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Warm Up 1) Draw a vector 2) Vectors are defined by their ____________and ___________.

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1 Warm Up 1) Draw a vector 2) Vectors are defined by their ____________and ___________.

2 Finish Test

3 Vectors You CAN –Move them –Describe them by their magnitude and direction Magnitude means length or strength –Break them into x and y components, and use those to describe them Use Trig to find components –Think of them as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. One leg, parallel to x axis is x component One leg, parallel to y axis is y component –Add (and Subtract) them

4 Vectors You CANNOT –Turn them (change their direction) –Make them longer or shorter

5 A Vector Tail Tip Magnitude Direction

6 Labeling Vectors Write the name of the vector with an arrow over it. –We can also write the name of the vector in bold font

7 Adding Vectors When we add vectors we add them “Tail to tip” For instance if A + B = C then we take vectors A and B and we move one so that its tail is touching the tip of the other. To get the answer (Vector C) we draw a new vector from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second vector

8 A B A + B See? Tail to Tip A + B = C C This is the answer

9 Moodle Respond to the prompt in the forum for this week. Read the prompt for next week. This is homework. Due Nov. 14

10 Components This vector is 3 units long. X component = 0 Y component = 3 This vector is 4 units long. X component = 4 Y component = 0

11 Components 36.87° 5 The x component is the side along the x axis. This is adjacent to the angle. We will use cos to find its length Vector C This is Cx, the x component of C. Magnitude of Cx = Length of C, Times the cosine of the angle or Cx = C * cos 36.87 Cx =5 * cos 36.87 Cx = 4

12 Components 36.87° 5 The y component is the side along the y axis. This is adjacent to the angle. We will use sin to find its length Vector C This is Cy, the y component of C. Magnitude of Cy = Length of C, Times the sine of the angle or Cy = C * sin 36.87 Cy =5 * sin 36.87 Cx = 3 Cy

13 Components So vector C has –X component = 4 –Y component = 3 –Overall (or net) magnitude of 5 Notice that the components and magnitude obey the Pythagorean theorem

14 Warm Up Vector F has a magnitude of 10 and a direction of 53.2 degrees above the x axis. A) Draw F. B) Find the x component of F. C) Find the y component of F

15 Notebook Page 1 - 3 -Table of contents Page 4 - 7 - warm ups Page 7 - 14 - Notes Page 14 - 17 -Personal Physics Demons Page 18 - 30 - Practice Problems Page 31 - 50 - Homework

16 Adding vectors using components If we are adding two vectors, find the x and y components of each one. Add the x components up (direction matters!) –What you get is the x component of the resultant Add the y components up –What you get is the y component of the resultant

17 Adding vectors using components Use the components you found to make the resultant Vector

18 Homework Pg 65 (Q 5-8; P 4, 5, 7-9a) P10

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