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Quiz 10-1, 10-2 1. Which of these are an example of a “descrete” set of data? 2.Make a “tree diagram” showing all the ways the letters ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz 10-1, 10-2 1. Which of these are an example of a “descrete” set of data? 2.Make a “tree diagram” showing all the ways the letters ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz 10-1, 10-2 1. Which of these are an example of a “descrete” set of data? 2.Make a “tree diagram” showing all the ways the letters ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’ can be arranged in order. ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’ can be arranged in order. 3. You are paying for groceries at the store. You have the following bills: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5, $2, and $1. What are number of different sums of money that you can pull out of your wallet if you pull out 3 bills without looking?

2 Vocabulary “arranging without replacement: when you use an item in the arrangement, it is “used up” and can’t be used again. the arrangement, it is “used up” and can’t be used again. “arranging with replacement: when an item is used in one position in an arrangement, it can be used again in another position in an arrangement, it can be used again in another position in the arrangement. position in the arrangement. Think of arranging people in a line. Once a person is in the front of the line, he cannot also be in the back of the line front of the line, he cannot also be in the back of the line at the same time. at the same time. Think of arranging numbers and Letters on a license plate: the previous number or letter can be used again.

3 Effect on Muliplication Principle of counting ( Product of the # of options for each step) arranging without replacement: arranging with replacement: Arranging 3 spaces on a licence plate. Arranging 3 people in a line. Factorial

4 Your turn: Which is it (with or without replacement) for: 1. Assigning 3 committee members to the positions of: “Pres”, “Vice-Pres”, and “Secretary” “Pres”, “Vice-Pres”, and “Secretary” 2. The total number of social security numbers with 9 digits.

5 Using the Multiplication Principle If a license plate has four letters followed by three numerical digits. Find the number of different license plates that could be formed if there is no restriction on the letters or digits that can be used. # # # A B C How many possibilities for the first number? 10

6 Using the Multiplication Principle If a license plate has four letters followed by three numerical digits. Find the number of different license plates that could be formed if there is no restriction on the letters or digits that can be used. # # # A B C How many possibilities for the 2nd number? 10 * 10

7 Using the Multiplication Principle If a license plate has four letters followed by three numerical digits. Find the number of different license plates that could be formed if there is no restriction on the letters or digits that can be used. # # # A B C How many possibilities for the 3rd number? 10 * 10

8 Using the Multiplication Principle If a license plate has four letters followed by three numerical digits. Find the number of different license plates that could be formed if there is no restriction on the letters or digits that can be used. # # # A B C How many possibilities for the 1 st letter? 10 * 10 * 26

9 Using the Multiplication Principle If a license plate has four letters followed by three numerical digits. Find the number of different license plates that could be formed if there is no restriction on the letters or digits that can be used. # # # A B C How many possibilities for the 2nd letter? 10 * 10 * 26

10 Using the Multiplication Principle If a license plate has four letters followed by three numerical digits. Find the number of different license plates that could be formed if there is no restriction on the letters or digits that can be used. # # # A B C How many possibilities for the 3rd letter? 10 * 10 * 26 = 17,576,000 Wow!

11 Your Turn: 3. How many distinct license plates can be made using 6 digits (numerals 0 – 9)? 6 digits (numerals 0 – 9)? 4. How many distinct license plates can be made using 2 digits (numerals 0 – 9) and 4 letters ( a – z) ? 2 digits (numerals 0 – 9) and 4 letters ( a – z) ? # # L L L L # # L L L L

12 Your Turn: Count the number of different 8-letter “words” (groups of 8 letters) that can be formed using the letters in the word COMPUTER. Each permutation of the 8 letters forms a different word. There are 8! = 40,320 such permutations. 5.

13 What if two of the letters are the same? Count the number of different 4-letter “words” that can be formed using the letters in the word “WAAG”. “WAAG”. Let “A” be the 1 st A. Let “A” be the 2 nd A. What’s the difference between AAWG and AAWG? There’s no difference!! They are not distinguishable from each other. So we really have “double counted” from each other. So we really have “double counted” a bunch of words. WAAG ”.

14 What if two of the letters are the same? Count the number of different 4-letter “words” that can be formed using the letters in the word “WAAG”. “WAAG”. AAWG (AAWG) is one example of double counting. To remove the “double counting” we must divide out the number of possible ways to divide out the number of possible ways to permutate A and A permutate A and A AWAG (AWAG) is another example of double counting. We must divide by 2!.

15 What if two of the letters are the same? Count the number of different 5-letter “words” that can be formed using the letters in the word “WAAAG”. “WAAAG”. AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG To remove the “double counting” we must divide out the number of ways to permutate A, A and A divide out the number of ways to permutate A, A and A These are all examples of the same word and have been “double counted”. “double counted”. We must divide by 3! AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG AAAWG

16 Distinguishable Permutations We must “divide out” the permutations of the same object that result in indistinguishable arrangements. that result in indistinguishable arrangements. If a set 12 items to be permutated has 3 objects of one kind, and 4 objects of another kind, and 5 objects of another kind, and 4 objects of another kind, and 5 objects of another kind, then the number of distinguishable ways to arrange the 12 then the number of distinguishable ways to arrange the 12 items is: items is:

17 Distinguishable Permutations In general, we find the number of distinguishable permutations when using some elements that are indistinguishable when using some elements that are indistinguishable as follows: as follows: If a set N items to be permutated has A objects of one kind, and B objects of another kind, and C objects of another kind, and B objects of another kind, and C objects of another kind, and A + B + C = N then the number of distinguishable ways and A + B + C = N then the number of distinguishable ways to arrange the N items is: to arrange the N items is:

18 Your Turn: You have the following bills in your wallet: three $20’s, four $10’s, five $5’s, and six $1’s What is the number of distinct ways you could pay out the bills one at a time? 6.

