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______________: a variable (typically x) that has a single _________________, determined by ________________, for each outcome of a procedure. _____________.

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Presentation on theme: "______________: a variable (typically x) that has a single _________________, determined by ________________, for each outcome of a procedure. _____________."— Presentation transcript:



3 ______________: a variable (typically x) that has a single _________________, determined by ________________, for each outcome of a procedure. _____________ random variable: can take on only a ___________ number of values or a ___________________ number of values. “________________” refers to the fact that there might be ____________________ many values, but they result from the counting process. _____________ random variable: can take on any of the countless number of values in a __________________________________. There are no gaps or interruptions.

4 Which of the following random variables are discrete and which are continuous? 1. Let x = the number of eggs that a hen lays in a day. 2. The count of the number of patrons attending a rock concert. 3. Let x = the amount of milk a cow produces in a day. 4. The measure of voltage for a smoke-detector battery.

5 A probability distribution is a ________________, _________________, or ___________________ that gives the probability for each value of the random variable. x (girls)P(x) 00.000 10.001 20.006 30.022 40.061 50.122 60.183 70.209 80.183 90.122 100.061 110.022 120.006 130.001 140.000 Features: 1.The probability distribution has a probability assigned to ______________ distinct value of the random variable. 2.The sum of all the assigned probabilities must be ______.

6 Probability Histogram

7 Dr. Mendoza developed a test to measure boredom tolerance. He administered it to a group of 20,000 adults between the ages of 25 and 35. The possible scores were 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, with 6 indicating the highest tolerance for boredom. Here are the results: Boredom Tolerance Test Scores 20,000 subjects ScoreNumber of Subjects 01400 12600 23600 36000 44400 51600 6400 Probability Distribution of Scores on Boredom Tolerance Test Score xProbability P(x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 b. Draw a relative-frequency histogram for the test scores. c. The Topnotch Clothing Company needs to hire someone with a score on the boredom tolerance test of 5 or 6 to operate the fabric press machine. What is the probability that someone will be randomly chosen from the group who took the test and scored either 5 or 6?

9 Referring to the probability distribution of a __________________, we use: _________ for the mean_______ for the standard deviation

10 Are we influenced to buy a product by an ad we saw on TV? National Infomercial Marketing Association determined the number of times buyers of a product watched a TV infomercial before purchasing the product. The results are as follows: Number of Times Buyers Saw Infomercial12345 Percentage of Buyers27%31%18%9%15% We can treat the information shown as an estimate of the probability distribution because he events are mutually exclusive and the sum of the percentages is 100%. Compute the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.

11 Number of Times Buyers Saw Infomercial12345 Percentage of Buyers27%31%18%9%15% Number of Times Buyers View Infomercial Before Making Purchase xP(x) 10.27 20.31 30.18 40.09 50.15

12 Page 178-179 #s: 1 – 8 (skip #5)

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