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RAMS Evaluation and Visualization Utilities (REVU) Post Processing.

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Presentation on theme: "RAMS Evaluation and Visualization Utilities (REVU) Post Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAMS Evaluation and Visualization Utilities (REVU) Post Processing

2 Types of Post-Processing for NWP Results Visualization Evaluation / Verification Products for distribution Input to other application software Dispersion and photochemical models Scientific applications: hydrology, ocean, etc. Business applications: load forecasting, insurance, etc.

3 RAMS Post-processing REVU - RAMS Evaluation and Visualization Utilities Visualization NCAR Graphics iVAN (interactive Visualization and Analysis package) GrADS Vis5D Verification - statistics and graphics Reformatting for other applications

4 RAMS/REVU Visualization NCAR Graphics 2-dimensional graphics Horizontal and vertical cross-sections of numerous basic and derived variables Line, filled, and tile contours Wind vectors and streamlines Batch processing to produce plots

5 RAMS/REVU Visualization iVAN - Interactive Visualization and ANanlysis Graphical User Interface (GUI) to NCAR Graphics Interactively produce and view graphics Mouse actions to zoom, select variables, grids, cross- sections

6 RAMS Visualization - iVAN

7 RAMS/REVU Visualization GrADS Distributed by COLA (near Washington, DC) 2-dimensional graphics Command line interface, not very good GUI Linux, Windows, Unix support Has RAMS projection, but it doesn’t work No terrain-following coordinates Horizontal and vertical interpolation necessary

8 RAMS/REVU Visualization Vis5D Distributed by University of Wisconsin-Madison 3-dimensional graphics Not very good GUI (my opinion!) Executables and source; Linux, Windows, Unix support Has RAMS projection, but it doesn’t work No terrain-following coordinates Horizontal and vertical interpolation necessary

9 RAMS/REVU Visualization Numerous other commercial packages AVS PV-Wave

10 RAMS/REVU Verification Produces statistics and graphics comparing forecast results with observations Numerous statistics at surface, sigma-z, pressure, or Cartesian levels Graphics include numeric difference plots, wind barb comparison, time series (NCAR Graphics) Uses “data grabber”, 4-dimensional interpolation to specific location

11 RAMS/REVU Output processing Reformatting for other applications Basic and derived variables Subsets, gridded or profiles Code must be modified

12 REVU 2.3.1(and 2.5) Started life as an AVS module Grew into a monster!!!! Tried to do everything in a single code, even marginally related things like statistics Plotting option settings in namelist became cryptic Code virtually impossible to maintain… …and we still want to add more features!

13 The New REVU Suite Split REVU into several different executables which share common code: –REVU-pl – plotting –REVU-gr – grabbing –REVU-rf – reformat –REVU-st – statistics Some versions will be available for RAMS v6.0 by the end of the year

14 REVU_IN – SPACE $CONTROL ANPREF='anal/a-A', ! Prefix for the file names REVPREF='./', ! Prefix for output file names ANATYPE='SPACE', ! Type of run HEAD1='NY Test Run', ! Header line

15 REVU_IN – SPACE (cont.) IGRID(1)=1, ! Grid(s) IZTRAN(1)=1, ! If horizontal slab ! 1= terrain-following surface ! 2= interpolate to Cartesian surface ! 3= interpolate to pressure surface IPLEVEL(1)=700, ! If pressure surface, pressure level in mb ! Level must be one of the mandatory levels: ! 1000,925,850,700,500,400,300,250,200,150,100 MAPFILL=3, ! Map background IBACKGND=1, ! Background color IPLTINFO=1, ! Information table IPANEL=1, ! Plots per panel

16 REVU_IN – SPACE (cont.) ! Landmarks LANDMARK(1)='/M1:b.03:t2:s1.:xgray/L1:s.01:xgray/', ! Re-map colors COLORS(1)='/axis:lightgray/title0:rgb:.8:.8:.8/', ! Frame specification TVAR(1)='/F/1:9:1/', ! time ZVAR(1)='/F/2:2:1/', ! z coord YVAR(1)='/V/0:0:1/', ! y coord XVAR(1)='/H/0:0:1/', ! x coord

17 REVU_IN – SPACE (cont.) ! Parameters CFRAME_A(1)='/tempc/fb/10./30./1./m5:c20.:xgray/red/blue/', CFRAME_B(1)='/b/1/1/3/darkgreen/', CFRAME_C(1)='/tke/fb/.7/1./.05/m6:xgray/darkgreen/midgreen/', CFRAME_A(2)='/relhum/fb/50./100./5./m2:xblue/lightblue/', CFRAME_C(2)='/precip/fb/1./8./1./m2:c0.:xdarkgreen/green/', CFRAME_A(3)='/precip/fb/1./8./1./m6:c0.:xorange/yellow/midgreen/', CFRAME_A(4)='/dewptc/fb/10./30./1./m5:c20.:xgray/red/blue/', CFRAME_B(4)='/v/1/1/1/yellow/2./', CFRAME_C(4)='/speed/vb/0./8./1./m6:c5./yellow/darkgreen/', $END

18 REVU_IN – V5D (GrADS) $CONTROL ANPREF='anal/a-A', ! Input filename prefix REVPREF='./', ! Output filename prefix ANATYPE='V5D', ! Type of run (GRADS) IGRID(1)=0, ! Grid(s) IZTRAN(1)=3, ! If horizontal slab ! 1= terrain-following surface ! 2= interpolate to Cartesian surface ! 3= interpolate to pressure surface

19 REVU_IN – V5D (cont.) ! Frame specification TVAR(1)='/F/1:9:1/', ! time ZVAR(1)='/F/0:0:1/', ! z coord YVAR(1)='/V/0:0:1/', ! y coord XVAR(1)='/H/0:0:1/', ! x coord ! Parameters CFRAME_A(1)='/u/', CFRAME_A(2)='/v/', CFRAME_A(3)='/w/', CFRAME_A(4)='/tempk/', CFRAME_A(5)='/dewptk/', $END

20 REVU_IN – V5D (cont.) $GLL IGRIDLL=1, ! Lat-long grid specification ! 0= specified below ! 1= fits within RAMS grid ! 2= contains the full RAMS GLLDLLAT=1., ! latitude grid point spacing GLLDLLON=1., ! longitude grid point spacing GLLWLON=-66., ! western edge of grid GLLELON=-37., ! eastern edge of grid GLLSLAT=-37., ! southern edge of grid GLLNLAT=-15., ! northern edge of grid $END

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