19 Counting How many 5 card hands are there with all face cards (king, queen, jack). Which is it? This tells you the hands all have 5 face cards. So how many arrangements are there when taking 12 cards and many arrangements are there when taking 12 cards and picking 5 ? picking 5 ? Permutation: (different order  counted separately) Combination: (different order  not counted separately)

20 Your Turn: How many 5 card hands are there with no face cards? 7.

21 Counting Sometimes there are more than one condition that must be met. How many 5 card hands have all 5 cards the same suite (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs). (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs). Combination: (different order  not counted separately) 1 st we must pick the suite: 2 nd we must pick the 5 cards from that suite: By the multipication principle: total number hands is:

22 Counting How many 5 card hands have 2 aces ? Combination: (different order  not counted separately) 1 st we must pick the 2 aces: 2 nd we must pick the other 3 cards: (if the hand has exactly 2 aces, then we must not include the other two aces as possible picks) By the multipication principle: total number of hands is:

23 Your Turn: How many 5 card hands are there with two fives and two sixes? 8. Hint: (1) pick the 2 fives, (2) pick the 2 sixes, (3) Pick the last card. Use the multiplication rule.

24 Probability “What’s the chance of something happening?”

25 Probability: the “chance” that something will occur Can probability be equal to 50%? What is the largest number that a probability can be? What is the smallest number that a probability can be? “There is a 100% chance it will rain today.” Can there be a – 20% chance something will happen?

26 Probability When discussing probability, people normally use “%”.  “There is a 45% chance of thunderstorms today.” In mathematics, we convert % to the decimal equivalent or leave it in fraction form.

27 Theoretical Probability The probability of an event occurring: There are 4 different colored marbles in a bag (red, blue, green and clear). What is the probability of pulling out a red one and clear). What is the probability of pulling out a red one on the first try? on the first try?

28 Examples The probability of rolling a ‘5’ using one die. The probability of drawing a “king” from a deck of cards.

29 Theoretical Probability The probability of an event occurring: The challenge you have is counting the ways that define success and then counting the total possible outcomes. and then counting the total possible outcomes. What is the probility of pulling an A, followed by a B, and then a C out of a bag with the letters ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ in it ? a C out of a bag with the letters ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ in it ?

30 Your Turn: 9. What is the probability of picking the correct number when someone asks you to pick a number from 1 to 10. when someone asks you to pick a number from 1 to 10. 10. There are 2 red marbles and 3 green ones in a bag. What is the probability of picking out a red marble on What is the probability of picking out a red marble on the first try? the first try? Probability only works if the events are completely random. Picking a committee using numbers out of a hat or a similar Picking a committee using numbers out of a hat or a similar random method of picking them is the only way that random method of picking them is the only way that probability will work. probability will work.

31 Your Turn: 11. 10 people are trying to be selected for a 3 person committee. What is the probality of you guessing who committee. What is the probality of you guessing who will be on the committee? will be on the committee? 12. What is the probability of having a 5 card hand with a single pair of aces in it?

32 Geometric Probability: ratio of areas Assumming that at an arrow randomly hits anywhere in the four square area, what is the probability of hitting in the #1 square? Since all squares have the same area, and #1 is ¼ of the total area  probability is ¼. and #1 is ¼ of the total area  probability is ¼.

33 Geometric Probability : the area of each ring is given. If an arrow will randomly hit anywhere inside of the red circle, what is the probability of hitting the center blue circle? circle, what is the probability of hitting the center blue circle?

34 Geometric Probability 12. What is the probability of hitting the pink ring? 13. What is the probability of hitting either the pink or dark blue ring?

35 Probability using combinations and permutations. At the Roy High School Talent show 7 musicians are scheduled to perform. What is the probability that they will perform in alphabetical order of their last names (nobody has the same last name) ? There is only one order of performers that is in alphabetical order. How many ways can you arrange 7 persons names in order? Is this a permutation or combination?

36 Probability using combinations and permutations. At the Roy High School Talent show 7 musicians are scheduled to perform. 3 performers are girls and 4 are boys. What is the probability that all 3 girls will be first? How many ways can you get the first 3 performers to be girls? How many ways can you arrange 3 of 7 people in order? Is this a permutation or combination?

37 Your Turn: 14. At the Roy High School Talent show 7 musicians are scheduled to perform. They are: Bill, Brad, Bob, and Brody (boys) and Kylee, Kaylee, and Kyla (3 girls). What is the probability that 2 boys will be first?

38 Your Turn: 15. What is the probability of getting 4 aces in a randomly dealt hand of 4 cards?

39 Your Turn: 16. The lottery uses numbers 1 thru 46. 6 numbers are drawn randomly. The order in which you choose the numbers doesn’t matter. What is the probability of winning the lottery if you buy one ticket (assume nobody else picks the winning number) ? How many ways can you get the 6 out of 6 correct numbers? How many ways can you pick 6 of 46 numbers? Is picking 6 of 46 a permutation or a combination?

40 Cards: What is the probability of getting 4 aces a randomly dealt hand of 5 cards?

41 Your turn: 17. What is the probability of getting 3 aces and 2 kings from randomly dealt hand of 5 cards?

42 End here

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