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Presented By: Shreya Patel (130460107050) Vidhi Patel (130460107052) Universal College Of Engineering And Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Shreya Patel (130460107050) Vidhi Patel (130460107052) Universal College Of Engineering And Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Shreya Patel (130460107050) Vidhi Patel (130460107052) Universal College Of Engineering And Technology

2 ACID Properties Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability

3 Transactions A transaction is a ‘logical unit of work’ on a database – Each transaction does something in the database – No part of it alone achieves anything of use or interest Transactions are the unit of recovery, consistency, and integrity as well ACID properties – Atomicity – Consistency – Isolation – Durability

4 ACID Properties of Transactions Atomicity – transaction is indivisible – it completes entirely or not at all, despite failures Consistency –system rules (invariants) are maintained despite crashes or concurrent access Isolation – transactions appear indivisible to each other despite concurrent access If multiple threads execute transactions the effect is the same as if transactions were executed sequentially in some order Durability – effects of committed transactions survive subsequent failures

5 Atomicity Transactions are atomic – they don’t have parts (conceptually) can’t be executed partially; it should not be detectable that they interleave with another transaction.

6 To ensure atomicity database system keeps track of old values of any data on which transaction performs a write. If the transaction does not complete its execution, the database restore the old values. Atomicity is handled by TRANACTION MANAGEMENT component.

7 Consistency Transactions take the database from one consistent state into another In the middle of a transaction the database might not be consistent. The consistency requirement is the sum of A and B be unchanged by the execution of the transaction.

8 Isolation The effects of a transaction are not visible to other transactions until it has completed From outside the transaction has either happened or not To me this actually sounds like a consequence of atomicity… Ensuring the isolation property is the responsibility of concurrent control component.

9 Durability Once a transaction has completed, its changes are made permanent Even if the system crashes, the effects of a transaction must remain in place. Ensuring durability is the responsibility of a component called the recovery management.

10 Example of transaction Transfer £50 from account A to account B Read(A) A = A - 50 Write(A) Read(B) B = B+50 Write(B) Atomicity - shouldn’t take money from A without giving it to B Consistency - money isn’t lost or gained Isolation - other queries shouldn’t see A or B change until completion Durability - the money does not go back to A Transaction

11 Thank you

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