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March 9-13, 2015.   Quickwrite: Get out a brand new, clean sheet of paper. Wait for further instructions.  Daily Notes: Dark Romanticism  Essential.

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Presentation on theme: "March 9-13, 2015.   Quickwrite: Get out a brand new, clean sheet of paper. Wait for further instructions.  Daily Notes: Dark Romanticism  Essential."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 9-13, 2015

2   Quickwrite: Get out a brand new, clean sheet of paper. Wait for further instructions.  Daily Notes: Dark Romanticism  Essential Questions: What is the difference between light and dark Romanticism? Where/How is Romanticism displayed in today’s society? March 9, 2015

3   Write the first sentence of a story. Once you are done, pass your story to the person right of you.  When you receive a story, read the sentence most recently written. Extend the story based off that sentence, then fold the paper so no other sentence except the one you wrote can be seen. Pass to the right.  Repeat this process. One Sentence Response

4   Optimism: a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.  Pessimism: the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undes irable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc.  Philosophy: the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.  Transcend: to rise above or go beyond. Vocabulary

5   Dark Romanticism was a pessimistic view of things, meaning that most Dark Romanticism focused on the negative meaning of things.  Light Romanticism, however, was the view of things optimistically. Things are looked at from a positive view. What is Dark Romanticism?

6   Dark Romanticism is a literary subgenre of Romantic Literature that emerged from the transcendental philosophical movement popular in nineteenth-century America.  Transcendentalism: an American literary and philosophical movement of the nineteenth century. Transcendentalist believes that intuition and the individual conscience “transcend” experience and thus are better guides to truth than senses and logical reason. More on this on a later date. What is Dark Romanticism?

7   Dark Romantics present individuals as prone to sin and self destruction, not as inherently possessing divinity and wisdom.  The natural world is dark, decaying, and mysterious; when it does reveal truth to man, its revelations are evil and hellish.  Dark Romanticism frequently show individuals failing in their attempts to make changes for the better. Dark Romanticism

8   Edgar Allan Poe (The Raven)  Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter)  Herman Melville (Moby Dick) Dark Romantic Writers

9   Edgar Allan Poe  Born January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts  Attended University of Virginia, U.S. Military Academy at West Point  Died October 7, 1849 in Baltimore, Maryland  Video: BiographyBiography Today’s Focus

10   Written in 1839  Explores the themes of doppelgangers  Notion of repressed, unconscious alter-egos.  A man becoming evil rather than being born evil. A doppelganger is an apparition or double of a living person. William Wilson

11   Get out a clean sheet of paper.  Begin writing your body paragraphs.  Remember, body paragraphs need to have: 1. Topic Sentence 2. Evidence / Reasoning 3. A smooth transition into the next paragraph. You may do research on your phones, but if you are on anything but a resource, I will take it. This is due at the end of class. Put in tray along with outline and introduction. Today

12  1.3 Body Paragraphs When you finish, you should complete any other pieces of the Persuasive Essay you are missing… 1.Outline of Persuasive Essay 2.Introduction Paragraph 3.Resources/Evidence All of these things need to be stapled or clipped together and turned in at the tray, including your body paragraphs. Your To Do Right Now

13   Quickwrite: What qualities do you believe a “scary” story should have? Why? What is the scariest story you have ever read or heard? What made it scary to you?  Daily Notes: N/A  Essential Questions: What is the difference between light and dark romanticism? Where/How is Romanticism displayed in today’s society? March 10, 2015

14  Step 1: Number the paragraphs in the story. Step 2: Determine if you would like to work in a group or by yourself. Step 3: Move to where ever you need to in order to participate in a group or alone. William Wilson

15  When you complete this, put it in the tray. Step 1: Read each paragraph together as a group (or alone if you have chosen to work alone). Read until Paragraph 21. Step 2: Highlight any word you do not know / understand. Step 3: On a separate piece of paper, write the paragraph number and summarize or explain what you think the paragraph was about. Each member must have their OWN PAPER. You may summarize them in group paragraphs (example: Paragraphs 1-3: summary). Step 4: Make any annotation if you desire, but it is not required. It will, however, help you receive bonus points if you annotate your story well. William Wilson Reader Response

16   Put the story in your binder in Reader Response.  The summaries to your paragraphs need to be turned into the tray.  It does not matter how far you managed to get, you must turn in whatever you have. Trust me. William Wilson

17  Step 1: Annotate, correct, edit your introduction. Step 2: Rewrite your introduction on a new sheet of paper. Step 3: Annotate, correct, edit your body paragraphs. Step 4: Rewrite your body paragraphs on a new sheet of paper. Step 5: Staple all pieces together and turn in at the tray. Remember, everything is due today. If you do not finish, you may take it home, but it must be in my hands the FIRST TEN MINUTES of class or I will deduct points for being late. Persuasive Paper

