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Chapter 3 Morphology Lecturer : Qi Xiaowen 3.1 Introduction Definition: Morphology ( 形态学 ) is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure.

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2 Chapter 3 Morphology Lecturer : Qi Xiaowen

3 3.1 Introduction Definition: Morphology ( 形态学 ) is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

4 Classification Morphology is divided into two sub-branches: inflectional morphology ( 曲折形态学 ) and lexical or derivational morphology ( 派生形态 学 ).

5 Inflectional morphology studies the inflections. e.g. I sail the ocean blue. He sails the ocean blue. He sailed the ocean blue. He is sailing the ocean blue. He has sailed the ocean blue. Derivational morphology deals with word- formation. e.g. simple→ simplify honest →honesty

6 3.2 Word Classes (词类) A word is a sound-meaning unit. From the linguistic viewpoint, all words may be categorized into two classes: open classes and closed classes Question: what do “open” and “closed” mean?

7 open classes: N, V, Adj, Adv closed classes: Pron., Prep., Art., Conj.

8 3.3 Morpheme (语素) Morpheme is the minimal grammatical and meaningful unit (最小的语法和意义单位) – It is the minimal linguistic sign. – A morpheme to morphology is what a phoneme to phonology.

9 3.3.1 Simple word vs. Complex word Some English words consist of only one morpheme. – man boy book sun run eat do dark etc. Others consist of two or more morphemes. – The word distasteful is composed of morphemes realized by dis-, taste, and -ful. – Antidisestablishmentarianism ( 反对国教制度废除者 ) (anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism).

10 3.3.2 Types of morphemes Free morpheme vs. Bound morpheme Root vs. Affix Prefix vs. suffix Inflectional affixes vs. Derivational affixes

11 allomorphs (语素变体) Sometimes, a morpheme may be realized by a set of forms. Such forms are called allomorphs (语素变体). – e.g. the past participle morpheme in English may be – [  n] or – [d], such as taken and removed. – The plural morpheme –s may be realized as [s] (cat-cats), [z] (table-tables), [  z](box-boxes), [  n] (ox-oxen),or zero form  (fish-fish).

12 3.4 Morphological Rules of Word Formation Some of the morphological rules are very productive – Verb + able (accept + able → acceptable), (use +able → usable),(manage +able → manageable). Others are unproductive – Adj. +th → n. (warm +th → warmth).

13 3.5 Compound Compounds are words combined by two or more words. There is almost no limit on the kinds of combinations which occur in English. AdjNVPrep/Adv Adj +bittersweetpoorhousehighbornblackout N +headstrongrainbowspoonfeedhandsoff V +carryallpickpocketsleepwalkcutup Prep/Adv +underripeouthouseoverdowithout

14 Principles of compounds: 1.When the two words are in the same gr. category, the compound will be in this category 2.In many cases where the two words fall into dif. Categories, the class of the second or final word will be the gr. category of the compound. 3.Compounds have dif. stress pattern from non- compounded words 4.The meaning of a compound is not always the meaning of its parts.

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