groups C Decision Satisfaction groups: Possible: C Decision Groups X Gender ◦ DVs: Continuous Anxiety (1) and C Indec. Dimensions (4): 11
Corkin et al. Research Questions c. Explore differences in anxiety and career indecision dimensions(CID) among (a) gender groups and (b) three career decision satisfaction groups ◦ Research Design: Expo-facto, factorial design ◦ Analysis: MANOVA; follow up with ANOVAs; and Pair wise Comparisons 12
IDs and DVs – Question C IDs and DVs – Question C IDVs: 1.Gender Male Female 2.Career Decision Satisfaction Gs Satisfied Satisfied/Doubts Undecided DVs: Career Indecision D. 1.Lack of Structure 2.Lack of Support 3.Approach-Approach 4.Barriers 5.Trait Anxiety 13
Study ‘s Logical Framework What is known about: Career indecision and anxiety…… Dimensions (antecedents) of career indecision (4) ……. Sub-groups of career decided students-- satisfied vs. not satisfied vs. undecided…… 14
It is known that…. It is known that…. Positive relation of career indecision to anxiety. Dimensions (antecedents) of career indecision may relate in different ways to anxiety. ( Lack of Sup, Lack of Struct., App-App, Barriers) Sub-groups of career decided students-- decided vs. decided/doubts vs. undecided – differ in anxiety and in four antecedents of career indecision scores (4 dimensions of CI). 15
It is not known that….. 16
It is not known that….. To what extent what is known from research with college students in the US, using instruments in English will be consistent with findings among college students in Puerto Rico using the Spanish version of instruments. Rationale: Puerto Ricans migrate frequently back and forth from PR to the USA mainland. 17
Table 2: Correlations of CDS Factor Scores and Trait Anxiety Table 2: Correlations of CDS Factor Scores and Trait Anxiety Factors 1 2 3 4 1. Lack of Structure 2. Lack of Support.49** 3. Approach–Approach.55**.41** 4. Perceived Barriers.52**.37**.41** 5. Trait Anxiety.35**.21**.34**.28** ** p<.01 18
Corkin et al. Research Questions b. Examine the relation of trait anxiety to the (four) identified dimensions of career indecision. ◦ Hypotheses: Dimensions of CI (pp. 83-85) 1.Lack of Structure 2.Lack of Support 3.Approach-Approach 4.Barriers ◦ Analysis: 19
Corkin et al. Research Questions b. Examine the relation of trait anxiety to the (four) identified dimensions of career indecision. ◦ Hypotheses: Dimensions of CI 1.Lack of Structure + relation 2.Lack of Support + relation 3.Approach-Approach No relation (p.83) 4.Barriers + relation ◦ Analysis: Pearson Correlation Coefficients 20
Question C: Differences in anxiety (1) and career indecision dimensions (4) among : IVs Gender Male, Female Career Dec. Satisfaction groups Decided, Decided/Doubts, Undecided DVs: Anxiety Career Indecision Dimensions: 1. Lack of support 3. Lack of structure 2. Perceived Barriers 4. Approach/Approach 21
MANOVA 2 x 3 – 5 DVs (1) DVS 4 variables Career Indecision Dimensions 1variable Anxiety F Stat. (Pillais Trace) Eta h 2 Effect size Gender (F, M) 3.68**.06 C Dec. Satisfaction Groups Satisfied Satisified/Dbts Undecided 18.43***.23 C Dec. Satisfaction Groups x Gender S X Gender SD x Gender Und. X Gender 4.02 ns.03 Results MANOVA reported on article page 88 Bottom right & 89 t0p ** p<.01, ***p<.001 22
Results MANOVA There were statistically significant differences for: ◦ gender, Pillai’s Trace =.056, F(5, 310) = 3.68, p <.01, multivariate h 2 =.06, and for ◦ career decidedness groups, Pillai’s Trace =.457, F(10, 622) = 18.43, p <.001, multivariate h 2 =.23. ◦ The two-way interactions of each career decision satisfaction subgroups x gender were not statistically significant (article p. 88 bottom right) 23
2 x 3 ANOVAs (5) 24
2 x 3 ANOVA Two Dependent Variables Gender – 2 Levels - ◦ Male Female Career Decidedness Groups – 3 Levels ◦ Decided – Well Satisfied ◦ Decided- With Doubts ◦ Undecided 25
Question C: Main Effects- Five 2 x 3 ANOVA Question C: Main Effects- Five 2 x 3 ANOVA Anxiety Career Decidedness Groups Lack Support Lack Structure Prcvd. BarriersApproach Gender** M M1M3M5M7M9 F M2M4M6M8M10 C. Decd G*** Decided M1M4M7M10M13 Dec/Dbts M2M5M8M11M14 Undecided M3M6M9M12M15 ** p<.01, ***p<.001 Bonferroni C.05/15 =.003 26
Bonferroni Correction p<.003.05/15 =.003 Control for Type I error 29
Question C: Main Effects- Five 2 x 3 ANOVA Question C: Main Effects- Five 2 x 3 ANOVA Anxiety Career Decidedness Groups Lack Support Lack Structure Prcvd. BarriersApproach Gender** M M1M3M5M7M9 F M2M4M6M8M10 C. Decd G*** Decided M1M4M7M10M13 Dec/Dbts M2M5M8M11M14 Undecided M3M6M9M12M15 ** p<.01, ***p<.001 Bonferroni C.05/15 =.003 30
Interaction Effects- Gender as Moderator Repeat Analyses for each gender Career Indecision Dimensions AnxietyLack Support Lack Structure Prcvd. BarriersApproach C. Decd G Decided M FemalesM F4M F7M F10M F13 Dec/Dbts M F2M F5M F8M F11M F14 Undecided M F3M F6M F9M F12M F15 C. Decd G Decided M MalesM M 4M M 7M M 10M M 13 Dec/Dbts M M2M M5M M8M M11M M14 Undecided M M3 M M6 M M9 M M12 M M15 31
Guideline 6.21 Doe (2010) reported that a major source of dissatisfaction among teachers appears to be the low social status accorded to their profession. A major source of dissatisfaction among teachers appears to be the low social status accorded to their profession (Doe, 2010) 32
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