18  Quickwrite: Was understanding Edgar Allan Poe’s William Wilson difficult? Why/Why not? What limited your understanding of the story? Be specific. Daily Notes: N/A Essential Questions: What is the difference between light and dark Romanticism? Where/How is Romanticism displayed in today’s society? March 11, 2015

19 1.Annotate/edit your introduction paragraph. 2.Annotate/edit your body paragraphs. When time is called, I will come around to look at what you have done so far. 3. Rewrite your introduction and body paragraphs. These may be on the same sheet together. 4. Begin your conclusion on a separate sheet. You will do the same thing as we are for the intro/body, but later—your edited conclusion will go on the same paper as your edited intro/body. 5. Annotate/edit your conclusion and then rewrite it on your intro/body paragraph. Right Now

20   Annotated/Edited Introduction and Body Paragraphs.  Rewritten Introduction and Body Paragraphs.  Conclusion. If you want feedback, please say so on the top of your paper. Any work not turned in today needs to make it into my hands in the first ten minutes of class tomorrow or it will be counted as late. Turn In

21  Step 1: Read over the checklist. Step 2: Look over rubric. Step 3: Mark your checklist for things you have together already. Step 4: Gather any questions you may have. Checklist / Rubric

22  Step 1: Write your conclusion to your essay. Step 2: Put your Introduction and Body together with consideration to any corrections and annotations you made on your original Introduction and Body Paragraphs. Note: Your conclusion will be added to this new sheet AFTER we have annotated/edited the original conclusion. Step 3: If you wish for me to give you feedback, staple your conclusion to your new intro/body draft. Step 4: Turn your conclusion in at the tray, or your intro/body with your conclusion. Persuasive Essay

23  Quickwrite: What does it mean to review something? What are some ways that we could review writing? Why might it be important to review your own writing? You have 15 minutes to complete the rest of your essay. Daily Notes: Giving Feedback Essential Questions: What is peer feedback? What is the importance of peer feedback? How can I give appropriate and helpful peer feedback? March 12, 2015

24  Peer feedback is feedback given from one student to another. Peer feedback is used in writing classes of both first language and second language to provide students more opportunities to learn from each other. What is peer feedback?

25  Step 1: Determine what type of essay you are reading (in this case it is persuasive). Step 2: Read the essay—take down any questions you have at any point during your reading. Step 3: Break the essay down into parts (intro, body, conclusion). Step 4: Identify strengths and weaknesses of each part. Be appropriate with your language. How do I give peer feedback?

26 Directions: Read your partner’s essay, then on a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Use complete sentences and label appropriately. Read/Then Answer: 1.Who is the audience? 2.What is the goal of the essay? Introduction: 1.How does the author draw in the reader (statistic, fact, story, etc.)? 2.What information does the introduction cover (does it give background information)? 3.What is the thesis statement? 4.What are the three details that the essay will cover?

27 Body (each paragraph): 1.What is the topic sentence? 2.What evidence/example does the author use to support his/her reasoning? 3.How do they transition into the next paragraph? Conclusion: 1.How does the author transition into the conclusion? 2.Does the author summarize their reasons? 3.Does the author establish what the results will be if the audience does what the author wants?

28 1.What questions do you have about the essay? 2.Where there any parts of the essay that confused you? Why? 3.What are the strengths and weaknesses each part of the essay (support, grammar, spelling, transitions)? 4.What are some things the author did really well in the essay? 5.What are some things the author needs to improve on? 6.How might the author improve? Finally…

29  Quickwrite: Who is your hero and why? (minimum of 5-7 complete sentences) Daily Notes: “MLA” Essential Questions: What is a citation? Why is it important to cite your sources? March 13, 2015

30  MLA (Modern Language Association) is a formatting style commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. Why use MLA? Using MLA Style properly makes it easier for readers to navigate and comprehend a text by providing familiar cues when referring to sources and borrowed information. What is MLA?

31   One inch margins  Double Space  Indent first line of each paragraph (tab or space 5x)  12 pt, Times New Roman Font  Italics for titles  Number Header upper-right corner, ½ inch from the top, flush with the right margin (Last name Pg. #).  Upper left should have your name, teacher’s name, course name, and the date.  Title should be center in Title Case. MLA Format

32 What is an in-text citation? In-text citations tell your reader who produced the information you used in your paper. This establishes creditability for you, while also acknowledging the original source. In-Text citations are typically as follows (author’s name Pg. #):  Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).  Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).  Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263). In-Text Citations

33   Page break from the paper.  Left side: Name, teacher’s name, course name, and the date.  Works Cited center.  0.5 Hanging indent for each entry. Works Cited

34   Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.  Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. Purdue U, 28 Nov. 2003. Web. 10 May 2006. How your works cited should look…

35  Go to: OR google “MLA format owl purdue” If you need more detailed information…

36  Final Drafts are due March 16, 2015 (Monday) Final drafts are to be written in blue or black ink. You must have a works cited, even if it is hand written. If you decide to type your essay up, you must follow MLA formatting. Homework

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