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Computer Science and Mathematical Basics Chap. 3 발표자 : 김정집.

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1 Computer Science and Mathematical Basics Chap. 3 발표자 : 김정집

2 Introduction t Fundamental notions of computer science and mathematics necessary for understanding the GP approach t leading question  What are the mathematical and information- processing contexts of GP?  What are the tools from these contexts that GP has to work with

3 3.1 The Importance of Randomness in Evolutionary Learning t Evolution in Nature vs. Evolution in Computers  in nature, mutation is basically “free” t The Costs of Variation  in nature, sexual reproduction is not “free” t GP as a General Search Process  “non-deterministic” algorithm  depend on randomness

4 3.2 Mathematical Basics t Randomness and Probability  random events play such a prominent role in GP

5 3.2.1 Combinatorics and the Search Space t Permutation  N different elements constituting the set E can be ordered in N! different permutations t Combination t Variation

6 3.2.2 Random numbers t Quasi-random number generator t Linear Congruential Method

7 Randomness test t X 2 Test  randomness test  if X 2 is near to k, then the random number generator is good

8 3.2.3 Probability t Elementary Events  random experiments - flip a coin  events - “heads” or “tails” t Relative Frequency t Probability

9 t Random Variables and Probability Distributions  probability distribution p(x) of random variable x

10 t Expectation Value and Variance  moment quantity  Expectation value  Variance

11 t Bernoulli Process and the Binomial Distribution t Probability Density Functions t Normal Distribution

12 t Multiplicative Variation and the Log-Normal Distribution

13 Three distributions

14 3.3 Computer Science Background and Terminology t 3.3.1 The Turing Machine, Turing Completeness, and Universal Computation

15 t Turing Completeness  a programming language allows to write a program that emulates the behavior of a certain arbitrary TM t Structure and Function of a TM t Universal TM and Universal Computation  A Universal TM U can emulate any TM T  U is said to be able to perform universal computation

16 3.3.2 The Halting Problem t Halting Theorem  there is no problem that can determine the termination properties of all programs  time bounded excution of GP

17 3.3.3 Complexity t Complexity measure  # of nodes, # of bits needed to express a program in linear form, or # of instructions t Kolmogorov Complexity and Generalization  Kolmogorov Complexity u “complexity of a computable object” s the shortest program that produces the object upon execution u if two programs model the same data, the shorter one can be argued to have a higher probability of being general

18 Different complexity measures

19 3.4 Computer Hardware t Von Neumann machine  a computer where the program resides in the same storage as the data used by that program

20 3.4.1 Von Neumann Machines t The Processor t RISC/CISC  RISC(SPARC or PowerPC) u extensive use of registers  CISC(Pentium)

21 Schematic view of CPU

22 3.4.2 Evolvable Hardware t FPGAs t EHW  When HW has failures, there is no need to discard the entire HW; instead one simply reprogram the chip

23 3.5 Computer Science t Elementary representation of software  machine language, assembly language  higher language  data structures

24 3.5.1 Machine Language and Assembler Language t Machine Language  A sequence of integers  impractical to use numbers for instructions  not natural to remember t Assembly  very simple grammar

25 3.5.2 Higher Languages t Imperative Language  BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Pascal, SIMULA  program statements explicitly order (Latin imperare) the computer how to perform a certain task t Functional, Applicative Language  LISP, LOGO, ML, BETA  a program represents a function that maps input data and internal data into output data  using a function on its arguments is called application, so a functional language is also called applicative

26 t Predictive Language  PROLOG  programming means describing to the computer what is wanted as result t Objective-Oriented Languages  SMALLTALK-80, C++, JAVA  the principle behind these languages is modeling a system by objects

27 Language classes

28 3.5.3 Data Structures

29 t Aggregation  cartesian product of structures t Generalization  unites structures t Recursion t Graph, Tree, List t Power Set t Function Space t Selector

30 3.5.4 Manual versus Genetic Programming t From Bits to Memo Code t From Assembler to High-Level Languages t From High-Level Languages to Algebraic Specification t A Programmer’s Heuristics  “cut and paste” strategy u cut and paste crossover u generation of new segments mutation u debugging and testing selection u unused code introns

31 t The main difference  GP can afford to evolve a population of programs simultaneously  a programmer only work in this way if u the environments changed only slightly between applications or u the programming language was hard to handle  hard for GP system to generate code u without any idea of what a given argument or function could mean to the output

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