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Thesis Statements for this Text-in-Context Analysis Essay

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1 Thesis Statements for this Text-in-Context Analysis Essay
Your thesis statement needs to weave references to the primary text (your Literacy Narrative) with references to your secondary/lens texts (your Textual Analysis essay and its corresponding HO). Your thesis statement should provide an assertion about your Literacy Narrative’s use of literary devices within the context of your secondary/lens texts.

2 Thesis Statements for this Text-in-Context Analysis Essay
Specific reference to a context Specific reference to your Literacy Narrative Contextual explanation of its meaning EXAMPLE: Both literacy narratives, my own “Lessons within Literacy” and Nicholson’s “Five Positions” suggest that proverbs and dialogue make for good narrative flow. While “Five Positions” depends too much on sections breaks and clever diction, “Lessons within Literacy” would benefit from an application of both of these ignored literary devices.

3 More Thesis Statement Examples
Nicholson’s “Five Positions” and its analysis in my “Four + One Don’t Equal Five” suggests that vivid detail and intimate memory can create a pleasurable journey for the reader when used well. My literacy narrative, “Yo Dog, What Up,” while applying decent detail, completely fails in providing any intimate knowledge. Nicholson’s “Five Positions” stretches a painful light across my literacy narrative’s step-by-step chronological approach, but an analysis of verbs-creating-puns has me achieving greater suspension.

4 Steps for Generating a Thesis Statement
First, answer the following questions: What are the literary devices I want to focus on from my Literacy Narrative? How do my lens texts relate to, support, challenge, or complicate those literary devices’ use? Given this context, what larger lesson, can I derive? Next, draft a statement of 1-3 sentences that incorporates all of the above.

5 Introductions for Text-in-Context Analysis
This essay’s introduction should accomplish the following: Attract the reader’s attention Bridge smoothly to your topic Provide a brief orientation to your primary text and your secondary texts Establish the context within which your Literacy Narrative will be analyzed Present a thesis statement

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