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AUGUSTAN POETRY By: Keiana Castro, Jasmine Kegler, Azalei Echano, Dominic Francia AP LITERATURE PERIOD 1.

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Presentation on theme: "AUGUSTAN POETRY By: Keiana Castro, Jasmine Kegler, Azalei Echano, Dominic Francia AP LITERATURE PERIOD 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUGUSTAN POETRY By: Keiana Castro, Jasmine Kegler, Azalei Echano, Dominic Francia AP LITERATURE PERIOD 1

2 AUGUSTAN POETRY Augustan derives from Augustus Caesar
Known for its rhymed heroic-couplet satire These are often in iambic pentameter Translated Greek and Roman epics into English to be made in their own Derives from metaphysical poetry

3 Poetic Techniques/Themes
With Augustan poetry, you can find wit Irony Paradox similar to metaphysical poetry Example : True wit is nature to advantage dress’d / what oft was thought, but ne’er so well express’d By Alexander Pope

4 John dryden Born August 9, 1631 Northampton, England
Attended Westminster School of London trained in the art of rhetorical argument. -credited w/ standardizing the heroic couplet (A pair of rhyming iambic pentameters) -includes; satires, religious pieces, fables, epigrams, prologues, and plays. died on May 1, 1700 Other notable works: Lives of the poets (1779) To His Sacred Majesty (1662) Mac Flecknow (1681)

5 Characteristics of John.
Rhythmical Satirical Oxymoronic Ironic Uses of Symbolism

6 Alexander pope May 21, 1688 – May 30, 1744
Known for his satirical verse & his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet Early life: Pope's education was affected by Test Acts (banned Catholics from teaching, attending a university, voting, or holding public office) Notable works: Essay on Man ( ), Translation of the Odyssey ( ) Windsor Forest (1713)

7 Jonathan swift Born in Dublin, Ireland.
Diagnosed with Meniere’s disease which affected his inner ear that caused hearing loss and nausea. Grew up in poverty when his father died, leaving his family without an income. Jonathan then had to travel with his nurse to find a new home since his mother could not provide for him. Jonathan was an Irish clerk, pamphleteer, satirist, and author who was known for Gulliver’s Travels. It was his labeled a masterpiece; it was collaborated with “the pettiness of politics, people, and the games they play.”

8 John gay JOHN GAY (June 30 1685- December 4 1732)
-Engligh poet and dramatist -member of Scriblerus Club *literary group aimed to ridicule pedantry - born/ raised in Barnstaple, England - became the first pastoral writer of the age and the True English Theocritus -poetry influenced by a close friend, Alexander Pope - best known for The Beggar’s Opera *double allegory (represents abstract ideas/principles through characters) *story of thieves and highwaymen *reflect moral degradation of society and show corruption of governing class -prime minister Sir Robert Walpole and his Whig administration *longest opera up until their time (ran 62 performances) *based on good humored satire and technical assurance -A Ballad by John Gay (Act 2 Scene 8 of The Beggar’s Opera)

9 Augustus Primaporta Marriage a-la-mode by William Hogarth Satyr & Maenad (Terracotta) Bust of Augustus (Marble)

10 PROmpt 1976 Poem: “Poetry of Departures” (Philip Larkin) Prompt: Write an essay in which you discuss how the poem's diction (choice of words) reveals his attitude toward the two ways of living mentioned in the poem. 1981 Poem: “Storm Warnings” (Adrienne Rich) Prompt: Write an essay in which you explain how the organization of the poem and the use of concrete details reveal both its literal and its metaphorical meanings. In your discussion, show how both of these meanings relate to the title. 2011B Poem: “An Echo Sonnet” (Robert Pack) Prompt: Read carefully the following poem by Robert Pack, paying close attention to the relationship between form and meaning. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze how the literary techniques used in this poem contribute to its meaning.

11 Links

12 quiz Who influenced the Augustan period Ceasar Augutus Samuel Morse
Simon Augusus George Washington

13 quiz Which of the following periods came prior to the Augustans?
Metaphysical Poetry The Symbolists Modernism

14 quiz Which of the poets we’ve talked about more focused on relaionships John Gay John Dryden Alexander Pope Jonathan Swift

15 quiz What epics did Augustan poets get their work from? Catholics
Christians Augustans Romans and Greeks

16 quiz

17 quiz Which pentameter did Augustan Poets write in? Dactylic Iambic
Shakespearian None of the above

18 quiz True wit is nature to advantage dress’d / what oft was thought, but ne’er so well express’d Which poet? Alexander Pope John Dryden John Gay Jonathan swift

19 quiz

20 quiz

21 quiz

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